Military Heavy

Chapter 62 Farmer Plus Supermarket Model

Chapter 62 Farmer Plus Supermarket Model

It was very empty inside.

This is an empty facade, everything inside has been emptied, and you can tell how big it is at a glance.Yang Fan took a rough visual inspection. There are two gates, all facing the street, and six large windows.

The width of the store is about 20 meters, and the length is definitely more than 40 meters. It is an unconventional rectangle with a total area of ​​about 800 square meters to 900 square meters.

"Sister, the place is nice!"

Yang Fang said, "I also think it's good, so I rented it out, and I'm going to start decorating after the new year. Brother, do you have any suggestions for decorating?"

Yang Fan took a general look, and suggested: "The decoration should be as simple as possible, and the whole storefront should look clean and tidy. For example, all the floors are re-plastered with cement, all the walls are whitewashed, and a small decoration on the top of the storefront is enough."

After thinking about it, he couldn't help saying: "By the way, the windows and doors should be repainted, and the broken glass should be replaced, and then the lights should be brightened."

Yang Fang quickly kept these suggestions in mind.

After looking at it for a while, Yang Fan made some suggestions, such as how to place the shelves, how to divide them, clearly mark the price, choose by customers, etc.

Yang Fan started to briefly talk about some things in the modern supermarket. These things are undoubtedly very new to Yang Fang. She wrote them down and planned to do them in the future.

Of course, Yang Fan is very measured, and only talks about some simple and practical things. Yang Fang will definitely not be able to accept things that are too profound and advanced at the beginning, and has to be done step by step.

After the store started to operate, Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing had some experience and insights during the operation process, and it would be better to guide them appropriately, step by step, and tell them something deeper.

Even though it was just the most basic things, Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing still felt that their eyes lit up, as if a brand new door had opened.

It turns out that it is still possible to operate in this way, which is completely different from those supply and marketing cooperatives and state-owned department stores.Xie Guoqing looked at Yang Fan in admiration, gave a thumbs up and said, "Yang Fan, you are amazing. You are several years younger than me, but you know much more than me."

Yang Fang next to him said proudly, "My brother is a college student, of course he is amazing, he knows more things than you and I combined."

College students are very important in this era. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are people who are educated.

Yang Fan smiled, and didn't explain too much. I can't tell the two of you that I was reborn, and I have three or 40 years more memory than you.

In addition to talking about the decoration of the store, the layout of the shelves, the clearly marked prices and the choice of customers, Yang Fan asked about the purchase of goods.

The main reason is that the planned economy is heavily colored now, and the market economy is still in the development stage, and it is not yet dominated by the market economy.

There are already some channels for purchasing goods, Yang Fang said: "Your brother-in-law and I have gone to many units, and several small factories have agreed to supply us. As for vegetables and other things, including chicken, duck and fish, etc., our village has a stable supply. Supply."

"Everyone agreed to send their things directly to our store, and the price has been negotiated."

Yang Fang nodded approvingly. This method is very good, but she still reminded: "Sister, we will open a second store and a third store in the future. The number of stores will spread throughout Donghai City. In the future, we will need a huge amount of goods. , you can sign an agreement with some farmers.”

Yang Fan talked about a very common model in later generations, that is, farmers supply directly to supermarkets, and the two parties sign a formal agreement to adopt the link of farmers adding supermarkets, eliminating the price difference of middlemen, and making profits more lucrative.

There is no need to worry about cutting the tail of capitalism now, and future policies will become more and more open, so there is no problem in doing so.

Yang Fang nodded, "Brother, your method is good. After I go back, I will call everyone for a meeting and sign a formal contract. When our scale really grows, I will sign contracts with those manufacturers and let them sell the goods. send over."

learn by analogy.

Immediately thinking of doing the same with those manufacturers in the future, Yang Fan felt happy and thought, does my sister really have the talent to do business.

Xie Guoqing next to him didn't speak for a long time. In fact, his heart was extremely shocked, because Yang Fan said just now that the number of shops will increase and will spread throughout Donghai City in the future.

He said in his heart, my God, what would it be like to open a dozen such small supermarkets, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

In fact, Yang Fan was afraid of scaring him, so he only said that in the future the stores would spread throughout Donghai City, not the whole country.

According to Yang Fan's vision, if he wants to do it, he will do it big. In the future, he will become a national chain and become the most famous retailer in the country.

Here, the three of them stayed for a long time before going back.

Soon after returning, Yang Fang called several big vegetable growers in the village together to discuss cooperation with them.

It is said that it is a big vegetable grower, but in fact it is the kind that grows a little more vegetables. Usually, it is usually hard to carry a load of vegetables every day to sell in the city, and it takes at least ten or even twenty miles to go back and forth.

Hearing that Yang Fang will be able to buy all the vegetables they grow in the future, without having to go through the wind and rain every day, she is very happy.

The matter was settled like this, they prepared a carriage or a rickshaw, and delivered the picked fresh vegetables to Yang Fang's shop.

Yang Fan did not participate in their affairs, but took a walk in front of the house. This is a rural area, even in winter, the scenery is still good, with a special flavor.

After walking around for a while, I can basically see that the resources here are actually very rich, but there is a lack of channels. In addition to the idle policies in the past few years, the things in the hands of farmers cannot be sold or exchanged for money.

The power of example is very powerful.

It is almost predictable that as these households send vegetables to Yang Fang every day and earn money, many farmers will take the initiative to find Yang Fang, and they don't have to worry about the supply of vegetables at all.

The New Year in the countryside also has a special flavor.

Especially in the first Lunar New Year after Yang Fan's rebirth, he finally saw for the first time how everyone celebrated the New Year three or 40 years ago, which was full of freshness.

We spent a very good New Year at Yang Fang's house. On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Yang Fan returned to the Donghai Ship Design Institute and returned to his dormitory.

In fact, there are still a few days before work at the unit, but seeing that my sister and brother-in-law are busy with the opening of the small supermarket as soon as the new year is over, I simply returned to the unit so as not to affect them.

After living in the dormitory for a day, Yang Fan saw that the weather was fine and he was a little bored, so he simply rode his bicycle and went to his old house.

Originally, Yang Fang planned to accompany Yang Fan to visit the old house, but she was busy looking for a bricklayer to renovate the storefront, so Yang Fan simply didn't want her to accompany her.

Familiar with driving a light car, he set off from Donghai Station by bicycle, and after about [-] minutes, Yang Fan arrived at the gate of his old house.

It's still the same.

It forms a clear contrast with the surrounding houses. Because it is the New Year, all the surrounding houses have posted couplets, and some even hung lanterns, but my own house did not.

Putting the bicycle away, took out the key and opened the door, Yang Fan pushed the door and walked in, looked around, and found that it was relatively clean except that it was a little deserted, and there was no dust.

Just about to go to the backyard to take a look, Yang Fan heard a familiar, crisp voice, "Brother Yang Fan, are you back?"

(End of this chapter)

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