Military Heavy

Chapter 67 1 to pass

Chapter 67 unanimously approved
At nine o'clock in the morning, the meeting officially began.

General Master Pan still presided over the meeting in person, but today's meeting is much higher than yesterday's. Not only the main leaders of the East China Sea Institute attended the meeting, but also several people from the military sat in the meeting. Originally, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship Huang Keping planned to come over, but he was unable to attend the meeting at the East China Sea Institute due to temporary business, but he sent someone over.

The three people sitting next to those in the military came from the capital and belonged to the headquarters of the 052 ship.

Pan Jinfu coughed lightly, and the huge meeting room fell silent instantly. In the eyes of everyone, he said loudly: "Comrades, in yesterday's meeting, we have basically finalized the design of the sub-systems of the 052 ship. come down."

"Today's whole morning, we want to focus on the design of the combat system of the 052 ship. The meaning of why we spend a single morning is self-evident, because it is no exaggeration to say that the design of the combat system is important in the entire 052 ship. Among so many sub-system designs of the ship, it is the most critical."

He talked eloquently for a few minutes, especially introducing the importance of combat system design. Of course, he also specifically mentioned that this is the highlight and difficulty in the design of the 052 ship.

Because there is no information to check at all, and it is impossible to consult foreign experts, and there is no previous technical accumulation, and everything has to start from scratch.

After talking for a few minutes, Pan Jinfu said: "Now Comrade Yang Fan, deputy director of the combat system design office, will introduce the design plan of the combat system to everyone."

"Applause everyone!"

There was warm applause in the conference room. While applauding, some people looked at Yang Fan and thought in their hearts, this is the youngest deputy director of the design office of our Donghai Institute. I don’t know how good he is, but he is really competent Combat system design?
Amidst the applause and the various gazes of everyone, Yang Fan was neither humble nor overbearing, and could not see the slightest embarrassment or nervousness. On the contrary, there seemed to be a sense of confidence on his face.

Yang Fan stood up and walked to the speech seat. Immediately, the conference room became completely quiet, and everyone's eyes were all on Yang Fan, waiting to speak.

"Comrades, leaders, good morning, everyone."

Yang Fan's voice was very loud and clear to everyone's ears.

"After the collective efforts of more than 30 technicians in our combat system design room, we have made a design plan for the combat system of the 052 ship. Now I will introduce this design plan to you."

Everyone listened carefully, and many of them recorded in their notebooks while listening. The only sound in the conference room was the sound of Yang Fan speaking, and the sound of flipping notebooks when everyone was taking notes.

The design of the 052 ship combat system first considers the modular design, which is convenient for future upgrades and improvements, and is convenient for transplantation to other warships of various tonnages, including the naval combat center.

This is Yang Fan's first consideration. Modularization, platformization, and easy upgrade and transplantation. Only in this way can it be perfected and improved. Although it is not world-class now, it will definitely be a world-class combat system in the future.

It is designed to handle more than 100 course trajectories, as well as various tactical functions for guided missile destroyer missions.Each of its workbenches will be endowed with a strong working capacity.

In terms of command processing, with the help of computer technology, it has functions such as extrapolation, tactical assistance, and manual auxiliary tracking.

In terms of display and images, it can display more than 100 tracks, 300 vectors, more than 100 coastline divisions, and 1500 letters and numbers.


The combat system of the 052 ship is organized around the dual Ethernet bus, which will realize full redundancy related control.It will be equipped with a certain number of tactical computers, interface computers, and intelligent display consoles, all of which use 32-bit processors.

Using LAN data flow, tasks are assigned to three types of computers, the interface, tactical, and centralized consoles.

Realize the function concentration of a certain action, and establish a reference "track database", whose data is provided by different sensors and databases in various places in the network.

operating procedure
During the meeting, Yang Fan talked almost out of script, and introduced the combat system in his mind to everyone more comprehensively. He not only introduced the design ideas and framework, but also introduced the functions it will have in the future.

This introduction took three or four 10 minutes.

"Thank you everyone. This is the design plan made by our combat system design room. Different opinions are welcome."

After introducing the entire design plan, Yang Fan politely invited everyone to give their opinions.

Pan Jinfu nodded approvingly, and was the first to take the lead in applauding. Immediately, there was warm applause in the conference room.

Gradually, after the applause completely subsided, Pan Jinfu said: "Comrades, we can see that our Comrade Yang Fan is very well prepared. I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of the future combat system of our 052 ship. If you have any opinions, now It can be brought up for discussion.”

A comrade in the military immediately asked a question, not so much as a question, but as a further consultation with Yang Fan on the future combat system.For example, he asked when this combat system was successfully developed, what technical level it is in the world, and how operable it is.

Yang Fan answered patiently one by one.

Next, several comrades raised some technical questions, and Yang Fan answered them patiently, and recorded some constructive opinions in his notebook.

Generally speaking, no one raised any major issues, they were all small issues, or mainly for a deeper understanding.

After all, the combat system is considered a new thing in China, and many comrades' understanding of it is limited to seeing sporadic things from some technical materials, which is not comprehensive.

Not long after, no one asked any more questions. Pan Jinfu looked around the entire meeting room and said loudly: "It seems that everyone has no objection to this design plan, and I am the same. I think this plan is well done. If so, then we Passed by unanimous applause."

After speaking, he took the lead in applauding.

There was another warm applause in the meeting room. Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong, Wu Anhua and Zhu Jinming also applauded vigorously. Everyone's face was filled with joy.

Especially Shi Wei.

In addition to the joy in his heart, he also relaxed a lot. He was a little worried at first, but he didn't expect the design plan to pass smoothly. This means that the design of the combat system has taken a strong first step. A series of detailed designs can be carried out on the basis of the original design plan.

Amid the applause, Yang Fan bowed to thank everyone, then walked off the speaking seat, returned to his seat and sat down.

At this moment, Yang Fan felt a lot of eyes cast on him. Before, many people had some doubts about the deputy director of the designer, who was too young, but now this kind of doubt is gone, because everyone has discovered that Yang Fan's professional level is very high , no worse than anyone present here.

At around 11 am, the meeting ended smoothly.

Back in the combat system design room, Shi Wei relaxed, but Yang Fan knew that the real task was coming. After entering the comprehensive design stage, there would be a lot of things waiting for him to do.

He already had a clear idea of ​​how to start and how to design the future combat system, and it was because of his exceptionally clear thinking that he knew that the burden on his shoulders was not easy.

After returning to the office, Yang Fan sat down, opened his notebook, and wrote on it what to do next and how to do it.

Undoubtedly, the training for everyone must be continued. It is very important for everyone to be proficient in using computers and have the ability to program independently.

In addition, more talents who understand both computer knowledge and ship design and combat command are needed. A large number of such specialized talents are needed in the specific design process of the combat system.

In addition, Yang Fan knew that the construction of the combat system laboratory must be put on the agenda, and he must hurry up.

The last time I visited country F, they had many specialized laboratories for combat system design and development, while the East China Sea Institute did not even have one such laboratory.

The design and development of a combat system cannot be based on imagination, but must be verified through repeated experiments. Even Yang Fan cannot design a combat system based on his own ideas without undergoing experimental verification.

In the following days, Yang Fan has been relatively busy
(End of this chapter)

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