Military Heavy

Chapter 549 Good, good!

Chapter 549 Good, good!

Jiang Dahai and his wife are discussing the marriage of their youngest daughter, preparing the dowry according to the local customs of Donghai City.

"Master, do you want to prepare a new car?"

Jiang Dahai pondered for a while, and then said, "I guess I don't need it. Jiang Dan's current car is relatively new, so I don't need a new car at all."

Li Xiuzhen said: "If you don't need to prepare a new car, then you are basically ready."

There is a lot of dowry, there are more than [-] beds of all kinds of brand new quilts, and there are many other new things.

"Master, it's better to buy some more gold and silver jewelry, I think it's a little less."

Jiang Dahai nodded in agreement, "When the eldest daughter got married, our conditions were limited, but now it's different, the conditions are much better, and we can't be shabby."

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Dahai decided: "Take out our savings, and we will go to the jewelry and gold counters of Hongtai Supermarket tomorrow to pick it up."

The retirement salary of the old couple is not high, but they have a lot of savings, hundreds of thousands can still be taken out.

Why are there tens of millions of deposits?
Daughter and son-in-law are so wow!

Those who celebrate the New Year always give money, and it is normal to have [-] to [-] each time. In normal times, Jiang Yan also often gives money to her natal family, always tens of thousands.

The price of gold in 70 was between 70 and [-] yuan per gram. There are certain differences between different counters.

If the couple wants to pick a few hundred grams of gold jewelry, there is still not much pressure.

Li Xiuzhen said: "The head of the family, there is no need to take out our savings. Yesterday the boss gave me a check for 20 yuan, saying that the two of them bought Jiang Dan's dowry."

20 million!
That's enough! ! !

Li Xiuzhen took out the check.

Jiang Dahai took the check and read it again and again, very happy, "Okay, okay, we can choose some jewelry with confidence."


The whole family had dinner together, Yang Fan's family of three, Jiang Dan was also there, the food was sumptuous, and because of his good mood, Jiang Dahai specially opened a bottle of good wine.

"Yang Fan, have a drink with me."

"no problem."

Yang Fan readily agreed and poured wine with two wine glasses, one for each.

When the family eats together, of course they can't help but chat about Jiang Dan's marriage, such as Jiang Dan's preparations for the marriage.

Jiang Dahai took a sip of his wine, and then said, "We are almost ready here. Today, your mother and I went to Hongtai Supermarket and picked out some jewelry."

Hearing this, Jiang Dan was very happy, and hurriedly said: "Mom, help me choose some jewelry, show me quickly."

Jiang Dahai said: "Don't be in a hurry, let's talk after dinner."

Jiang Dan said: "No, I want to take a look now, otherwise the food will not taste good."

Li Xiuzhen smiled dotingly, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and brought over all the jewelry that she picked today.

so much!
It can be regarded as gold jewelry, golden and shining, and it is very gratifying to look at.

Jiang Dan picked up a few of them, felt the heavy weight, and looked happy.

"Dad, Mom, the styles you picked are good, but none of them are too heavy. It will be more difficult to wear them when going out in the future."

Why bother?

Because it is too heavy, such as the big bracelet in Jiang Dan's hand, it weighs more than 200 grams, while ordinary gold bracelets mainly weigh tens of grams.

Jiang Dahai said reassuringly, "It's fine if you like it. By the way, how are the preparations for the new house going?"

This is his biggest concern.

The wedding was scheduled to be held on December 12th, only a little over two months, Jiang Dahai was a little anxious, with a taste of urging.

"Jiang Dan, don't pick and choose. I think every community developed by Hongtai Group is good. Hurry up and buy the house." Li Xiuzhen said the same.

Jiang Dan smiled easily!
Now, she no longer has the pressure of the wedding room. After seeing the villa today, she liked it very much. Even if Jiang Dahai and his wife didn't ask about it, she was going to tell them both.

"Dad, Mom, my wedding room is settled, you don't have to worry about it."

Oh, got it done?

The two of them were slightly taken aback for a moment, and then they both looked happy. There was no problem with the wedding room, so they felt relieved and felt a lot more relaxed.

Jiang Dahai said: "The wedding room is settled, it is considered a major event. By the way, where did you buy the house? Is it the house of Hongtai Group?"

Jiang Dan said: "It's the house of Hongtai Group, but I didn't buy it, it was given to me by my brother-in-law."

Sent by Yang Fan!

Jiang Dahai was happy for a while, and praised: "Okay, okay, this is your wedding gift from your brother-in-law."

"It's just that this wedding gift is a bit too expensive. The house of Hongtai Group is not 100 million, but at least hundreds of thousands."

"Jiang Dan, your brother-in-law and sister have treated you so well, you must not forget that from now on, you must listen to your brother-in-law and sister and treat them well."

Jiang Dahai gave some advice.

Jiang Dan said: "Dad, I know, I won't forget."

Li Xiuzhen was quite curious about this house, and asked, "Which community of Hongtai Group does the house belong to, take me and your dad to see it tomorrow."

Jiang Dan said: "It's a villa in Xiangshan Meijing. I went to see it today. The environment is elegant and the decoration is very beautiful. The villa has three floors and has front and rear gardens..."

Jiang Dan introduced happily.

It's still a villa! ! !

It's so beautiful, a villa of this level should be worth at least 1000 million yuan!
OMG! ! !

Jiang Dahai and his wife were almost stunned. They didn't come back to their senses for a long time. They thought that what Yang Fan gave was a house of [-] square meters.

Where did he think, he actually gave away a villa!
Jiang Dahai said again and again: "Okay, okay..."

Apart from saying "yes" all the time, he didn't know what to say for the time being.

Yang Fan smiled, held the wine glass and said, "Dad, drink, let's drink."

After taking a sip of wine, Jiang Dahai calmed down, "Yang Fan, such a villa costs more than 1000 million, it's too expensive."

Yang Fan looked relaxed, "Dad, Jiang Yan and I are just such a younger sister, so it's okay to give me a villa."

After a few sips of wine, Jiang Dahai proposed, "Tomorrow, your mother and I will go to see this villa. I haven't been to Xiangshan Beauty, but I heard that it is a famous high-end residential area in Donghai City."

Jiang Dan said: "Okay, no problem. I have the key to the villa. I will drive you there tomorrow. It just so happens that you have an idea for the layout of the new house."

Yang Fan said: "Jiang Dan, don't worry about the layout of the wedding room, wedding arrangements, etc. Parents, please hire a professional wedding company, they are experts."

Li Xiuzhen quickly said: "It's not hard work, it's not hard work at all."

It seems that she is not tired of it.

Jiang Dan thought it made sense, and immediately nodded and said: "Brother-in-law is right, I will leave everything to the wedding company."

(End of this chapter)

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