Military Heavy

Chapter 557 Localization Review

Chapter 557 Localization Review

The next day.

Members of the expert group began to accept and review the domestic roof radar of XXX Institute. A kick-off meeting was held at [-]:[-] a.m. to arrange the entire acceptance and review process. Deng Jun, the chief designer of the radar, also introduced the domestic chemical radar.

The meeting lasted for about two hours, and then entered the stage of expert acceptance. The members of the expert group were divided into several groups, usually in groups of two or three.

Yang Fan and a radar expert from the military formed a team. The two went to XXX Institute to review relevant design technical materials, communicate with some designers, or inquire about radar-related matters.

Each group was accompanied by people from the XXX institute, and Yang Fan's group was accompanied by Deng Jun and several others.

"Mr. Deng, you accompany us personally, don't you need to do other things?"

Deng Jun replied: "Accompanying President Yang to review is my most important job at present."

A special conference room was arranged, and a large amount of design materials were carried over, and Deng Jun was always with him.

This kind of acceptance and review took three days. Generally speaking, Yang Fan is quite satisfied with the localization of the roof radar.

It is already very good to be able to successfully imitate the first radar and have a level close to that of the imported roof radar.

Day three.

The acceptance and review summary meeting of the domestic roof radar is scheduled to be held at [-]:[-] p.m.

Before the meeting, around 02:30 in the afternoon, the members of the expert group sat together in a small meeting room next to the big meeting where the acceptance summary meeting was held.

Everyone exchanged some opinions and opinions. After three days of in-depth understanding, we reviewed a lot of materials and carefully looked at the radar prototype. Everyone has a good understanding of radar.

"XXX Institute is good, they have paid a lot for the localization of radar."

"Yes, it took a lot of effort. The first radar exceeded my expectations."

Experts almost unanimously believe that the localization of radar has been done well, and almost all voices are affirmative.

Someone mentioned, "The localization of the radar is so good, and the first radar was imitated so quickly. The people of XXX Institute all said that Mr. Yang made a lot of suggestions at the beginning of the localization, and even in the localization He gave me a lot of guidance along the way.”

Everyone looked at Yang Fan one after another!

In the past three days, many experts have heard about this aspect.

"Mr. Yang, you are really good. Not only are you extremely skilled in the field of ships, but you are even more secretive in the field of radar."

Yang Fan said modestly: "Where, where, I just made some suggestions and communicated with Mr. Deng a few times."

Those who are familiar with Yang Fan know that Mr. Yang is still so humble, neither arrogant nor impetuous, which is commendable!
At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the acceptance and review summary meeting of the first domestic roof radar was held.

The representative of the military made a speech, the leader of XXX made a speech, and then the representative of the expert group made a speech.

During these speeches, bursts of applause rang out from time to time, and both the military and the representatives of the expert group were positive.

After they finished their speeches, as the deputy leader of the expert group, under everyone's gaze, Yang Fan walked to the speaking seat.

Facing the microphone, Yang Fan was ready to speak.

The meeting site was completely quiet, Yang Fan's face was calm, and his voice was heard clearly in everyone's ears.

"Everyone, if I'm sure, I won't say anything. The localization of the radar has indeed done well, and it has fully met our expectations. After the localization of the radar, it can basically meet the needs of the Type 054 guided missile frigate."

Everyone looked at Yang Fan. Many people opened their notebooks and prepared to record what Yang Fan said.

What will Yang Fan say?

Everyone looked attentive.

Yang Fan's voice was loud and full of spirit, "The localization of the first roof radar is just the starting point. Our work in this area has just begun, and the first step of the Long March has just begun."

"The localization of roof radar is still very good, but there are still many shortcomings, and a series of continuous improvements and enhancements are needed."

"In which aspects to improve and improve, I think we can start from the following aspects. First, we can use the combination of machine scanning and phase scanning, which can improve the accuracy of the radar, especially for the detection of ultra-low-altitude targets. precision."

"The third is to increase the detection distance. The detection distance of a two-square-meter target has been increased from the current 200 kilometers to 300 kilometers, or even more than 350 kilometers."

"It is also necessary to improve the anti-jamming capability. A variety of anti-jamming technologies can be used to improve the radar's battlefield survivability..."

Yang Fan's speech lasted more than half an hour. He did not always affirm the radar like others, but pointed out where to improve and improve.

The speech is over!

The originally relatively quiet conference room could no longer be quiet. Everyone even forgot to applaud, and their minds were full of what Yang Fan said.

Many people are also discussing it.

"You speak so well, you are indeed Comrade Yang Fan!"

"We are all immersed in the joy of the successful localization of the first roof radar, only Mr. Yang is not overwhelmed by the joy."

"Continuous improvement and improvement in the future are absolutely necessary. Mr. Yang has a long-term view, and the directions he mentioned are completely correct."

Amidst the heated discussions, Deng Jun walked to the speaking seat on behalf of XXX Institute and the R&D team representing the entire roof radar.

The originally lively meeting room gradually became quiet again.

Deng Jun was sincere and grateful, "Thank you, Mr. Yang, for giving us so many valuable opinions. That's right, you're right. The localization of the first radar is only the first step, and it's just the beginning. ..."

He fully agrees with Yang Fan's point of view, and is even more grateful!
After Deng Jun finished speaking, there was warm applause in the conference room, and many people looked at Yang Fan eagerly again.

Mr. Yang is awesome!

After several glances in admiration, these people withdrew their gazes.

After a while.

The leader of the expert group walked to the speaking seat, and he spoke on behalf of the entire expert group.

His speech was short and powerful, and only took four or five minutes.

It is very clear, not only affirming the first domestically produced radar, but also clearly announcing that this radar has successfully passed the review, fully meeting the needs of the military, and also meeting the needs of the Type 054 guided missile frigate!
Successfully passed the acceptance and review!
There was warm applause again in the conference room, especially the people from XXX Institute, not only applauded vigorously, but also beamed with joy.

Deng Jun is the same!
With a happy face and a light heart, the radar passed the acceptance and review, and he and his team completed this big task.

At the same time, he looked at Yang Fan again, and his eyes were full of gratitude!

(End of this chapter)

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