Military Heavy

Chapter 73 Intense Expert Review Meeting

Chapter 73 Intense Expert Review Meeting

The overall design office submitted several different hull design sketches, one of which referred to Yang Fan's suggestion and enlarged the design of the power cabin. This matter gradually spread within a certain range of the East China Sea Institute.

Although there are disciplinary requirements, the matter has not spread to the outside of the Donghai Institute, but there are still many comrades talking about this matter inside, and they have everything to say.

This is not inside the general design room. After busy work, several comrades took a break to chat about this matter.

"Director Yang is amazing. He really thinks long-term. I completely agree with his point of view. The power cabin must be slightly larger to facilitate the replacement of alternative gas turbines in the future."

"Although the overall size of the hull has increased to a certain extent with the expansion of the power cabin's capacity, the impact is not very large and is completely within the acceptable range."

"Now I finally understand that it's not for nothing that Yang Fan took the position of deputy director of the design office at a young age. He really has two talents."


Comrades in the general design office talked about it this way, because Yang Fan had worked here for more than a year, and everyone's evaluation of Yang Fan was basically praise, and few people said something negative behind his back.

In other design offices, the situation is a little different.

For example, when eating in the cafeteria at noon, several comrades in the power system design office were also talking about this matter, talking in a loud voice while eating.

"It's just a layman. Where does it say that expanding the cabin capacity means expanding the cabin capacity? Doesn't he know the series of impacts brought about by the increase in cabin capacity?"

"He probably really doesn't know. I think his level may not be as good as you and me."

"The power system has been formally determined. It is completely unnecessary to design such a large power cabin. It is simply a waste."


Those were a few young comrades designers, probably young and energetic, their voices were not low, they floated into the ears of Yang Fan and Han Jiang, and some comrades around them probably heard them too.

Hearing these harsh words, Han Jiang, who was having dinner with Yang Fan in the cafeteria, changed his expression, he looked very angry, and was about to stand up and refute a few words fiercely.

Yang Fan pressed his hand, shook his head lightly, signaling not to be impulsive.At this time, arguing with those young designers could not solve the problem.

At this moment, Yang Fan's face was very calm.

Some people would gossip, Yang Fan had expected it a long time ago, even when he took the position of deputy director of the combat system design room, he would occasionally hear some people say some bad things behind his back, it was because of jealousy and jealousy.

As long as the 052 carrier avoids detours during the research and development process, the country suffers less losses, and it doesn't matter if you personally bear some rumors.

Only by calmly facing everything can this be a mature performance.Yang Fan looks like a young man on the surface, but in fact he is very mature in his heart. He has long been able to keep calm in everything he encounters, and the mountain collapses before him without changing his color.

Those young designers were "talking loud and clear", and their words were obviously offensive. Han Jiang's face changed several times. If Yang Fan hadn't stopped him, he probably would have rushed over.

Something happened that made Han Jiang feel very comfortable.

That was a senior designer in the Power Design Office and a staunch supporter of Yang Fan's theory of breaking the confession. He really couldn't listen to it any longer, so he stood up on his own initiative and walked over to give him a big meal.

"You guys know nothing. You have only been working for a few years, and you are chattering here. The overall design office has submitted the design drawings to Master Pan. Even Master Pan has not denied the expansion of the cabin of the power cabin. Rong, don't tell me you guys are more powerful than General Master Pan."

After such an embarrassment, those young designers blushed and were speechless.

Seeing this scene, Han Jiang's face changed from cloudy to sunny, and he almost burst out laughing.Yang Fan's expression also flickered obviously.

Talk, keep talking!
Talk about it!
Why are you dumb?
Although he didn't need to quarrel with them, Yang Fan was still in a very good mood when he saw someone confronting them.


Yang Fan entered his office early, because he was going to participate in the review of the expert group today, which was called by Mr. Pan himself.

Not long after sitting down in the office, Shi Wei opened the door and came in, "Comrade Yang Fan, are you a little nervous?"

