Chapter 68

In the East China Sea Ship Design Institute at night, many floors were completely dark, but some floors were still lit, because after entering the overall design stage of the 052 ship, some design rooms had a heavy burden, and comrades were working overtime.

At this point in time, the combat system design room was brightly lit. In the conference room, from Shi Wei down, there were three to no. 40 people sitting there upright, and Yang Fan was giving lectures to everyone.

This is not the first time such a scene has appeared.

Sometimes it is working time during the day. If you are busy during the day and really don’t have time, you will often use the evening time to tell you some design ideas of the combat system or some knowledge about computer programming.

Yang Fan built the design framework of the combat system for everyone. In addition to guiding everyone to design, some professional technical knowledge sometimes needs to be explained.

Computer-related knowledge, or some technical knowledge of programming.

Today I’m going to talk about the knowledge about Ethernet, because the future combat system of the 052 ship is controlled by dual Ethernet buses. Everyone should not only understand this aspect of knowledge, but also be proficient in this aspect of knowledge.

From seven in the evening until 09:30 in the evening.

There was only a 10-minute break in the middle, and Yang Fan's narration was simple and profound, and everyone listened with great interest and benefited a lot.

Even Shi Wei was the same, sitting down with everyone, listening carefully, and taking notes carefully.After working with Yang Fan for a long time, he found more and more the gap in technical level with Yang Fan, and he has been urging him to learn by himself.

He often thought in his mind that he may be an expert in weapon systems, but there is still too much to learn in combat system design.

"Okay, I'll stop here today. If you have time, everyone should review what I said today, appreciate it, and take a look at the notes recorded." Yang Fan urged.

"Director Yang, you have worked hard!"

Everyone got up one by one and started to leave.Yang Fan himself felt relieved, knowing that the results of these few lectures were not bad, and everyone improved very quickly.

In particular, everyone's computer level has improved in a straight line. Song Jun and the others are already proficient in individual programming, and they are proficient in using computers. It is completely different from just joining the combat system design room.

"Veterans" like Zhang Xiaodong, Wu Anhua, and Zhu Jinming have also greatly improved their computer skills. Compared with a few months ago, they are simply on the ground and the sky.

Although Yang Fan is a bit busy these days, he is very happy to see that everyone is making progress every day.

The construction of the combat system laboratory has already started. Some of the equipment and components that need to be purchased have been approved by Chief Division Pan after Yang Fan put forward the list, and have entered the procurement process.

There are some equipment that cannot be bought, so Yang Fan simply designs with everyone, draws out the design drawings, buys some things and then makes and assembles them by himself.

Yang Fan already knew what the future combat command room of the 052 ship would look like, and he personally drew the design drawing of the combat command room.

In the laboratory, a simulated combat command room will be built according to this design drawing, simulating the future combat command room of the 052 ship. After a series of verifications and experiments in the laboratory, it will be moved to the 052 ship.

The design of the combat system will undoubtedly be the biggest highlight in the design of the 052 ship. For this reason, under the leadership of Pan Jinfu, Yang Fan went to the command building of the 052 ship in person, reported the design ideas of the combat system to Huang Keping, and communicated with the naval commanders and fighters. Comrades communicated.

In the midst of being busy, the days pass quickly.

On April 1984, 4, a small supermarket opened quietly in Donghai City. This was the first small supermarket run by Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing. Because Yang Fan was busy, he seldom paid attention to the progress of the supermarket. No time to come and have a look.

Early in the morning, the sky was not yet bright.

The lights came on inside the small supermarket, and Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing were busy inside. Besides the two, there was also a clerk.

A supermarket with an area of ​​[-] to [-] square meters has hundreds of products. Yang Fan knew that Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing would not be able to cope with it alone. He suggested hiring one or two shop assistants. My sister came to help, mainly to help organize the goods, clean up and so on.

A carriage stopped at the entrance of the supermarket, and a middle-aged man got out of the carriage.It should have heard the movement, Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing came out together.

"Brother Zhao, you're here so soon."

