Military Heavy

Chapter 548

Chapter 548
Even if he was just passing by, Yang Fan watched it for more than ten minutes, really reluctant to leave.

When leaving, Yang Fan also said, "Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera."


Jiang Yan said: "Next time we bring our camera, we will not only take a few photos, but also go inside the building to have a look."

Yang Fan was just passing by without a camera.

When driving away, he couldn't help but look at the Hongtai Building again, and then reluctantly walked away, the two of them were going to Jiang Dan's place.

"Brother Fan, we really gave Jiang Dan a villa."

Jiang Dan is going to get married soon, and the wedding is scheduled to take place on December 12 this year. It will take more than two months, and the wedding room has not yet been settled.

She also went to several real estates to look at the house a few times, but she didn't like it, and she felt unsatisfactory.In fact, both Yang Fan and Jiang Yan knew that Jiang Dan wanted to buy a villa.

Although she made a lot of money by opening an Internet cafe, it is still quite stressful to spend several million to buy a villa. Ordinary houses are of course cheap, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, but she feels that Doesn't seem classy enough.

"Of course, we will give her a villa as a wedding gift for her."

Yang Fan looked relaxed, without any pressure.

A villa is an astronomical figure for ordinary people, and it is a piece of cake for Yang Fan, which is nothing at all.

Of course, Jiang Yan was happy to give such a heavy gift to his own sister, "Brother Fan, if Jiang Dan knows, he will be very happy."

Yang Fan also laughed.

Jiang Dan's reaction could be imagined in his mind.

About half an hour later, Yang Fan drove to the front of an office building, parked the car, got out of the car with Jiang Yan, and walked into the office building.

Jiang Dan can be regarded as a shotgun change.

Not only opened a total of eight or nine large Internet cafes, but also established a professional management company and implemented corporatization. She is the boss of this Internet cafe management company.

It's just that the company is not too big.

In this office building, I rented two offices, one large and one small, with an office area of ​​more than 100 square meters. The large office is for the company's employees to work, and the small office is for Jiang Dan to use for himself.

Familiar with each other, the two pushed the door open and entered Jiang Dan's office.

"Sister, brother-in-law!"

Seeing the two people coming, Jiang Dan was pleasantly surprised and enthusiastic, and immediately made tea for them and moved stools.

Cao Yong is also there.

After hearing the movement, he came over immediately, and greeted Yang Fan and Jiang Yan very warmly.

After chatting for a few words, Yang Fan praised: "You are not bad here, you look decent, like that."

Jiang Dan proudly said: "Now we are managed by a company, which is much more standardized than before. I finally have a place to stay, instead of always staying in an Internet cafe like before."

She talked a lot, as if she had opened up the conversation box, and she kept introducing the situation of her Internet cafes to Yang Fan and Jiang Yan, and the strong sense of accomplishment could not be concealed in her words.

After introducing her Internet cafes, Jiang Dan said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, I beg you for one thing, please help me."

Yang Fan had a premonition that this girl must be planning something.

"Tell me what's going on first."

Jiang Dan said: "Brother-in-law, the Hongtai Building has been fully completed. I heard that it will be handed over soon. Our company wants to move to Hongtai Building to work, okay?"

Good guy, even acting like a baby is used.

Yang Fan smiled wryly and shook his head lightly.

Girl, that's Hongtai Building!

One of the top office buildings in Donghai City, the companies that can work in it are not the world's top [-], at least they are very powerful and well-known companies.

It seems not good for a small company like you to enter Hongtai Building.

Without waiting for Yang Fan to speak, Jiang Yan immediately said: "See what you can do, let's wait until your company develops into the world's top [-]."


Jiang Dan acted like a baby again, shaking Jiang Yan's arm again and again.

Jiang Yan said: "It's useless to call me sister. A company as small as yours works in Hongtai Building, and you will laugh your teeth out."

It seems that it is not possible.

Jiang Dan looked disappointed.

Just now, she was still beaming, talking and laughing, suddenly she had a bitter face, and her mouth was even more raised.

Seeing this, Yang Fan smiled, changed the subject, and asked, "How are your wedding preparations going?"

Cao Yong quickly replied: "I'm preparing, I've been to several wedding companies, and I'm in communication with one of them, but the wedding room hasn't been settled yet, and we've also visited several real estate projects, but Jiang Dan doesn't feel very satisfied."

Yang Fan said: "How about this, the wedding can be held in Hongtai Building."

Really can? ? ?
Jiang Dan was suddenly pleasantly surprised!

In addition to dozens of floors of Grade A office buildings in Hongtai Building, there will also be a famous five-star hotel occupying dozens of floors in Hongtai Building.

What a delight to have a wedding in such a hotel.

Jiang Dan, who was still pouting at first, suddenly became very happy, "Brother-in-law, is it true, don't lie to me."

