Military Heavy

Chapter 61 False alarm 1 game

Chapter 61 A false alarm

Everyone knows how expensive those three computers are. Each cost nearly two thousand dollars, and three are five to six thousand dollars.

Brother, five or six thousand dollars.

How much is everyone's salary in this era?The kind that costs tens of dollars a month, no wonder even Yang Fan showed surprise on his face when he heard the news, he really couldn’t believe it was true.

But soon Yang Fan calmed down, and even had some doubts about the truth of what Wu Anhua said. The computers produced by IBM are of excellent quality, and they are new computers that have only been bought for more than ten days. How could they be broken so quickly? Woolen cloth?

The computer hardware is not so easy to break. As for the software, there shouldn't be any problems. The three computers are all stand-alone machines. There is no Internet, so even if you want to connect to the Internet, you can connect to it.

The surprise on Yang Fan's face faded quickly, revealing a look of suspicion, and asked: "It's really broken, did you see it with your own eyes?"

"Yes." I saw it with my own eyes, and Wu Anhua's answer was very affirmative, "I was learning programming on the computer just now, and Xiao Su was on the computer next to me. I saw him break the computer, so I came over immediately You report."

"Come on, let's take a look."

There was a big question mark in Yang Fan's mind, and he stepped forward, Wu Anhua hurriedly followed, and the two walked towards the computer room one after the other.

At this moment, the computer room was completely overwhelmed, especially Su Jianping, the person involved, who seemed to feel that the sky was about to fall, his face was pale, and he was muttering there not knowing what to say.

Several colleagues next to him looked at him with pity, and one colleague said worriedly, "I heard that a computer costs several thousand yuan. Xiao Su is in trouble."

Footsteps sounded outside the door, and everyone saw Yang Fan walking in, and all involuntarily gave way, while Su Jianping lowered his head, "Director Yang, I"

Yang Fan's face was calm, without the slightest sign of blame or anger, he said kindly, "Xiao Su, don't worry, let me see what's going on first."

Yang Fan had a good impression of Su Jianping, and he was recruited by Yang Fan himself. The current combat system design team is gradually growing, and people join Calais almost every now and then, some are young people, and some are senior designers.

Looking at the computer first, Yang Fan sat in front of the computer and lightly pressed the power button, but there seemed to be no response, and he pressed it again, but there was still no response.

Yang Fan asked: "What was the situation at that time, Xiao Su, can you tell me?"

Su Jianming said softly: "I don't know, I was practicing programming on the computer, and suddenly the monitor went black, no matter how I pressed the start button, there was no response for a long time."

Suddenly, Yang Fan smiled.

Because I already understood what was going on, I pulled out the power cord of the computer, plugged it in again, and restarted the computer. Under everyone's disbelieving eyes, the computer started working smoothly again and entered the familiar DOS interface.

"Why is this all right?"



Everyone widened their eyes and looked at Yang Fan one after another. They never expected such a result. Director Yang fixed the computer as soon as he came over.

Su Jianping was even more pleasantly surprised, no longer lowered his head, no longer looked pale, "Director Yang, is the computer ready?"

Yang Fan nodded lightly, and said loudly: "Everyone was falsely alarmed. There is nothing wrong with the computer, but the power cord suddenly became loose. Just plug it in again."

So simple!
so easy!

Yang Fan saw that everyone didn't believe it, and continued: "Don't think these computers are too mysterious, in fact, there is nothing, they are very simple, and the quality is very good, you can use them at ease, it is difficult to be broken .”

A computer can generally be used for several years, or even more than ten years, and it is rare for it to break, especially for a new computer like this. Yang Fan knows this well.

At the same time, Yang Fan feels that he has a long way to go. In this era, everyone's computer knowledge is so uneven that many people don't even notice that the power cord is loose.It seems that it will take a lot of time and energy to focus on improving everyone's computer skills in the next few months.

"Director Yang, you can really use them freely without breaking them."

Yang Fan said confidently: "As long as you don't destroy it violently, it will be difficult to be used up. You can use it with confidence. Of course, you must remember to turn off the phone after use."

