Military Heavy

Chapter 556 Localization

Chapter 556 Localization

Yang Fan set off for N City.

It is also the location of the domestic roof radar development unit. The first radar prototype has been developed, and what is waiting is the acceptance and review of the expert group.

As the deputy leader of the expert group, Yang Fan had to get there earlier than other experts, accompanied by Han Jiang, director of the 054 Model Office.

The domestically produced roof radar will be used on the Type 054A guided missile frigate. The first and second ships will use Russian-made roof radars, and the third and even the fourth ship will probably have to use imported Russian roof radars. We will definitely use domestic products in the future.

Military products, especially heavy military equipment like guided missile frigates, must be localized as much as possible to minimize dependence on imports.

In terms of localization, Yang Fan has been working hard to improve the localization rate, not to mention 90.00% localization, as long as the localization rate can reach [-]% or more, that is a very remarkable achievement.

"Brother Fan, I didn't expect XX Institute to make such fast progress. The first prototype of the roof radar has been developed."

Yang Fan said: "They can't do it if they don't hurry up. The Type 054A guided missile frigate we will build later is waiting for the rice to cook. The top management also hopes that the roof radar will be localized as soon as possible."

Han Jiang nodded.

Through the glass of the airport waiting hall, you can see a large number of passenger planes outside. From time to time, planes take off and land on the runway.

"Brother Fan, I don't know the performance of the first radar prototype developed by XXX. I hope it can be close to the level of the Russian-made roof radar."

After all, it is an imitation.

It is already very good to be close to the level of the imported Russian roof radar, at least Han Jiang thinks so.

Yang Fan said: "Temporarily close to the level of imported roof radars. After a certain amount of technical accumulation, we will improve and improve. I think that after ten or eight years, our domestic roof radars should be able to surpass the level of Russian roof radars."

Han Jiang was slightly surprised and glanced at Yang Fan.

He thought in his heart, no way, we will be able to surpass the level of imported radar in eight or ten years. Will there really be such a big improvement?
Yang Fan said affirmatively: "Don't worry, there will be. I have confidence in our radar researchers."

After chatting for a while, the staff notified the boarding process, and the two queued up to board the passenger plane bound for N City.

After sitting down, Han Jiang said jokingly, "Brother Fan, when can we take the business class?"

Yang Fan smiled.

"Forget about the business class. After all, we spend the public money. If I pay for it privately, not to mention the business class, it is the first class, and even chartered flights are no problem."

Han Jiang leaned over, "Brother Fan, when you come back, you treat me, and I will buy two first-class air tickets out of your own pocket, and let's have a first-class addiction, how about it?"

Yang Fan laughed and scolded: "Go away, if you want to fly first class, you pay for it yourself."

Han Jiang was not angry at all when he was scolded, on the contrary, he laughed happily.

Yang Fan also laughed.

The two are in a good mood and very happy.

Taking Han Jiang on a business trip is good, every time is very easy, and this time is the same, as soon as they got on the plane, there was constant laughter between the two.

"Brother Fan, what I admire most is your vision. It's a pity not to go into business."

What do you say?
Yang Fan looked at Han Jiang.

Han Jiangdao: "Brother Fan, do you still remember suggesting that I buy houses and shops? Fortunately, I listened to your suggestion."

of course I remember.

Two years ago, Yang Fan led Han Jiang to make a fortune, and Han Jiang stepped into the ranks of million-dollar households. With the 100 million yuan he earned, he bought a house of more than 100 square meters under Yang Fan's suggestion, and then bought another Got an item with a good location.

In just two years, the value of the house and the upper bunk has increased by more than 100%. The house and shop bought for 150 million now have a market value of at least [-] million. This kind of value increase has made Han Jiang a lot of money, and he also admires Yang Fan's vision endlessly.

At the beginning, Yang Fan said that the housing prices in Donghai City will enter a period of rapid growth, especially after entering the 21st century, the growth rate will further accelerate. After more than ten years, the housing prices in Donghai City will reach tens of thousands of square meters, which are slightly better. Generally more than [-].

Before, Han Jiang may have doubts about 01:30, but now he is convinced.

Yang Fan said: "Listen to me, right? This is just the beginning. In another ten years, your house will be worth at least 10,000+ a square meter, and the shop you bought will be even more expensive."

"Brother Fan, thanks to your suggestion, after we arrive in N City, I will treat you to some local delicacies."

The two chatted like this, and more than an hour felt like it passed quickly. The plane landed at N City Airport, and when they walked out of the airport, Yang Fan saw the people who came to greet him.

Deng Jun!

He personally went to the airport to meet Yang Fan.

"Mr. Yang, welcome to our city N."

The two shook hands tightly, and after a while of pleasantries, Yang Fan said: "President Deng, you are too polite, there is no need for you to come to the airport to pick us up in person."

