Military Heavy

Chapter 553 An Unsurpassable Legend

Chapter 553 An Unsurpassable Legend

"Mr. Shen, you are amazing!"

"I think this kind of design is very advanced."

"Eight Hongqi 10 air defense missiles, the launcher can rotate 360 ​​degrees, our 056 air defense capability is good."


Hearing everyone's voices like this, Shen Changhai said: "Guess who made this design."

Listening to Mr. Shen's tone, it seems that such a design is not from his hands, so who is so powerful, can come up with such a design?
"Master Shen, this is really not a design sketch drawn by you, it's really not your design."

There are still some people who still don't believe that besides Shen Changhai, who is so powerful and has made such an advanced and excellent design.

Could it be...

Those old designers thought of a person in their minds.

A senior designer said loudly: "Mr. Shen, did Mr. Yang design it himself?"

It's Mr. Yang! ! !
Many people were surprised for a while, and suddenly realized that such a design was really made by Yang Fan.

It should be Mr. Yang!
Sure enough, Shen Changhai said loudly: "These designs are from Mr. Yang, and these design sketches are also drawn by Mr. Yang himself."

That's it!

No wonder it feels so well designed!

"It's made by Mr. Yang, that's right, only he has such a high level."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I don't even need design verification."

"Yes, yes, we can carry out the specific design according to these design schematic diagrams, and there will definitely be no problems."

"The design of the air defense missile system was originally very technically difficult. With so many design schematic diagrams, the difficulty of the design plummeted."

Everyone was chatting happily, and the meeting room was full of excitement.

Shen Changhai did not stop, but gave everyone enough time. After about 10 minutes, he raised his hand and pressed down, signaling everyone to be quiet.

Gradually, the originally lively conference room quieted down, and Shen Changhai continued to chair the meeting, discussing, analyzing, and communicating with everyone on some specific designs.

After the meeting, the specific design of the air defense missile system of the 056 light missile frigate began.


Onshore Joint Commissioning Test Center.

Next to this professional pool are several designers from the East China Sea Ship Design Center, including Sun Tao, the deputy director of the overall design office.

Kuang Wei is old and has reached the retirement age. Although he still serves as the director of the general design office, he basically seldom manages things. He will retire honorably in a short time.

Sun Tao is in his thirties, young and vigorous, with outstanding abilities. Yang Fan promoted him, and if there is no accident, he will be the director of the overall design department in the future.

The 056 light missile frigate adopts radar stealth design, and the hull shape presents a unique geometric section like the 054 ship.

Such a shape design is very beautiful. Although the tonnage of 056 is not large, its appearance is very high.

Such a high-value design, how about its sailing performance?This requires professional test data to speak.

The hull model of the 056 has been completed, and Sun Tao personally led several designers to do a pool towing test here to verify the sailing performance of the 056.

Such as how is the resistance of sailing, how is the resistance to wind and waves, and so on.

"Director Sun, all preparations are ready, and the first towing test can begin immediately."

I really look forward to it!
What about its experimental data?

A designer in his forties said: "At the beginning of the design of the 054 ship, we did not have a professional towing tank at that time, so we had to go to Hamburg, Germany to do experiments."

A young technician next to him said: "The Hamburg pool is very famous in the industry, and many famous warships have done pool towing tests there."

Burger Pool!

Of course it is famous!
Young people in the naval industry know a thing or two.

"Well, the Hamburg pool is really good, but our pool is not bad either. Many foreigners have traveled all the way to our place to do experiments."

"Director Sun, I heard that Mr. Yang personally led the team to tow the ship-shaped pool of the 054 ship."

"Yes, Mr. Yang personally led the team to do it." Sun Tao said, "Many young designers may not know that Mr. Yang once left a legend in the Hamburg pool, and no one can surpass it so far."

And such a thing?

The two young designers obviously had not heard of this legendary past, their eyes lit up.

"Director Sun, tell us about it. What kind of legend did Mr. Yang leave behind in the Hamburg pool?"

Sun Tao said: "You are asking the right person. I happen to be quite clear about this matter. Mr. Yang did a towing test in the Hamburg pool and produced a set of very beautiful data. Even the person in charge of the Hamburg pool was alarmed."

"The test data is really beautiful. The person in charge of the Hamburg pool begged Mr. Yang to keep the 054 hull model, and they will display the 054 hull model in the honor hall of the Hamburg pool."

One of the young designers immediately asked, "Then, did Mr. Yang agree?"

Sun Tao shook his head and said, "Boss Yang didn't agree and rejected them."

Actually refused! ! !
After recovering from their senses, the two young designers thought in unison, Mr. Yang is awesome!
After talking about Yang Fan's legendary past, Sun Tao said hopefully, "We are ready, whether we can produce a set of beautiful test data."

The test data is beautiful, which means that the design of the 056 ship is excellent, the resistance during sailing is small, the resistance to wind and waves is good, and the stability is good.

A designer said confidently: "The hull design of 056 was carried out under the guidance of Mr. Yang. I have confidence in this test."

Yang Fan did give a lot of guidance.

Sun Tao looked at the hull model already in place, waved and said, "Let's start the experiment!"

Soon after, the tow trials began!
Under the effect of dragging, the hull model of 056 moves quickly in this long pool, and behind the hull model is a long string of white water splashes.

Everyone remained silent, including Sun Tao, either looking at the fast-moving hull model in the pool, or looking at the display screen of the test equipment.

What about the test data?

A few minutes later, the first set of experiments was completed, the pool became calm, and the 056 model ship also stopped.

Everyone went to the test equipment one after another, looked at the display screens, and several testers were busy, starting to organize and print the test data.

When the printer began to print test data with a "squeak", several designers were a little nervous at this moment.

"Director Sun, the test data has been printed, please take a look at it first."

Sun Tao took the test data that had just been printed out, and immediately looked at it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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