Military Heavy

Chapter 65 The Weapon System of Ship 052

Chapter 65 The Weapon System of Ship 052
Not long after entering the design work, Pan Jinfu, the chief designer of the 052 ship, personally hosted an important meeting. Not only the deputy chief designer Tang Jianming, the director of the model office Zhao Yulan, the combat system design room, the weapon system design room, and the ship electronics participated in the meeting. The principal and deputy directors of the system design office, as well as many key designers of these design offices.

Pan Jinfu's voice was full of enthusiasm, "Comrades, the design work of our 052 ship has finally started in full swing. Among the design of many systems, the design of the combat system should be the most difficult, because they have no ready-made experience to learn from. Foreign experts can ask for advice.”

After finishing speaking, Pan Jinfu's eyes still fell on Yang Fan and Shi Wei.

The others all nodded secretly, of course they knew this very well, and some even sweated for the combat system design room.

To everyone's surprise, Shi Wei stood up and said loudly: "President Pan, please rest assured, please rest assured, we will definitely complete the task of designing the combat system."

At this time, he had to say that the pressure on Shi Shiwei was enormous. As Mr. Pan said, there was no technology accumulation, no experience to learn from, and no experts to ask for advice. Everything had to be explored by oneself.

Yang Fan, on the other hand, looked calm, without any worry or nervousness on his face.

Yang Fan is fully sure of the successful design and development of the combat system of the 052 ship. What he considers most is how to combine the current technical level and industrial strength, and what level of combat system is most suitable for development.

I even said in my heart more than once that the starting point should not be too high, because comrades lack professional knowledge in this area, and there is no rush to take it step by step.

Pan Jinfu looked away from Shi Wei and Yang Fan, and said loudly, "In the design and demonstration stage, we have basically determined the weapon system of the 052 ship. Now let's discuss it again, especially the comrades in the combat system design room. Opinions can be raised at the meeting."

Weapon systems are different from combat systems.

The weapon system is just a single weapon and equipment. What the combat system design needs to do is to connect these individual weapons and equipment, and use computer technology, programming and other methods to make them an organic whole and give full play to the performance of each weapon.

Therefore, in terms of the selection of weapons and equipment, the comrades in the combat system design room have the most say, and can even put forward different opinions.

Zhou Pingdao, director of the weapon system design office, "After the demonstration and discussion in our design office, we have initially decided to adopt the following weapons and equipment for the 052 ship."


Zhou Ping introduced in more detail, and everyone listened very carefully.

After he finished his introduction, Pan Jinfu asked, "What about the comrades in the Combat System Design Office?"

Shi Wei, including Wu Anhua, Zhang Xiaodong, and Zhu Jinming, did not raise any objections for the time being, but Yang Fan raised his right hand.

Our 051 ship initially used the 66-type naval gun. After improvement, some 051 ships have begun to use the more advanced 76-type dual-mounted naval gun. In the eyes of many people, this is a very good naval gun. .

"Xiao Yang, what's your opinion?" Pan Jinfu said.

Yang Fan said straight to the point: "I don't think it's appropriate to use the Type 052 76mm naval gun on our 130 ship."

What, wrong!

Several key designers in the weapon system design room looked at each other in blank dismay, and some even thought to themselves, what's wrong, do you really understand this naval gun?

Zhou Ping even stood up and directly retorted: "Director Yang, this is a very good artillery, and it is also a naval gun whose design has not been finalized for a long time. The use on the 051 ship shows that this is a very reliable and powerful gun. Big artillery. The power of the gun is amazing, six 6mm shells can basically disable a 130-ton ship."

It's powerful enough.

Six shells can make a 6-ton warship lose its combat effectiveness, and many comrades nodded in agreement.

Yang Fan didn't seem to be angry, and his face was already very calm. After Zhou Ping finished speaking, he said unhurriedly: "Director Zhou, our 052 ship will no longer be the main force of the artillery battle. It is difficult for the combat mode to reappear in modern naval warfare, and the main role of the 052 ship is not close-range artillery combat, but regional air defense and long-range warning."

Area air defense, long-range alert!
Some comrades seem to remember that during the design and demonstration stage of the 052 ship, the design ideas put forward by Master Pan were regional air defense and long-range security.

Zhou Ping was stunned, but still insisted, "Ship 052 is our new type of warship in the future. There is nothing wrong with increasing the power of the artillery. It is perfect to use the Type 76 130mm dual-mounted naval gun."

Hearing this, Yang Fan shook his head lightly, "On the 052 ship, the power of the main gun is not the most important. Of course, I am not saying that the main gun is not important. On the contrary, it is very important. We must choose one for the 052 ship. Very good artillery."

Pan Jinfu nodded in agreement. In fact, he was hesitant to use the Type 052 dual-mounted 76mm naval gun on the 130 ship. In fact, he liked another artillery in his heart, that is, the Type 79 that is still under test. 100mm twin-mounted naval gun.

Seeing that Yang Fan opposed the use of the Type 76 naval gun, Master Pan asked, "Xiao Yang, if you don't use the 76 naval gun, which naval gun do you suggest to use?"

"Type 79 100mm twin-mounted naval gun!"

Yang Fan's words were very clear, and they fell into the ears of every comrade. Seeing that it was this type of naval gun, many comrades were slightly stunned, which was really unexpected.

No one noticed that Pan Jinfu's eyes seemed to light up slightly.

Zhou Ping objected: "The Type 79 100mm twin-mounted naval gun will definitely not work. Did you know that it hasn't been designed yet?"

"Yes, as far as I know, it will take at least one year to finalize the design." Some comrades reminded.

Yang Fan said: "It doesn't matter if there is no design finalization. Our 052 ship is just beginning to design. The first ship may be built in eight or ten years. The Type 79 100mm dual-mounted naval gun can just Used on our 052 ship."

"As far as I know, the Type 79 100mm naval gun is very good. It can be perfectly combined with the gun sight radar. It is equipped with two ammunition feeding systems and stores 52 rounds of ammunition. It can shoot fully automatic and semi-automatically. It has a long range and great power. The key is that the whole gun is only 32 tons, which is much lighter than the Type 76 naval gun.”

Yang Fan talked about the many advantages of the Type 79 100mm twin-mounted naval gun. In addition to advanced performance, the very important point is that the size and weight of the gun are smaller than that of the Type 76.

For the 052 ship, this is very critical. The saved weight and space means that more equipment can be carried.

After Yang Fan finished speaking, the huge conference room fell into silence, and many comrades fell into thinking.

Some comrades also looked at Pan Jinfu, wanting to hear what Master Pan had to say.

Thank you for the reward of 1000 coins from "Xiangxi Chongshu", thank you for the reward of 500 coins each from "Tsing Yi Xuefa Jianghu Road" and "Interstellar Duke", and thank you for the reward of 100 coins from "A Smile".

thank you all! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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