"It should, it should." Deng Wenjun said again and again.

He went to the airport to greet him in person. Apart from Yang Fan being the deputy leader of the expert group and the leader of the East China Sea Ship Design Center, there was another important reason.

That is Deng Wenjun is grateful.

Before the localization of the roof radar was developed, Deng Jun visited Yang Fan for advice. During the development process, he often called Yang Fan for advice. Yang Fan gave many useful suggestions.

Yang Fan is very familiar with this radar. What major technical problems and deficiencies it has encountered in the process of localization, etc., Yang Fan is very clear. With a little guidance, Deng Wenjun has benefited a lot and saved a lot of time. detour.

"Mr. Yang, without your guidance, our first radar prototype could not have been successfully trial-produced so quickly. Maybe we are still in the testing stage, or we are taking a detour, wasting manpower and material resources in vain."

Yang Fan said modestly: "It's serious, I just made some suggestions casually. Where your strength lies, the localization of the roof radar is no problem."

After chatting for a few words, Yang Fan also introduced Han Jiang.

Then, at the polite invitation of Deng Jun, Yang Fan and Deng Jun sat in the back seat, and Han Jiang sat in the passenger seat.

There seems to be endless topics between the two, especially when talking about the radar field, there is a feeling of meeting a bosom friend, and the more they talk, the more speculative they become.

It takes about an hour from the airport to XXX.

The driver of the car reminded: "Mr. Deng, we will be there soon, should we go to the office first, or go to the hotel?"

All of XXX's own hotels, hospitals and schools have a good hotel environment. The experts who participated in the acceptance and evaluation of radar localization this time all stayed in this hotel.

Deng Wenjun said: "We're here so soon, Xiao Ma, go directly to the hotel. Mr. Yang is tired from the journey, so go to the hotel to rest first."

The car went directly to the hotel.

Under Deng Jun's personal leadership, Yang Fan and Han Jiang moved in. Each of them had a room, and the two rooms faced each other.

"Mr. Yang, you guys rest first, and we'll finish eating together tonight."

Yang Fan said: "You're welcome, go get busy."

Deng Jun is the chief designer of the domestic roof radar, and the expert acceptance and review will be carried out tomorrow. He must have a lot of things, and it is impossible to accompany Yang Fan all the time.

Yang Fan understands this very well.

Deng Jun said apologetically: "Then I'll go first, call me if you have anything to do, I'll come back in the evening, let's have a good drink or two."

After watching Deng Jun leave, Yang Fan returned to the room, first called Jiang Yan to report that he was safe, then sat down and carefully read the materials Deng Jun gave him.

After looking at it, I have a better understanding of this domestic roof radar prototype, especially after reading its test and test data.

"There is still a certain gap between the imported Russian-style roof radar, but it is already very good that the first domestic radar can achieve this." Yang Fan thought to himself.

at dusk.

Sure enough, Deng Jun came over, politely invited Yang Fan to dinner, and said that there were several acquaintances.No need to ask, it must be the experts who will participate in the acceptance and review tomorrow.

The place to eat is in the VIP room of this hotel, which is actually a very high-end box, which can accommodate four or five tables.

But the other tables were obviously removed, only two tables were set up, and [-]% to [-]% of the seats were already occupied. As soon as Yang Fan came in, he immediately saw several familiar faces.

Such as Sheng Wenjun, an expert in the field of phased array control radar.

The phased array control radar equipped on the Type 052 guided missile destroyer was designed and developed by the technical team led by Sheng Wenjun.

Except for Sheng Wenjun, Yang Fan is familiar with several other people, and other people are not unfamiliar, at least met once or twice.

The field of military ships and ships is so big. After working in this circle for a long time, everyone in the circle knows everyone, and other people related to this circle have met once or twice.

Seeing Yang Fan coming in, Sheng Wenjun stood up and shook hands with Yang Fan tightly, "Mr. Yang, I am relieved to hear that you will be the deputy team leader of the expert team."

Yang Fan said: "You are the top expert in the radar field, and you should be the deputy leader of the expert group."

Sheng Wenjun hurriedly said: "I dare not play tricks in front of Mr. Yang. When the phased array control radar was designed and developed, if it weren't for your series of suggestions, we would not have gone so smoothly, and the developed phased array control radar would not have been excellent. "

This has been recognized by many people around.

"Mr. Sheng is right. Mr. Yang's technical level is obvious to all, not only in the field of ships, but also in other areas related to ships."

"Yes, I totally agree with that."

"Mr. Yang is a top expert."


Everyone said this one after another, and some people who were very familiar with Yang Fan even stood up and shook hands with Yang Fan proactively.

After shaking hands with everyone and saying hello, Yang Fan sat down.

That's all for today's update. Comrades who still have monthly tickets, please vote for our "Military Heavy Weapons".

(End of this chapter)

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