"Yeah." Zhao Jianjun nodded, "There's still a car, so it won't work if it's earlier."

This is a cart full of fresh vegetables, green and tender. They were picked by the villagers in the vegetable field before dawn. After cleaning and tidying up, they were loaded into a carriage and sent by Zhao Jianjun.

After counting the quantity and signing, everyone unloaded the vegetables from the car, moved them into the supermarket and put them on the shelves.

Zhao Jianjun said: "This place is much bigger than ordinary state-run vegetable stores, and the prices are clearly marked, neat and clean. It will be difficult for you not to make money."

Yang Fang said happily: "According to Brother Zhao's precious words, I will give Brother Zhao a red envelope if I really make money."

After this cart of vegetables was delivered, there were more vegetables on the shelves. It seemed that there were not only a large number of vegetables, but also a variety of them.

In the entire supermarket, in addition to selling vegetables and fruits in nearly half of the area, there are also rice noodles, grain and oil, and other things for sale.

Although it cannot be compared with the current supermarkets, it was definitely amazing in the 80s. Looking at the entire Donghai City, it is probably the first.

At 07:30 in the morning, the supermarket opens for business.

In the first one or two hours, the business can only be considered so-so, after all, this is a new store, but after one or two hours, it gradually becomes popular, and the number of customers in the store has increased significantly.

Not far from a supermarket.

An older lady was happily walking home with a vegetable basket. As she walked, she thought about it. This time she saved at least [-] cents, and she will go to that store to buy vegetables next time.

An aunt walked up to them, obviously the two of them were very familiar with each other, the aunt greeted enthusiastically: "Xiao Wu, I bought the food so early."

"Buy it, ready to go back."

The aunt looked at the things in the eldest sister's vegetable basket, and was immediately surprised, "Where did you buy such fresh vegetables?"

The eldest sister looked happy, and pointed not far away, "There is a new vegetable shop, no, it is a supermarket, in addition to selling vegetables, fruits, and eggs, it also sells other things. The things are very affordable and cheap. , the key is to go in and choose whatever you want, you can see that I saved at least [-] cents on these dishes.”


The aunt was obviously pleasantly surprised, "Then let's talk next time, I'll take a look now."

Before she finished speaking, she carried the vegetable basket on her shoulders, walked in three steps at a time, and soon arrived at the entrance of the small supermarket. When she saw many people inside, she was surprised again, and then walked in immediately.

Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing were busy, they were busy checking out and collecting money, and there was a long line in front of them, all of them were people who had heard the news and rushed over from nearby.

When it was almost noon, the fresh vegetables on the shelves were significantly reduced, and some of them were about to be sold out. Yang Fang was a little anxious, and quickly reminded, "National Day, you should go back by bicycle and tell everyone to make more vegetables." A cart of food will be delivered quickly."


Without saying a word, Xie Guoqing hurried out the door pushing his bicycle.Before the opening, I prepared three carriages of fresh vegetables, but I didn't expect them to be sold out in half a day.


Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing looked at each other and smiled. Although they had been busy for almost a day, their hearts were filled with incomparable joy.Many items on the shelves were sold out, and the fresh vegetables were replenished several times, but they were still sold out.

There was nothing to sell, the two persuaded those customers who came to the door to leave, and began to sort out today's turnover, while Sister He tidied up the things on the shelves and cleaned the floor.

850, six yuan, five cents and three cents!

This is today's turnover.

Even though they knew that today's turnover should not be low, the two of them were still stunned. It was more than 800 yuan a day, my God!
The two couldn't believe it, and after counting it again, they found that there was nothing wrong, and then they became completely excited.

In the past, the two worked harder to buy groceries, getting up early and staying late, and only earning 30 to [-] yuan a month. Today, they earn much more than in the past year.

This is still due to insufficient preparation. If you are more fully prepared, you will earn more.

After tidying up the thick banknotes and putting them in the satchel, Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing thought at the same time that they needed to ask another person to help them. In addition, they had to contact them now to repurchase, and strive to break through 1000 yuan tomorrow.

 Comrades, don't forget to vote for recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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