Having said that, everyone was relieved, and two young comrades laughed kindly.

It was just a false alarm.

There was no problem with the computer, and everyone began to use it again. There was a comrade sitting in front of each computer, and there were often one or two people standing or sitting next to them. While using the computer, they chatted with each other about their experience from time to time.

Yang Fan looked at everyone and left with peace of mind.

The Chinese New Year is here.

This is the first Lunar New Year after Yang Fan's rebirth. As early as a few days ago, Yang Fang visited Yang Fan's place and specifically said that she would go to her house to celebrate the New Year after the holiday.

Yang Fan readily agreed.

In the combat system design room, colleagues were on vacation. Shi Wei and Yang Fan were the last two to leave. The two specially went through each office, checked it, and then closed the doors and windows. After saying goodbye to each other, Gao Leaving happily.

Back in his dormitory, Yang Fan put the prepared things in the luggage bag, then tied the bag to the back seat of the bicycle, and pushed the bicycle out the door.

After riding for more than an hour, they arrived at the door of Yang Fang's house before 11:[-] am. From a distance, Yang Fang saw Yang Fan coming by riding a bicycle.

"Brother, it's so early."

"En." Yang Fan got off the car, pushed the bicycle under the eaves and locked it, took the luggage bag off the car, and entered the house with Yang Fang.

With Yang Fan's arrival, the room became lively.

The charcoal fire was burning very vigorously, and the room was warm. While drinking hot tea, Yang Fan chatted with his sister and brother-in-law about his life and work. Playing happily.

After chatting for a while, it was very natural to talk about the small supermarket that was about to open.

In fact, it is a little inaccurate to say that a small supermarket is a little bit inaccurate. In addition to its area reaching the scale of a small supermarket, there is still a big gap in terms of product types and quantity.

Let's call it a small supermarket.

Yang Fang said proudly: "Brother, our store has already been rented. I paid half a year's rent and plan to choose a date to open after the Chinese New Year."

"Sister, your speed is pretty fast." Yang Fan became interested.

The three chatted for a while about this small supermarket. Seeing that Yang Fan was very interested, Yang Fang suggested: "Let's take a look in the afternoon. It's not far away. It only takes three to four 10 minutes to ride there."


Yang Fan agreed immediately, he had never visited it before, and wanted to go there to have a look very much.For example, look at the environment around the store, how the area and location are.

Then, we chatted for a while about the purchase of goods, what to sell after the opening and so on.

What to sell in the store in the future, Yang Fang fully adopted Yang Fan's suggestion, mainly focusing on various foods, various vegetables, chicken, duck, fish, eggs and duck eggs, seasonings, rice oil, etc., and then consider selling some on this basis Other things that people need in their daily life.

Now the color of the planned economy is still very strong, and it is estimated that there are many commodities that Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing cannot get.But it doesn't matter too much, sell what you can get, at least all kinds of vegetables are no problem at all.

After eating, Xie Guoqing asked a neighbor to borrow a semi-old [-]-bar bicycle, and the three rode out to the store together.

The distance is not very far, as expected, it will arrive in thirty minutes.

Riding to the door of this store, Yang Fan was a little surprised and said, "Sister, is this the place you found?"

"Yes." Yang Fang said with a little worry, "Is there any problem? Is it not suitable for opening a store?"

Yang Fan smiled.

"Where, it fits very well, what a great location you see." Yang Fan said with satisfaction.

This is the urban area of ​​Donghai City. Although it is not the absolute city center, it can be considered a bustling area. People and cars come and go on the streets, especially the bicycle army is quite spectacular.

It is ideal to open a store in such a location.

After roughly surveying the surrounding environment, Yang Fan waved and said, "Come on, let's go in and take a look."

Seeing that there was no problem, Yang Fang felt relieved, the rock that was suspended just now fell to the ground, took out the key and opened the door, Yang Fan saw the situation inside.

 Well, I have nothing to say, I just want to say...for support...hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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