Military Heavy

Chapter 551 Hongtai Group's New Headquarters

Chapter 551 Hongtai Group's New Headquarters
Of course Yang Fan knew Yang Fang's assistant, nodded lightly, walked into the building with Jiang Yan, and got into the elevator that went directly to the floor where the headquarters of Hongtai Group was located.

Hongtai Building has four first-floor halls in the east, south, west, and north. Each hall has two elevators that go directly to the No.80 to No.80 floors.


Of course, you can also take a non-direct elevator, which will be slower, because this kind of elevator can stop at any floor.

The elevator goes directly to the 86th floor. This floor is the office floor of the Hongtai Group executives. There are offices and several meeting rooms of different sizes.

Among these offices, the largest one is Yang Fang's office, and the words "Chairman's Office" are very conspicuous.

"Mr. Yang, this is the chairman's office."

Then, she gently knocked on the door, opened the door and invited: "Mr. Yang, please come inside."

Yang Fang has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Yang Fan and Jiang Yan coming in, he was very happy and greeted him, "Brother, you are here, please sit down."

Arranged for Yang Fan and Jiang Yan to sit down on the sofa, she sat down herself, and after her assistant made tea, she backed out gently.

"Well, my office is not bad."

Yang Fan took a rough look and praised: "Well, it's not bad. It's much better than your previous one, and it's up to more than one level."

of course!

There is no comparison between the previous office and the current one.

The area is two or three times larger, and the decoration is very high-grade. In addition, several famous paintings are hung and some antiques are used as decorations.

"Well, not bad, really good!"

While praising Yang Fan, he stood up and looked around, especially when he walked to the large French window, through which he could see a wide field of vision.

List of small hills!

Condescending and seeing many buildings become "dwarfs", Yang Fan felt this way in his heart.

"Sister, working in such a big office is simply a pleasure."

Yang Fang said: "At the beginning, I told you to reserve an office here, but unfortunately, you disagree."

Yang Fan quickly waved his hand, "Forget it, I don't want others to know about my relationship with Hongtai Group."

After speaking, Yang Fan himself laughed.

There are still only a handful of people who know about this relationship. Most people always think that Yang Fang is the boss of Hongtai Group, and Yang Fan is just Yang Fang's younger brother.

I sat in the office, drank tea, and went to other floors to have a look under Yang Fang's personal guidance.

The first floor of No.80 to the sixth floor of No.80 is the new headquarters of Hongtai Group.

However, because the house has not been officially moved, there are very few people on each floor, basically not many people.

But this does not prevent Yang Fan from visiting, on the contrary, because there are not many people, it is very convenient to visit.

"Brother, the preparations for the move are almost done. We will officially move the day after tomorrow, which is the [-]th."

Yang Fan said: "The [-]th is a good day. After moving into the new headquarters, I can almost foresee that the development of Hongtai Group will be faster and better."

In this regard, Yang Fang also has full confidence!

"Brother, the second to first floors are Grade A office buildings, all of which have been rented out, almost all of which are branches or offices of the world's top [-] companies in Donghai City."

"From the tenth, they can move in one after another, and they will also work here. The first to eighty floors are super five-star hotels, and they will also open on the tenth."

Yang Fan said happily: "After the [-]th, Hongtai Building will be completely lively, and the popularity is estimated to be very high."

Yang Fang nodded in agreement.

Jiang Yan said with even more enthusiasm: "Brother Fan, Four Seasons Magnolia Hotel is one of the best hotels in Donghai City. It is a super five-star hotel. We can often come to this hotel in the future."

Yang Fan said: "Yes, we really want to come to such a good hotel often."

Speaking of Four Seasons Magnolia Hotel, Yang Fang remembered something and took out a black card from her handbag.

"Almost forgot, the general manager of Four Seasons Magnolia Hotel personally gave me two black gold VIP cards. He said that they are the highest level VIP cards issued by their hotel. In addition to the minimum consumption of [-]% off, there are many privileges , and the number of copies issued does not exceed twenty."

So awesome! ! !

No more than twenty!
Yang Fan took a look at this black gold card, and found that the workmanship was exquisite, and it was also plated with a circle of gold, which made it look very luxurious.

This card is great!
Yang Fan put it into his card bag, and it will definitely be needed in the Four Seasons Magnolia Hotel in the future.


October [-]th.

This is the day when Hongtai Group moved into the new headquarters. Early in the morning, the whole old headquarters was lively and busy.

Quite a few people are sorting out their things, packing them in cardboard boxes or plastic boxes, and writing down the department and their names.

There are also quite a few people who have already sorted out, and before the car arrived, they were chatting there, talking about the move.

"Why hasn't the car arrived yet? I really can't wait. I can't wait to get to Hongtai Building right away."

"I'm so excited, I can't do it, I have to wash my face with cold water."

"Everyone, the car is here, the car has already arrived downstairs!"

I don't know who yelled that, the big office was boiling, and some people started to carry cardboard boxes full of items to go downstairs.

The front of this office building is even more lively. There are several buses and large trucks parked there, and many porters are there to move things to the vehicles.

People from other companies watched with envy.

"Hongtai Group is moving, moving to Hongtai Building to work."

"It would be great if our company rented a floor to work in Hongtai Building."

"Hongtai Group is really good, with good remuneration and a first-class office environment. If I work in Hongtai Group, I can guarantee that I can work until retirement."

A lot of things were loaded onto the trucks, and the large trucks were gradually filled up, and several buses were filled with people, and they started to head for Hongtai Building.

There were laughter and laughter on every bus.


Hongtai Group moved into the new headquarters, Yang Fan did not go to have a look, but stayed in the East China Sea Ship Design Center, focusing on the 054A and 056 light missile frigates.

Under the leadership of Shen Changhai, the Donghai Ship Design Center started the design work of this warship in an all-round way. Because of Yang Fan's guidance, the design progress is not bad.

Yang Fan was in the office, thinking about the design of 056, when there was a knock on the door.

Shen Changhai pushed the door and walked in.


That's all for today's update, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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