Military Heavy

Chapter 554 The Lithography Machine Arrives

Chapter 554 The Lithography Machine Arrives

Sun Tao carefully looked at the newly released test data, and other people involuntarily surrounded him, standing on tiptoes, or stretching their necks, trying to see the test data clearly.

Sun Tao looked calm on the surface, but in fact, he was nervous inside.

Gradually, the tension in my heart dissipated, replaced by joy in my heart.

These experimental data are perfect, both expected and unexpected.

As expected, it was because the 056 ship was guided by Yang Fan at the beginning of the hull design, and many designs were carried out according to Yang Fan's intention.

Since Mr. Yang personally guided it, then the hull design of 056 should be good, which is also confirmed by the data just now.

Unexpectedly, that's because I didn't expect the first test, the first set of test data can be called beautiful.

Originally thought that the data was only slightly good, and then the hull design had to be improved and modified. After some hard work, it should reach the level of excellence.

"Director Sun, the data is not bad!"

"It's more than just good. I think it's very good."

"It is indeed outstanding to obtain such good data in the first trial."

Almost every designer showed a look of surprise, these test data look very gratifying.

Sun Tao read it twice, and then said: "Everyone circulate it, and take a look at the data of our first towing test."

This test data was circulated among the designers, and everyone looked at it happily, and they were all very happy.

After everyone finished watching, Sun Tao waved his hands in a good mood: "Everyone get ready, the second towing test will start in half an hour."

Soon, the designers were busy again, and they were full of confidence in the second test.


East China Sea Ship Design Center.

Yang Fan listened to Sun Tao's report in the office. This morning, they came back from the land joint commissioning test base.

Sun Tao stayed there for several days with several designers and conducted dozens of tests. The first round of tests was considered complete.

"Mr. Yang, this is our test report, please take a look."

Yang Fan took the thick test report, flipped through it for a while, and said: "The data seem to be good, I am too lazy to read carefully, you tell me about the test situation."

Of course, Yang Fan was also very concerned about the towing test.

How about the pool towing test of the 056 light missile frigate in history, Yang Fan seems to have a good memory, but of course he can't remember the specific test data.

The 056 ship designed by the East China Sea Ship Design Center must be better than the blue, and it is better to win the 056 ship in history.

There must be high requirements in the design of the ship type, and strive to perfect the data of the tank towing test.

Sun Tao introduced the situation of their tank towing test in detail. After the introduction, he said with satisfaction: "From the data, our ship design is not bad."

Yang Fan pondered for a while, and then demanded: "We can't be satisfied with this. Combined with the data of this test, you should analyze carefully and further improve the design of the ship shape."

Sun Tao was secretly surprised, he didn't expect the leader's request to be so high.

"Leader, don't worry, we will continue to improve and improve, and I will organize a meeting for everyone later."

Yang Fan nodded.

He is very assured of Sun Tao's execution ability and technical level.

Not long after, Sun Tao walked out of Yang Fan's office and immediately organized a meeting with the backbone of the overall design office to discuss the further improvement of the hull design.


Donghai International Port.

An ocean-going cargo ship from Europe docked at the port and unloaded containers one by one from the ship.

Several of the containers seem to be different, and after arriving at the dock, the area where they are stored is also obviously different from ordinary containers.

The next day, people from Huaqiang Technology Company arrived at the pier and began to go through various procedures. Outside the pier, several large trailers were already waiting.

Huaqiang Technology Co.

After Lu Huaqiang was in his office, he was sitting on the boss's chair and was reading some documents. After finishing a document, he still didn't forget to raise his hand to check the time.

"Well, if everything goes well, it should be almost there."

After thinking about it, he picked up another document and read it.

After spending a few minutes reading this document, he simply stopped looking at the remaining documents and made himself a cup of coffee, drinking steaming coffee while waiting.

Lu Huaqiang was very happy, and even a little excited in his heart. The two lithography machines purchased by Huaqiang Technology Company in Europe had arrived, and they had already arrived at the Donghai International Port Wharf.

The relevant personnel have already been dispatched. Judging from the time, the relevant procedures should be completed and they will be loaded and transported back soon.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and the office door was pushed open. Not one person came in from the outside, but two people.

Li Xianghong and Huang Wenlong came in together.

Lu Huaqiang smiled and said, "What, you two can't sit still?"

The two laughed happily, seemingly in a good mood.

Li Xianghong said: "Yes, we are concerned about our two lithography machines. At this time, we should go through the formalities and get ready to start loading."

"Well, it should be about the same." Lu Huaqiang looked at the time again.

Huang Wendao: "These two lithography machines are the most advanced lithography machines in the industry. I can't rest assured that they haven't been shipped to our company."

The three of them chatted about the two lithography machines together, and also talked about the chip manufacturing plant under construction.

After nearly half a year of construction, the huge chip factory has begun to take shape, and several main factory buildings have been capped.

"I really look forward to our own production and manufacture of the first chip!"

Lu Huaqiang said confidently: "The first half of next year will be the fastest, and the second half of next year will be slower. We will definitely be able to mass-produce chips ourselves."

The construction of the manufacturing plant is halfway through, and the two key lithography machines have arrived again, and the independent production of chips is just around the corner.

After the independent production of Huaqiang Technology's chips, a complete industrial chain will be formed, including design and development, and mass production.

The three chatted about the future with hope and confidence, until they were interrupted by the ringing of the phone on the desk.

It should be a report call about the lithography machine.

Lu Huaqiang picked up the phone and pressed speakerphone so that Li Xianghong and Huang Wenlong could hear clearly.

The two also understood what kind of call it was, so they stopped talking, kept quiet, and watched Lu Huaqiang pick up the phone.

A report came from the phone: "Boss, all the procedures have been reported, and it went very smoothly. The loading of the two lithography machines has also begun, and it is estimated to be shipped back in about an hour and a half."


That's all for today's update, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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