Military Heavy

Chapter 70 The timing is very good

Chapter 70 The timing is very good

With a warm smile on his face, Kuang Wei pulled a chair and sat down by himself, "Director Yang, you must be very busy recently."

"Yeah." Yang Fan nodded lightly, got up and made a cup of tea for Kuang Wei with a boiled water bottle, and said: "I've been very busy, since our 052 ship entered the comprehensive design stage, everyone is about the same. "

"Yeah, it's pretty much the same." Kuang Wei took the cup of hot tea and said with emotion in his heart, "Besides being busy, the pressure is also very high. The technical difficulty of the design of the 052 ship is several times that of the 051 ship. Brother, I can hardly sleep at night now, the pressure is really too great."

Yang Fan looked at Kuang Wei carefully, and found that he really looked stressed, and he didn't seem to be lying.

Consolation: "There is pressure, there is motivation. The design of the 052 ship is indeed not small, but with the technology accumulation of the 051 ship, it will take a few years, and it will definitely succeed in the end."

"I have no doubts about the final success. After all, it is the power of the whole country. But at present, our overall design has entered the comprehensive design stage. With the development of the design, I found many problems, the biggest problem is the cabin capacity. insufficient."

The design displacement of the 052 ship is only about 4200 tons, and the full-load displacement is about 4800 tons. It is difficult to imagine the difficulty of stuffing tens of thousands of equipment, large and small, in a hull with a displacement of more than 4 tons.

As an expert in ship design, Yang Fan understood the difficulties Kuang Wei is currently facing, nodded and said: "The difficulty is indeed much greater than that of the 051 ship."


Kuang Wei sighed softly, "With so much equipment and such a small cabin capacity, we can only fight for every millimeter, and every millimeter is calculated very accurately."

This is called well-designed, first-time success.

In the era without computer graphics, if a new drawing is required due to a calculation error, all the hard-drawn design drawings will be scrapped, and everything will be overthrown and restarted. The workload is not so large.

One of the reasons for Kuang Wei's great pressure is that he is worried that if such a thing happens, if he wants to start all over again, his previous hard work will be in vain.

When the cabin capacity is small and there are a lot of equipment, if the calculation of the size of some place is wrong, the equipment cannot be placed, which is very easy to happen and can only be redesigned.

If the cabin capacity is sufficient and the equipment is less, it will be much easier to handle. Even if the calculation of the size is wrong, as long as it is not too outrageous, generally there is no need to tear it down and start over, because there is ample space for you to modify it.

Kuang Wei smiled wryly and shook his head with a bitter look on his face.

Yang Fan asked with concern: "Director Kuang, how far has your design work progressed?"

Kuang Wei said: "The calculation of the size of some main cabins has already begun, and the overall design plan has also been successfully passed and reported to the 052 ship headquarters."

That's it.
Yang Fan seems to be thinking deeply. To be honest, it is a very good time. To exaggerate, if you miss this village, there will be no such store.

No one knows better than Yang Fan the many defects of the 052 ship at the beginning of its design. The most typical one is the overall design of the hull. The lack of redundancy makes it impossible to upgrade and replace many equipment on the ship, because the upgraded equipment may not be reinstallable. into a limited ship.

Later, there was no choice but to make major changes to the hull and undergo major surgery, which not only consumed a lot of time, but also consumed a lot of manpower and material resources.

Such a major change not only increased the workload of the designers in the design, but also caused a lot of waste due to the large design changes, many original molds and tooling during the construction process could no longer be used.

Now this time is indeed a good opportunity.

Yang Fan mentioned before that the design of the 052 ship must be platform-based, with full consideration of redundancy to facilitate future upgrades and improvements. Obviously, some comrades did not adopt Yang Fan’s suggestion when making the overall design plan. It is still the same as in history. came up with such a design.

If the 052 ship enters the detailed design stage later, if it is overturned and undergoes major changes at that time, the hard work of so many designers will be in vain, and all the design drawings drawn before may be invalidated.

It’s just that Yang Fan hesitated a little, let the 052 ship develop according to the historical track, but set the right direction and reduce detours?
After pondering for a while, Yang Fan still felt that he should understand the situation first, so he asked, "Director Kuang, I also came from the general designer, and I am more interested in the overall design, especially the design of the 052 ship's hull."

