Military Heavy

Chapter 66 Design Plan

Chapter 66 Design Plan (recommendation ticket requested)
Pan Jinfu glanced at Yang Fan approvingly, and said in his heart, this comrade is not bad. It seems that he has put in a lot of effort and knows a lot about the Type 79 100mm twin-mounted naval gun that has not yet been finalized.

"Comrades, do you still have a different opinion?"

Seeing that no one else raised objections, even Zhou Ping lowered his head slightly. At this moment, he also knew that he had made a big mistake.

What's wrong?

That is, the ideology is still on the 051 ship, and they actually want to copy the main gun of the 051 ship to the future 052 ship.

Ship 052 is a warship that is about to go deep blue, and its comprehensive performance has been greatly improved. Even if there is a naval battle in the future, it will be difficult to have close-range artillery battles. As Yang Fan said, the function of ship 052 is regional air defense and long-range warning.

Pan Jinfu's eyes swept over everyone's faces, nodded lightly, and said loudly: "Director Yang's speech is good, and it almost touched my heart. To be honest, I have been considering whether to Use the newer Type 052 naval gun on our 79 ship."

"Now I have made a decision that our 052 ship's main gun will use the Type 79 100mm twin-mounted naval gun, and that's it."

A hammer is fixed.

The chief designer personally made the decision, and this matter is a matter of certainty, which means that the main gun of the 052 ship is the Type 79 naval gun.

At this moment, Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief. If the Type 052 dual-mounted 76mm naval gun was used on the 130 ship, it would be too inappropriate. cannon.

"Everyone, do you have any comments on the weapon system of the 052 ship? If not, let's discuss its ship electrical system." Pan Jinfu said.

When he said this, his gaze stayed on Yang Fan's face for a while.

Yang Fan shook his head lightly, expressing that he had no objection for the time being.Although in Yang Fan's view, the above-mentioned weapon systems of the 052 ship are not advanced, the current starting point should not be too high. On the one hand, everyone's technical accumulation is not enough, and on the other hand, our industrial strength is not yet strong.

When it becomes truly powerful in the future, it is completely possible to upgrade the weapon system, such as adopting a more advanced vertical launch system for anti-aircraft missiles.

It is obviously inappropriate to mention the vertical launch system at this time. Yang Fan, who knows this well, simply did not express any different opinions.

Next, everyone began to discuss the ship's electrical system.

In fact, whether it is the weapon system, the ship's electrical system, or even the power system, etc., the plan has been roughly determined during the design and demonstration stage of the 052 ship. At this time, it is mainly to see if there are better suggestions. recommendations, it is not too late to make changes.

Wu Wenchao, director of the Ship Electric System Design Office, began to introduce the ship electric system design plan of the 052 ship loudly, "Comrades, according to the policy of introducing the independent research and development part, a large part of the ship electric system with relatively weak technical force is imported equipment. "

“它们包括法国研制的“海虎”雷达,一部518型2D长程对空警戒雷达、一部362型短程低空/对海搜索警戒雷达、两部Racal Decca RM-1290型导航雷达,以及2套826C型电子支援系统等”

Yang Fan also knew the early 052 ship very well. Seeing that the ship's electrical system was not much different from the first ship of the 052 ship in his memory, he nodded slightly.

The radar system is not advanced, but at least it works.

It is very appropriate to adopt such a ship electrical system on the first ship of the 052 ship. Similarly, under the current industrial strength and technology accumulation, it is very unwise to increase the large-scale active phased array control radar.

Only when our technical accumulation is deep enough, the industrial strength is strong enough, and the country has corresponding technical strength, it is appropriate to introduce large-scale active phased array control radar.

Yang Fan firmly believes that after a few years, after the 052 ship has been improved, the future 052 ship will definitely have a vertical launch system for air defense missiles and a large active phased array control radar.

These things will exist in the future.

Yang Fan didn't raise any opinions on the ship's electrical system of the 052 ship, and other comrades basically had no opinion. The ship's electrical system passed smoothly and was basically finalized.

Then we discussed the power system of the 052 ship, and everyone basically didn't have much opinion.

Just like in the design demonstration stage, the power system of the 052 ship adopts diesel-fuel combined power. The main power is two LM2500 gas turbines, which will be imported from the United States with a power of 55000 horsepower; there are also two MTU-20 V956 TB92 diesel engines, which will be made in Germany. Power 10420 horsepower.

Weapon system, ship electrical system, power system, communication system, hull design, overall design, etc. This meeting was held all day, from morning to afternoon, and many things were discussed.

After the meeting, Shi Wei, Yang Fan and others returned to the combat system design room.

Shi Wei said sternly: "Director Yang, the design of the sub-systems of the 052 ship has been officially finalized, but tomorrow is the highlight, and the main leaders of the institute will attend the meeting in person, and some people from the military will also attend the meeting. .”

"En." Yang Fan nodded seriously.

There was no one else, and Shi Wei didn't hide it, and said bluntly, "I'm really under a lot of pressure, how about you?"

Yang Fan smiled and said relaxedly, "I'm fine. I'll be the one to speak tomorrow and introduce the design plan of the 052 ship's combat system."

Shi Weidao: "That's exactly what I mean. If I were to introduce it, I'm afraid it would be more appropriate for you to introduce it. To be honest, the design of the combat system is mainly due to your credit."

"Where, the result of everyone's hard work." Yang Fan said modestly.

Modesty belongs to modesty, and it is indeed mainly due to Yang Fan's contribution. This design plan is basically made according to Yang Fan's intention.

In the initial stage of the 052 ship, no one knows better than Yang Fan what kind of combat system is most suitable to design, so Yang Fan made a design plan by himself.

And tomorrow is the top priority of this meeting.

On behalf of the Combat System Design Office, Yang Fan will introduce the combat system design plan of the 052 ship for the first time. So far, only the chief designer Pan Jinfu and several deputy chief designers have seen this plan, and they have not mentioned it for the time being. What opinion.

Others, such as the directors of the design offices of various subsystems, and those key design office members, have never seen the design plan of the combat system of the 052 ship.

The two quickly agreed, and Yang Fan, on behalf of the combat system design office, introduced the design plan of the 052 ship's combat system.

Although Shi Wei is a senior weapon system design expert and the director of the combat system, he knows that the technical level is really not as high as Yang Fan.

At the beginning, he was also very surprised. After working for one or 20 years, how could he not be as good as Yang Fan, a young man? Gradually, he understood a little bit. It turns out that Yang Fan has been studying continuously, and the bookshelves in the office are full of Books and publications related to ships.

In addition to reading a lot of books on ship technology, Shi Wei also found that Yang Fan is very smart and has an excellent memory. Sometimes he would feel that Yang Fan is really a genius.

He didn't feel jealous at all, but following Yang Fanwei's example, he also read books and took notes every day, and he felt that he really improved faster.

the next day.

Yang Fan, Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong, Wu Anhua, and Zhu Jinming entered the meeting room more than ten minutes earlier and sat down in their own seats.

Shi Wei seemed a little nervous, looked at the time, and then at Yang Fan.

He found that Yang Fan's face was calm, and there seemed to be a sense of confidence all over his body, and the tension in his heart subsided a little.

As the comrades attending the meeting entered the meeting room one after another, Pan Jinfu, the chief designer, also walked in soon after, and looked towards Yang Fan.

If you look closely, you will find that there is a hint of satisfaction in Chief Master Pan's eyes. I don't know if he is satisfied with Yang Fan himself or with the design plan of the 052 ship's combat system.

Three shifts!

Ask everyone for support such as recommendation tickets and collections. At this time, these things are very much needed.

(End of this chapter)

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