Chapter 69 Beginning to Sketch Little by Little

Soon after going to work, Yang Fan would visit the various offices below whenever he was free.As usual, Yang Fan walked into one of the large offices.

The Combat System Design Office is currently divided into four teams, led by Zhang Xiaodong, Wu Anhua, Zhu Jinming and Song Jun.Each group has a separate large office to work together.

The team leader of this office is Zhang Xiaodong. There are more than ten people in total. There are more than a dozen large tables, and each table is covered with a large drawing board.

Pencils, T-squares, set squares, compasses, erasers, etc., using these most primitive tools, the designers under the leadership of each team leader began to outline the design drawings of the 052 ship's combat system, and there were endless drawings every day.

Historically, the design of the 052 ship took a full 5 years. In addition to the technical difficulty, the most important thing is that there is no computer-aided drawing. Every design drawing needs to be drawn stroke by stroke. There is no shortcut. Go, it takes a lot of time.

The design drawings of the entire 052 ship are calculated in tons. There are also many design drawings of each subsystem, such as the design drawings of the combat system. It is estimated that they will eventually reach a very considerable amount. People are taller.

How to carry out the design work, what to design first, and then what to design, Yang Fan has told several team leaders, and now it is proceeding step by step.

"Director Yang."

"Director Yang, good morning."

Some people would stop and greet Yang Fan when they saw Yang Fan, and some designers seemed to be completely immersed in the drawing of design drawings, where they could not be shaken.

Yang Fan took a general look and found that everyone's drawing skills were good, so he nodded in satisfaction.He walked to Zhang Xiaodong's desk and stopped.

There are quite a few drawings piled up on his desk, all of which are the design drawings drawn by the designers below.It was sent to him for review according to the process. He was looking at one of the drawings seriously, when he suddenly felt something and raised his head to look at it.

"Director Yang, you are here."

He hastily put down the blueprint in his hand with a look of enthusiasm.

Yang Fan raised his hand and pressed down lightly, you are busy with your work, I will just take a look.After speaking, he picked up one of the design drawings and looked at it.

I didn't stay here for too long, mainly because I was worried about affecting everyone's work. After looking around, I went back to my office, made a cup of hot tea, and sat down.

Just about to sort out the recent work and think about the next work, there was a knock on the door, and Shi Wei walked in.

"Director Shi is here."

The relationship between the two was very good, and they greeted each other casually.Shi Wei also seemed very casual, found a chair and sat down.

The two often visit each other. Either Yang Fan goes to Shi Wei's office, or Shi Wei comes over on his own initiative. The two mainly chat about work matters, especially the design of the combat system.

After sitting down, Shi Wei said: "The design work of the combat system has finally been rolled out, and comrades are also enriched. What makes us even more happy is that some equipment and devices needed by the laboratory will be in place one after another."

Yang Fan nodded, "Our next step is to focus on the construction of the laboratory. Some of our designs need to be verified and tested in the laboratory."

The two chatted about the future laboratory.

According to Yang Fan's thinking, on the first ship of the 052 ship, the combat system only needs to reach the level of centralized command and decentralized control. There is no need to pursue high intelligence and informationization for the time being, that is a matter of the future.

The ability to achieve centralized command and decentralized control means moving from mechanization to informatization, which is a huge progress.

Of course, modularization and platformization must be adhered to, mainly for long-term considerations, to facilitate future upgrades and improvements of the combat system.

On the 052 ship, what will the future combat command room look like? Yang Fan already has a blueprint and has drawn the overall design drawing himself. The specific design requires everyone to work together, because the specific detailed design is huge and impossible. It was done by Yang Fan alone, which not only involved the drawing of a large number of design drawings, but also many things needed to be verified and tested.

Pan Jinfu had already shown the general plan design of the combat command room, and there was basically no objection, that is to say, it was basically decided like this.

No one knows better than Yang Fan what the combat command room of the 052 ship is like. Before rebirth, he had boarded the 052 ship at least dozens of times, and entered the 052 ship's combat command room countless times.

Even the first ship of the 052 ship, the 112 ship "Harbin", has been there many times. The design of the current combat command room is based on the 112 ship, but it has only been improved and optimized to a certain extent.

The combat command system of the 052 ship has entered the comprehensive design stage, and the other subsystems have also entered the comprehensive design stage.

The overall design is even more comprehensive.

Recently, Kuang Wei, the director of the overall design office, has been under a little bit of pressure. With the spread of the design work, he found a problem, that is, the design difficulty of the 052 ship is several times that of the previous 051 ship.

Kuang Wei can be regarded as a veteran, having participated in the entire design work of the 051 ship. Because of this, he has always been full of confidence and confidence before, but recently it seems that life is a bit sad, and his confidence is not so strong.

The overall design of the 052 ship is very difficult, and the technical difficulty is very high.

In people's minds, the magnificent 052-ton ship is the pinnacle of ship design and construction, but in fact, the difficulty of designing a warship is much higher than that of a 7-ton ship. The capacity of the Type 20.00 destroyer is only that of a civilian 7-ton bulk carrier. 5% five, but the equipment installed on the ship is equivalent to five times that of a [-]-ton bulk carrier.

It is conceivable that it would be difficult to design all kinds of equipment, large and small, into the 052 ship with a displacement of only a few thousand tons.

Because the boat is small and there are many things, the difficulty is multiplied.If you think about a ship of hundreds of thousands of tons, the ship is very large and has a lot of space, so relatively speaking, the problem is not very big.

Military ships are generally very compact, full of various machinery and equipment, weapons and equipment, radars, and so many piping systems, so every inch of money is spent on design.

The 052 ship seems to have reached the extreme, and all aspects must be considered, without any sloppy and deviation, even a few millimeters must be considered.

"The design of the combat system should be more difficult. What happened to them?"

Kuang Wei couldn't help thinking about it, and after a while, he decided to go to the combat system design room to take a look, just to take a break, and take a look at Yang Fan by the way.

Yang Fan came out of the overall design office, and now he is the deputy director of the design office at such a young age, and his future is immeasurable. Kuang Wei has always had a friendship with Yang Fan and knows the importance of good relations.

After making up his mind, Kuang Wei left the office.

A few minutes later, he walked to the door of Yang Fan's office, raised his hand and knocked on the door, then pushed the door and walked in.

Yang Fan was writing something at his desk. He thought it was Shi Wei who came in again, without raising his head, "Director Shi, find a chair to sit on. I'm almost done writing."

Suddenly, finding something wrong, Yang Fan looked up and was stunned immediately, and said very unexpectedly: "Director Kuang, you are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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