Yang Fan said: "Of course I didn't lie to you, I mean what I say."

"Brother-in-law, you are the best for me." Jiang Dan was extremely happy.

In addition to being happy, Jiang Dan also said: "Brother-in-law, apart from letting me hold a wedding in Hongtai Building, what gift did you give me?"

Yang Fan smiled again.

Jiang Yan said, "What gift do you want?"

Jiang Dan said: "Of course it is a big gift for me. It would be great if you could give me a villa."

Cao Yong was taken aback!
Is this a villa?

The current house price in Donghai City is at least a few million, and a better villa may exceed 1000 million. Such a gift is too expensive.

He quickly winked at Jiang Dan, but Jiang Dan didn't seem to see it.

Yang Fan laughed.

He really has this plan and preparation.

Before giving this big gift, he suddenly became interested and said jokingly: "Jiang Dan, do you really dare to say, do you know how much a villa costs?"

Cao Yong hurriedly said: "Brother Fan, Jiang Dan is joking, don't take it seriously."

Jiang Dan also knew that this gift was too expensive, so he stuck out his tongue cutely, "Brother-in-law, then... then you can give it away."

Yang Fan was happy, he didn't want to tease the two of them anymore, he waved his hand and said: "Honey, take out the things."

Jiang Yan smiled, and took out a gift box from her bag, "This is a gift from us for your wedding, guess what it is."

The gift box is not too big.

Jiang Dan looked at it and guessed: "Is it a set of jewelry? If it is jewelry, I want diamonds, not gold."

Diamonds are of course more expensive, while gold ones may be cheaper.

Jiang Yan said: "No, it's not jewelry, let's guess again."

"Could it be a small car with car keys inside?"

"It's not a car either."

Yang Fan said: "Honey, don't tempt her, Jiang Dan, open it and have a look."

After guessing twice in succession, Jiang Dan didn't get it right. Jiang Dan wanted to know what was inside, so he opened the gift box right away.

Inside is a bunch of keys.

All new keys!
It's not like a car key, it's like a house key.

Jiang Dan said in surprise: "Brother-in-law, sister, are you going to give me a wedding house? Tell me quickly, which neighborhood the house is in."

The wedding will be held in two months, and there is no wedding room yet.

Jiang Dan looked happy!
"Brother-in-law, it's just that there are too many keys, this house is huge!"

Yang Fan said: "Of course the house in Xiangshan Meijing is big."

Fragrant Hills!

Of course Jiang Dan knew that it was a high-end residential complex developed by Hongtai Real Estate. There were not only a dozen elevator rooms, but also many villas.

I heard that there are hundreds of villas?

It also represents the current highest housing price in Donghai City, especially the villas there, which basically exceed 1000 million.

1999 million in 1000 was quite valuable.

Of course, the villa purchased for 1999 million in 1000 will be worth at least tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, in a few decades.

A real billion-dollar mansion!
Such a place cannot be afforded by ordinary people who have money. For example, Jiang Dan has made a lot of money in the past two years, but he dare not even think about buying a house in the beautiful scenery of Xiangshan, let alone a villa. Elevator bungalows are also stressful.

So many keys!

It is estimated that it is not a bungalow with an elevator, but it is a villa.

Oh my God!

Villas in the beautiful scenery of Fragrant Hills!
Jiang Dan was a little excited, and his heart rate soared to over 100. He said in a trembling voice: "Brother-in-law, you gave me a villa."

Yang Fan smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's a villa, or a well-decorated villa that can be moved in at any time."

Really a villa!
Villas in the beautiful scenery of Fragrant Hills! ! !
Cao Yong trembled a little with excitement, "Brother Fan, this gift is too expensive."

Yang Fan said: "Jiang Yan is just such a younger sister, so it's okay to give her a villa."

a long time.

Jiang Dan and Cao Yongcai felt a little calmer. They never imagined that Yang Fan made such a generous offer and directly gave them a villa in the beautiful scenery of Xiangshan.

"Brother-in-law, I want to take a look at this villa now, is that okay?"

"Of course." Yang Fan said, "We can go there now."

"Okay, okay, let's go now." Jiang Dan said quickly.

A group of four people left this office building, took the same car, and headed for Xiangshan Beauty. The traffic conditions along the way were relatively good, and there were spacious avenues.

It seems that the location of Hongtai Real Estate has fully considered the convenience of transportation, and it takes less than an hour to arrive at the gate of Xiangshan Meijing.

Before entering the door, just seeing the situation here through the car window, Jiang Dan fell in love with it all at once.


The first feeling is that the greenery is top-notch, with big trees hugging each other, green lawns, and beautiful flowers everywhere.

Of course, the dozens of [-]- and [-]-storey elevator bungalows are also very beautiful, and what is more eye-catching are the beautiful villas.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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