Military Heavy

Chapter 555

Chapter 555
The voice on the phone was very loud and could be heard clearly.

Li Xianghong and Huang Wenlong looked at each other and laughed easily.

The two lithography machines have arrived and have already started loading. They will arrive at Huaqiang Technology Company today. Is there anything more exciting and exciting than this?

At least the people from Huaqiang Technology Company don't think so. This is even more exciting than getting the chip order and becoming the chip supplier of the world's mobile phone manufacturing giant.

Putting down the phone, Lu Huaqiang said loudly: "Great, our two lithography machines are loaded!"

Li Xianghong said: "Yes, it really makes people very happy, Lao Lu, let's have two drinks tonight, let's have a good celebration."

Lu Huaqiang said: "No problem, we will set it up at the Four Seasons Magnolia Hotel in Hongtai Building. We will have two private rooms and a few tables. All the middle and senior management of the company will participate."

Huang Wenlong agreed: "It's been a long time since I've been this happy, I won't go home if I'm not drunk tonight!"

The faces of the three were all joyful.


Many people from Huaqiang Technology Company got the news, and some people discussed it there during the work break.

"The lithography machine imported by our company has been loaded and is already on the way."

"Haha, where are the two lithography machines, they have arrived!"

"It's so exciting. Our company is so arrogant that we bought two at a time."

"With the key equipment for manufacturing chips, we will be able to produce chips in the near future without the need for others to make them."


While many people were discussing this, several large trailers drove to the entrance of Huaqiang Science and Technology Company's large factory building. The guard had already been notified, and when he saw the convoy of these large trailers approaching, he immediately opened the gate.

The tens of meters long retractable door opened, and these large trailers drove in one by one, heading towards a large warehouse that had been prepared long ago.

This warehouse is very large, a large trailer can easily drive in, and the inside is spacious enough to turn around easily. A large area of ​​the warehouse has been vacated.

Below Lv Huaqiang, all the high-level and some middle-level backbones are already in the warehouse, waiting.

Eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the two lithography machines, some people quietly checked the time, guessing that the car should be arriving soon.

Soon after, everyone heard the movement.

"Here we come, the convoy is here!"

Soon, everyone saw the first large trailer driving in, and then, seeing the large trailers driving in, they all agreed and gave warm applause.

Very good!
Our two lithography machines have arrived!

The car drove in, and someone immediately commanded the unloading, and the large packing box on the car was hoisted down by a crane, and temporarily placed in an open area in the warehouse.

Put it here for the time being, it is estimated that it will be shipped to the chip manufacturing plant in less than two months, and installed and debugged in the chip manufacturing plant.

At this moment, the joy on Lu Huaqiang's face was obvious.

12 month 12 day.

Today, Jiang Dan got married.

Yang Fan and Jiang Yan got up early. Although there was a wedding company, the couple still worried about this and that, and started to get busy early in the morning.

Jiang Yan accompanied Jiang Dan to put on makeup together, and the makeup artist also came early. This kind of makeup would take at least two hours.

Jiang Dan, who is wearing a wedding dress, looks very beautiful today.

Yang Fan first communicated with the people from the wedding company. Seeing that there was no problem, he began to make some other preparations. At around nine o'clock in the morning, the convoy to pick up the bride would come.

I was so busy that I almost didn't have time for breakfast, Yang Fan even thought in his heart, remember that I was not so busy when I got married!
The times are different, it was more than ten years ago, of course it is different, everything is much simpler.

It's different now, as soon as we enter the 21st century, young people are paying more and more attention to weddings, and wedding companies are also very particular, with many procedures.

Jiang Dan is dressed up beautifully.

At 09:30 in the morning, the horn of the car sounded outside the big villa, and the procession of picking up the bride came. There were a total of 12 red Mercedes-Benz. This was definitely very embarrassing in 1999.

The groom, Cao Yong, was in a suit and leather shoes, holding flowers.

A ceremony is unavoidable, and we must respect the marriage customs of the woman's side. Soon there will be excitement, laughter, and the sound of crackling firecrackers reveals a strong festiveness.

At about a quarter past ten, the team left the villa and went to Hongtai Building. The wedding ceremony was held at the Four Seasons Magnolia Hotel, which was very high-end.

The wedding was very grand.

The guests probably saw such a grand wedding for the first time, the scene was lively and festive, before drinking, Jiang Dahai's face was full of red.

Have a face!
The relatives and friends on Jianghaihai's side were very envious while being happy.

"For a wedding of this level, among our many relatives, probably only Dahai has the financial strength."

"I heard that hiring a wedding company alone cost hundreds of thousands of yuan. Including other expenses, it is estimated to be more than 100 million yuan."

Immediately, many people were secretly speechless.

More than 100 million weddings, my God!
"The horoscope of the sea is good. The eldest son-in-law is rich. I heard that Jiang Dan's wedding room was given by the eldest son-in-law. The big villa in the beautiful scenery of Xiangshan is said to be worth more than 1000 million."

There was another sound of gasping for air.

They hardly dared to think about a villa worth more than 1000 million yuan.

Some relatives thought that they must take a good look at the big villa when they have a bridal chamber at night. They have never seen such an expensive villa in their life.

The banquet is very rich!
There were more than forty tables in total, and even some colleagues of Yang Fan and Jiang Yan came over.


The night was dark, everything finally quieted down, and Yang Fan and Jiang Yan also relaxed.

"Brother Fan, Jiang Dan has finally come to fruition, and the biggest concern of my parents has been completed."

"Yes, Mom and Dad can still walk, you can walk around and have a look."

"That's a good idea, I'll talk to Dad about it."

While relaxing, the couple chatted, feeling happy for Jiang Dan in their hearts.


A few days after Jiang Dan got married, Yang Fan needed to leave for a trip. The domestic roof radar was making good progress. The first radar has been successfully trial-produced and will be inspected and reviewed soon.

Yang Fan is a member of the expert team and the deputy team leader. He is going to leave tomorrow morning and take a plane to a certain radar research institute.

Jiang Yan was packing things for Yang Fan, a large suitcase was almost full.

Seeing the virtuous and beautiful Jiang Yan, Yang Fan's heart felt warm, and a wave of happiness surged from the bottom of his heart.


Yang Fan called softly.

Jiang Yan stopped, feeling Yang Fan's gentle gaze, and a tenderness in his heart.

The two have been married for more than ten years, and sometimes it's like just getting married, you and I.

They hugged each other lightly, spoke love words lightly, and separated after a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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