Military Heavy

Chapter 64 Brother Yang Fan, You Are Amazing

Chapter 64 Brother Yang Fan, You Are Amazing

Jiang Yan next to him tapped Jiang Dan on the head lightly, "I'm not polite at all, did you call Brother Yang Fan?"

"Brother Yang Fan."

Jiang Dan called out sweetly, and made a playful face to his sister.Jiang Dahai and his wife looked at the pair of daughters with happy smiles on their faces.

"this is for you."

Yang Fan took out a large piece of chocolate and stuffed it into Jiang Dan's hand. The latter took the piece of chocolate, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said in surprise, "This is chocolate!"

Yang Fan was a little surprised and said, "You actually know it's chocolate."

"Of course." With a proud look on his face, Jiang Dan tore open the package, put a piece into his mouth, and ate it with relish.

In this era, even in the big city of Donghai, not many people have eaten chocolate.Jiang Dan bought chocolates because the parents of a classmate in her class went on a business trip. That classmate once brought chocolates to the class to show off. Just taste it.

Now the wish has come true and I finally have chocolate.

After everyone chatted happily for a while, Jiang Dahai reminded: "My wife, go cook and kill that big rooster. Yang Fan will have dinner at our house at noon."

Jiang Dahai and his wife were very hospitable and enthusiastic. The lunch was very rich. After eating, Jiang Yan brought a pen and white paper and asked Yang Fan how to design bell-bottom pants.

She had never seen flared trousers before, but she had only heard about them from the teachers, and she really wanted to know what these fashionable trousers looked like.

Yang Fan laid out the white paper, picked up the pen, and thought for a while. After the appearance of bell-bottom pants appeared in his mind, he began to draw seriously.

Bell bottoms are said to have been invented by Western sailors.Sailors work on the deck, because sea water is easy to splash into the boots, so they thought of this way to change the shape of the trousers. The wide trousers cover the boots to avoid splashing water.

The 60s became the fad in America.

Later, "Elvis Presley" pushed bell-bottoms to the pinnacle of fashion, and then spread to RB and Hong Kong and Taiwan.With the popularity of RB and Hong Kong and Taiwan movies in the mainland of my country, it has swept the mainland.

Yang Fan's painting skills are very good. Relying on the memory in his mind, he drew the bell-bottom pants, and even drew some details in place.

"Brother Fan, these are flared pants!"

Jiang Yan, who was used to straight-leg pants, brightened his eyes.

She is a professional student, even though she is a junior college student, her eyesight is far better than that of ordinary people, and she can see the extraordinary in it at a glance.

In the 80s, people's clothing styles were very simple.

At that time, men's clothing in the city only had Mao-style uniforms, Chinese tunic suits, and jackets, and the only type of trousers was fat and big straight-leg trousers.

Clothes are mainly blue, black, gray, green these quiet colors. "National Defense Green" and "Blue Ant" have monopolized the vision of Chinese people, and the monotony of clothing styles also suppresses the individuality of every young person.

This is the main reason why flared pants are so popular.

"How about it, can you design it?"

After drawing this picture, Yang Fan asked.What I drew just now was just the appearance of flared trousers. How to design it requires a professional like Jiang Yan.

"of course."

Full of confidence, Jiang Yan sat down, picked up a pen and ruler, and began to draw the design of the bell-bottom pants on the white paper, sometimes stopping to think about it, and sometimes erasing and modifying it.

Time passed like this, and Yang Fan gave some suggestions from time to time. Although fashion design is a layman, his drawing skills are very solid, which is not comparable to that of Jiang Yan, a college student who has not yet graduated.

After finishing the costume design drawings, Yang Fan suggested, "You can also design denim flared pants, and the fabric materials can be diversified."


Jiang Yan nodded from time to time, and after listening to Yang Fan's speech, he said with a little admiration: "Brother Fan, you are so amazing, you know so much!"

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled.

The things in the mind are really not comparable to ordinary people. In addition to often reading books and memorizing a lot of things, there are three to 40 years more memories than others. Teaching Jiang Yan is not a problem at all. A little more, Jiang Yan felt amazing.

"It's finally time for business."

At this moment, Jiang Yan felt relieved, put away the pen and paper, and suggested, "Brother Fan, take me for a walk by bicycle."


Yang Fan agreed straight away, and stayed at home almost all the time after lunch, and really needed to go out for a while.

So the two went out happily, Yang Fan was riding a bicycle, and Jiang Yan sat happily on the back seat of the bicycle.

This place still belongs to the urban area, and there are still several kilometers away from the real suburbs. However, the two of them did not go in the direction of the suburbs, but in the direction of the central city.

There is no definite destination either, so it counts wherever you ride, ride and stop, and stop when you encounter something nice on the street, and if there is something delicious, Yang Fan will even buy some to share with the two of you.

"Brother Fan, you see we have reached the entrance of the cinema."

Having ridden for several kilometers, Yang Fan has memories of this movie theater, which he visited many times when he was a child.

I remember one time when I was young, I took Jiang Yan with me. Neither of them bought a ticket. They sneaked in between the railings of the cinema, and the two of them watched a free movie beautifully.

Seeing a lot of people queuing up to buy tickets at the entrance of the cinema, Yang Fan suggested, "Anyway, we have time, why don't we go back after watching a movie."


Jiang Yan raised both hands in agreement, as happy as a teenage girl.

Yang Fan pushed the bicycle, and Jiang Yan followed to the entrance of the cinema, parked the bicycle in a special parking place, locked it, and gave two cents to the uncle who was looking at the bicycle.

There are a lot of bicycles here, and there are special people to help guard them, but you need to give two cents.Then, Yang Fan bought two movie tickets, a total of [-] cents, and the movie was "Taking Tiger Mountain Out of Wisdom".

Movies from Hong Kong and Taiwan are rarely transmitted, and only old movies are shown in cinemas and on TV.The two of them didn't seem to care about any movie, they happily watched it together, very happy.

It was already evening when we walked out of the cinema, and the sky was slightly dark.Yang Fan was riding a bicycle, Jiang Yan was sitting on the back seat, and they clanged back home.

In the evening, I ate at Jiang Yan's house.

Yang Fan didn't return to work until the next afternoon. On the one hand, Jiang Yan seemed a little bit reluctant, and on the other hand, Jiang Dahai and his wife were very hospitable, so they insisted on keeping Yang Fan for lunch before leaving.

After returning to the unit and taking another day off, the entire East China Sea Ship Design Institute officially began to work and started a new year of work.

This year is the first year for the 052 ship to enter the comprehensive design, Yang Fan also quickly entered the working state, and the combat system design room started the design work of the 052 ship's combat system.

 Please recommend tickets, favorites and other support, there will be three updates today, and there should be two more updates tonight.


(End of this chapter)

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