Kuang Wei glanced at Yang Fan in surprise, but he didn't take it too seriously, and said truthfully: "We have already started some dimensional calculations for the main cabins of the hull, and the general plan of the hull design should be completed in a month or two. can come out."

"Although the official general drawing has not been released, many things have been relatively clear, such as the main dimensions of the hull, standard displacement, etc."

"Oh." Yang Fan seemed to be interested, waved his hand and said, "Let's go to your office, let's have a good chat, how about it."

Kuang Wei didn't even think about it at all, feeling the pressure in his heart, finally had someone to confide in, who would let him go, and immediately agreed: "Okay, we'll go there now."

However, he just wanted to confide in him. He definitely didn't dare to give any constructive suggestions on the overall design of the 052 ship, let alone expect Yang Fan to help him.

The two left the combat system design room together, and entered Kuang Wei's office not long after.

Yang Fan has been to this office several times, but at that time, he was just a newcomer in the general design office. He was a soldier under Kuang Wei, and he basically walked in here with nervousness, embarrassment, or looking up to him. Now no the same.

Yang Fan no longer has the mentality he used to have, but talks and laughs with Kuang Wei, just like old friends for many years.

"Director Yang, please sit down."

Kuang Wei was very enthusiastic, and while calling Yang Fan to sit down on the sofa, he poured Yang Fan a cup of hot water.

The two sat down and chatted for a while in a good atmosphere. For example, Kuang Wei also introduced some size data and other data that have been basically settled for the 052 ship.

According to their calculations, the tentative size of the 052 ship is 146 meters in length, 16 meters in beam, 5.1 meters in draft, 4200 tons in standard displacement, and 4800 tons in full load.
Yang Fan listened carefully.

After listening, Yang Fan said: "The general plan of the hull has not yet been released, and the sketch should be out."

"It has come out, and there are several plans, take a look."

After finishing speaking, Kuang Wei took several drawings from his desk and spread them out, and introduced their design of the 052 hull to Yang Fan one by one.

It can be seen from these sketches that the main size data of the hull are basically the same, the only difference is that some cabins have subtle differences.

Yang Fan's eyes fell on the power cabin. The plan of using diesel-fuel combined power for the 052 ship has been decided. It is powered by two LM2500 gas turbines and two MTU-20 V956 TB92 diesel engines. This plan will hardly change.

Obviously, Kuang Wei and the others also knew that this power scheme would not be changed, so they almost tailor-made the power cabin, which can just fit two LM2500 gas turbines and two MTU-20 V956 TB92 diesel engines, and there is no extra space.

Tailor-made, just right.

The cabin capacity is not at all redundant!

Yang Fan frowned slightly. These sketches were exactly the same, almost all of the power cabins were like this. If there is no accident, the power cabin will also be like this in the future official overall drawing.

This will not work!
Yang Fan pondered in his heart, thinking, should I mention it?
If Yang Fan was the deputy director of the overall design office, he would definitely raise this question clearly. The power cabin cannot be customized, but enough margin and space should be left. In case the supply of LM2500 gas turbines is cut off in the future, we will choose other types of gas turbines. When the time comes, the newly selected replacement gas turbine can be placed in the engine compartment.

The design of the power cabin is too small, and the new replacement gas turbine cannot be put into the power cabin, which means that several 052 ships built in the early stage can only use the LM2500 gas turbine as power. Once the LM2500 gas turbine fails and needs to be replaced, it will be troublesome up.

It's a pity that Yang Fan is not the deputy director of the overall design office, but the deputy director of the combat system design office. If he expressly disagrees with the hull design, he will be suspected of meddling in his own business, and some people may still laugh at it Yang Fan's pipe is too wide and his hands are stretched too far.

But knowing that there was a problem and letting it go, Yang Fan felt a little bit unwilling, so he even showed a tangled look on his face.

To care, or not to care?
I am very grateful to "Xiangxi Chongshu" for the reward of 1000 coins, thank "Coffee Cloud Wing" and "Qingyi Xuefa Jianghu Road" for the reward of 500 coins each, and thank "Book Friends 150704134329926" for the reward of 100 coins.

thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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