Military Heavy

Chapter 552 Difficulty plummets

Chapter 552 Difficulty plummets
When Shen Changhai came in, Yang Fan was not surprised, it seemed very normal.

Since the 056 light guided missile frigate entered the overall design, Shen Changhai, the chief designer, often took the initiative to come over.

Every time the attitude is very humble.

The main purpose of coming here is to communicate and ask for advice.Although he is the chief designer, he fully adopted Yang Fan's suggestions in the general direction of the design.

"Changhai, make tea yourself, don't be too polite with me."

Shen Changhai took it for granted, smiled slightly, made a cup of tea by himself, and sat down on the sofa.

"Leader, I have to ask you for advice on the design of the 056 weapon system."

Yang Fan walked over and sat down on the sofa, "How is the design of the weapon system going?"

Shen Changhai quickly introduced the current design progress of the weapon system in detail.

The standard displacement of the 056 light guided missile frigate is only 1500 tons. It is a typical light warship, but although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs. It has a complete weapon system.

For example, it is equipped with a 76mm single-tube naval gun, a 30mm machine gun, an anti-ship launcher, a torpedo launcher, and an eight-unit Hongqi series air defense missile.

Matched with these weapons are photoelectric trackers and fire control radars, such as naval gun fire control radars.There are also supporting other radars, as well as combat systems.

Shen Changhai introduced the progress of the design and development of the weapon system, and then said: "Leader, there is basically no problem with the design of the weapon system, but I would like to ask you for advice on the design of the anti-aircraft missile weapon system."

Yang Fan smiled, "Chang Hai, you are as humble as ever, without my guidance, I believe you can design an excellent air defense missile system."

Type 056 uses eight red flag ten anti-aircraft missiles. The type of anti-aircraft missile is the same as that of 052 and 054 ships.

This is also one of the design highlights of 056.

Yang Fan said: "How are you going to design the air defense missile system?"

Let's listen to Shen Changhai's design first.

Shen Changhai said: "The eight-unit Hongqi-ten missile system adopts an inclined launch method, and we are going to design it like this..."

He explained the design to be carried out in detail, and then said: "There are some designs that we are not fully sure of, and design verification is needed."

Design tends to be like that.

Design first, then verify. If the verification is found to be unreasonable or not feasible, the design needs to be modified.

This takes a lot of time and consumes a lot of energy from many designers.

Yang Dao: "Your design is generally not bad, but there is one place that I think is inappropriate and needs to be revised."

"Leader, please advise."

Shen Changhai's attitude was very humble, and he pretended to be listening, wanting to hear what Yang Fan had to say.

This is the main purpose of Shen Changhai's visit to Yang Fan's office.

Without further ado, Yang Fan took a few sheets of A3 blank paper and used a pen instead of a pencil.

Drawing pictures with a pen reflects Yang Fan's solid basic skills and strong self-confidence.

On the A3 white paper, use a pen to draw the design schematic diagram while explaining the design of the 056 light missile frigate air defense missile system.

An open-minded listen!
Time passed unknowingly. When Yang Fan basically finished his speech, almost an hour passed. A few pieces of A3 white paper drew a lot of design schematic diagrams and some text.

At this moment, Shen Changhai was full of admiration!

As expected of Mr. Yang, he is not generally powerful, nor is he generally competent.

The 056 light missile frigate air defense missile system seems to have been designed a long time ago, with a well-thought-out plan, and the explanation is very detailed and specific.

Cow batch!

Noticing the admiration on Shen Changhai's face, Yang Fan smiled happily.

Being able to draw the design diagram of the air defense missile system so familiarly, and explain some specific designs to Shen Changhai in detail, can do this, because Yang Fan is too familiar with the 056 air defense missile system.

Shen Changhai didn't know this, but now, he admired it.

"Leader, you are still the best. After hearing what you said, there were some places I was not sure about. Now I know how to design."

Yang Fan said: "It's good that you understand. According to what I just said, you lead everyone to design the air defense missile system."

"Well, no problem." Shen Changhai was full of confidence, completely different from an hour ago.

Looking at these A3 papers, Shen Changhai said: "Leader, can you give me these papers? I want to study it again to deepen my understanding."

Yang Fan waved his hand and said: "No problem, you can go there, if you have any questions, you can communicate with me at any time."

Shen Changhai said modestly: "I dare not communicate, I should come to ask for advice."

Yang Fan smiled happily.

The next day.

As the chief designer of the 056 light missile frigate, Shen Changhai organized a meeting with the designers of the weapon system design room and several senior experts related to weapon system design.

Everyone sits together to discuss the design of the air defense missile system, and some technical issues can also be exchanged.

Shen Changhai was very well prepared, specially made slides according to Yang Fan's design schematic diagram, and displayed them in front of everyone through a projector.

"Everyone, this is the design diagram of the air defense missile system. Let me tell you first..."

Obviously, Shen Changhai has a good understanding of Yang Fan's design intentions, and has digested these design schematic diagrams. He has explained them in a more comprehensive and detailed manner.

At the beginning, the conference room was relatively quiet. Shen Changhai introduced and explained the air defense missile system to everyone, and everyone listened carefully.

Gradually, the conference room could no longer be quiet.

"My God, so many design schematics."

"After Mr. Shen talked so much, I understand it and know how to start the design."


Quite a few people were chatting with the people on the left and right in low voices, all of them beaming.

They are happy, happy!

After reading these design schematic diagrams and listening to Shen Changhai's explanation, he already understood what was going on, and he was very sure about the specific design of the air defense missile system.

After the meeting room gradually became noisy, Shen Changhai had to maintain order several times and asked everyone to keep quiet.

It took about three or four 10 minutes to finish all the lectures.

Shen Changhai said loudly: "How about it, now you understand it, and you know how to carry out the specific design next."

Immediately someone said loudly: "Understood, we are very confident in the next design."

Someone also said slightly curiously: "Master Shen, the design of the air defense missile system is very scientific and reasonable. How did you think of designing it like this?"

Shen Changhai laughed meaningfully. Such a design was not something he came up with.

(End of this chapter)

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