Military Heavy

Chapter 63 Flared Pants

Chapter 63 Flared Pants

Hearing this voice, Jiang Yan's youthful and beautiful appearance appeared in Yang Fan's mind. He smiled happily and shouted loudly to the outside: "Come in."

"Hehe, it's really you!"

Jiang Yan smiled like a flower, and soon came to Yang Fan.

She came back as soon as the school was on winter vacation. It has been more than [-] days. After she came back, she wrote a letter to Yang Fan, but the two of them have not been able to meet each other. I did not expect such a surprise today. The door opened, and there was a bicycle parked at the door. She guessed that it was Yang Fan who came back, so she happily came over to take a look.

Sure enough, Yang Fan came back.

"Brother Fan, when did you come back?"

"Just came back, how about you, come back after vacation."

The two talked about everything, and there seemed to be endless things to say, and Jiang Yan was even more like a lark, chirping.

After chatting cheerfully for a while, Jiang Yan mentioned something, and his expression showed a little sadness, which formed a more obvious contrast with the cheerfulness just now.

"what happened?"

Seeing this, Yang Fan asked with concern.

"Well, it's not a big deal." Jiang Yan said, "This winter vacation, our school assigned us a homework, each of us had to complete a design work, and the school report had to be handed in. I designed several clothing, but feel dissatisfied."

Jiang Yan studied fashion design, which is a relatively fashionable major.

Hearing this, Yang Fan felt certain that although he did not study fashion design, he had 40 to 21 years more experience than others. He had seen many more popular clothing styles in later generations. Moving over, the 80s also had hot messy clothing.

Such as flared pants!

Bell-bottom pants became very popular in the middle and late 80s. They have been popular for several years, and they are definitely the most popular clothing in the 80s.

Bell-bottom pants have also appeared now, but they are very few and have not become popular at all.It originated in the West and became popular in the United States in the 60s. It has not become popular in the mainland at all, and it is only limited to Hong Kong and Taiwan.

It is really popular in the mainland. It is because of the popularity of Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas in the mainland that many young people like this kind of pants.

Bell-bottom pants carry the memory of a generation.

Seeing that Jiang Yan encountered such a problem, Yang Fan couldn't help but smile, "I went to the United States and Europe last year, and saw young people abroad wearing a kind of trousers, which looked very good-looking, you can refer to this kind of trousers and design it, it must be good. "


Jiang Yan was happy again, grabbed Yang Fan's arm, and gently shook it: "Brother Yang Fan, tell me quickly, what kind of pants are they?"

Yang Fan nodded and asked, "Do you have pen and paper? I can draw it right now. You are studying fashion design. I guess you can understand what's going on at a glance."

"Go, go to my house." Jiang Yan grabbed Yang Fan's hand, "I don't lack anything, I have everything, go."

Are you going to Jiang Yan's house?
In his memory, Yang Fan hasn't been there for several years. It seems that he went there a few times when he was in high school.

"Don't hesitate, you are familiar with my parents." Jiang Yan said with a smile.

This is true, we are all neighbors, the relationship is very good, Jiang Yan's parents hugged Yang Fan when he was young.

"Okay, I'll take some things over there, I can't come to the door empty-handed."

"No need to take anything," Jiang Yan said.

"I brought some things back from abroad. Uncle Jiang can't buy them in Donghai City. Give them a taste."

Things brought back from abroad.

This is a good thing, Jiang Yan didn't stop him, he probably wanted to see what Yang Fan bought back.

When I went to the United States, I bought a lot of things, ate some, gave some away, and left some.I went to country F again a year ago and bought a lot of things back.

Except for a small part of these things in the dormitory of the unit, a large part of them is placed in the old house.Yang Fan went in and took some and held them in his hands.

Mainly some food, there are two packs of Marlboro, a bottle of red wine, some candies and chocolates, etc., in bags.

"Jiang Yan, this is for you."

"There's more for me." Jiang Yan was pleasantly surprised, and quickly took it, looked at it and said happily, "This is a foreign cream."

vanishing cream?
Hearing this name, Yang Fan felt happy. Like malted milk, cream is something unique to this era.

Country F's perfumes and cosmetics are famous all over the world. In the 21st century, many luxury goods are produced in Country F, including the top perfumes and skin care products sought after by many celebrities and ladies.

On a business trip to country F, Yang Fan bought a few bottles of skin cream, not the expensive ones, but the economical and affordable ones.

In the era when a bottle of cream could not be happy, using high-end cosmetics was a waste. Knowing this, Yang Fan did not buy perfume, but just bought a few bottles of skin cream. One bottle was given to Yang Fang, and the other bottle was given to Zhao Yulan, who was in charge of the model, had one bottle left, which happened to be for Jiang Yan.

Seeing Jiang Yan so happy, Yang Fan also became happy, waved and said, "Let's go to your house."


Jiang Yan skipped ahead, happily like a little girl, not a college student.The distance is very close, not far from the side.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Jiang Yan yelled loudly, "Dad, Mom, look who's here."

Hearing the shouts, a pair of middle-aged women came out of the house. It was Jiang Yan's father, Jiang Dahai, and Jiang Yan's mother, Li Xiuzhen.

"Hello Uncle Jiang, hello Auntie."

Yang Fan was very polite and generous, and took the initiative to greet the two of them.

"Oh, it's Yang Fan who's here, hurry up and sit inside."

Everyone entered the house one after another. It was very warm inside and the charcoal fire was very strong.Li Xiuzhen enthusiastically brought melon seeds and peanuts, and made hot tea again. She was extremely enthusiastic.

Seeing the things Yang Fan brought over, Jiang Dahai said a little angrily, "Yang Fan, why are you bringing things here? We are all neighbors, so you're too stranger."

Yang Fan hurriedly said: "I went abroad twice, and brought back some things, I brought some here for you to try."

Foreign things!
In the middle and early 80s, the material conditions were far less abundant than they are now. Many people have never been abroad, and even fewer people have seen foreign things.

"Uncle Jiang, I know you smoke, and you usually drink a little wine. You should try this cigarette and wine. Don't be reluctant to give it to others."

Jiang Dahai grinned, very happy, picked up a pack of Marlboro and looked at it, and then said: "It's all foreign codes, foreign cigarettes are different, it costs at least a few cents a pack."

He smokes cigarettes that cost eight cents a pack. In his eyes, a few cents is very high-end, and foreign cigarettes should be no more than that.

As a college student, Jiang Yan knew a little bit, and immediately said: "How can you buy this kind of cigarette for a few cents? This is Marlboro, and a pack costs several dollars."

Jiang Hai shrank his hands, and said in his heart, I am a good boy, so expensive.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Don't worry about the money, Uncle Jiang, you can smoke without worry. If you still want to smoke after smoking, I still have several packs."

The family was talking, when the door was pushed open, and a girl who looked like a junior high school student rushed in, looked at Yang Fan curiously, and said, "You are Brother Yang Fan."

"Dandan, it's you!"

She is Jiang Yan's younger sister, Jiang Dan.

Yang Fan's memory of her still stays a few years ago, when Jiang Dan was less than ten years old, a few years have changed a lot, but Yang Fan still recognized her at a glance.

Jiang Dan smiled at Yang Fan, without the slightest sign of fear, walked over, stretched out his hand and said, "And me, do you have a present?"

Yang Fan was happy.

Thank you for the reward of 1000 coins from "Ziji Zhenren", thank you for the reward of 500 coins each from "Tsing Yi Xuefa Jianghu Road" and "Interstellar Duke", and thank you for the reward of 20180322115124396 coins each from "Unfinished Laughing" and "Book Friends 100".

thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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