Yang Fan's face was calm, and he smiled slightly, "That's not enough."

Shi Wei gave a thumbs up and said with a sigh of relief: "Today is a big event, not only our Donghai Institute, but also the military, shipyard, headquarters and related units. There are dozens of experts in total. If It's me, I definitely won't be able to sleep last night."

As he worked with Yang Fan for a long time, and as he got to know Yang Fan better and better, he admired Yang Fan more and more. Not only did he have a high technical level, but he also had a strong mental quality, much stronger than Shi Wei.

Facing the praise, the smile on Yang Fan's face became more obvious, "Director Shi, I'm going to participate in the review today, so you should worry more about the work in the design office."

Under the leadership of Yang Fan, the design work of the 052 ship's combat system is in the process of overall design, and has gradually entered a critical period of overall design. The designers below are very busy, and Shi Wei knows this very well.

He waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I don't need you to tell me about it."

The two had a brief exchange on work matters, and then, Yang Fan looked at the time, got up and said, "I need to go now."

Holding a notebook and a pen, Yang Fan and Shi Wei left the office together and walked towards the No. 1 meeting room in the office building of Donghai Institute.

This is a large conference room that can hold more than 100 people. The first expert review meeting for the overall design of the 052 ship started here today.

When Yang Fan walked into the conference room, there were no.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the expert review meeting officially began.

The overall design of the 052 ship not only includes the overall design of the hull, but also includes several aspects. When the hull design has not yet been reviewed, Yang Fan mainly listens and records, and rarely expresses his opinions.

After all, he is not an expert participating in the review, but just participating in the meeting. If Master Pan did not roll his name personally, Yang Fan would not be qualified to sit here.

Among the directors of the design office of Donghai Institute, only Kuang Wei and the two deputy directors of the overall design office, and several senior designers sat in a corner of the meeting. The other directors of the design office were not qualified to participate, except Yang Fan.

Throughout the morning, the hull design of the 052 ship could not be reviewed.Even so, Yang Fan still recorded a lot of things to gain a better understanding of the overall design of the 052 ship.

This morning's review meeting was sometimes calm and sometimes tense.When there is a disagreement, some experts will fight tit-for-tat, blushing and thick neck.

For this kind of situation, Yang Fan always just smiled lightly, it would be good if there is controversy, if there is no controversy, it seems that something is missing if it passes so smoothly.

In the afternoon, the judging will continue.

At the very beginning, we entered into the overall design of the 052 ship's hull. Chief Division Pan still presided over the meeting. First, Kuang Wei, director of the overall design office, introduced the overall design of the hull to the experts.

There are four different hull designs in total. The first three designs are actually not much different. For example, the overall size of the hull is basically the same, but there are certain differences in the design of some cabins inside the hull. The biggest difference is Fourth design.

This design significantly increases the power cabin, and the overall size of the hull has also increased. For example, the captain is no longer 146 meters, but increased to 147.5 meters.

After Kuang Wei's introduction, the conference room seemed to be different. Various voices of low-pitched conversations sounded, and many experts exchanged opinions in a low voice.

The originally quiet conference room gradually became noisy.

Yang Fan sat in a corner of the conference room, seeing all these situations in his eyes, and said in his heart, sure enough, the experts' reaction was still a bit big.

Seeing this situation, Pan Jinfu did not stop it, but gave everyone enough time. After about four or five minutes, he felt that it was almost done, so Pan Jinfu raised his hand and pressed down gently, and said to the microphone: "Everyone , calm down first."

The originally noisy meeting room immediately became quiet again, Pan Jinfu said, "It seems that everyone has a lot to say, so let's come one by one."

After finishing speaking, Pan Jinfu turned his gaze to one of the experts, who was a professor from a certain college and a member of the expert panel for this review.

 There will be three updates today, please ask everyone in advance for support such as recommendation tickets, collections, etc.


(End of this chapter)

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