Chapter 74
"Professor Chen, you go first."

Chen Yijun couldn't bear it for a long time, and immediately said loudly: "Whose idea is expanding the power cabin, it's something only a layman would do."

Many people's faces changed. What he said was not generally unpleasant. Even Yang Fan, who had always been calm, changed slightly and glanced at that Professor Chen.

As the chief designer of the 052 ship and the organizer of this review meeting, Pan Jinfu said: "Professor Chen, this is also a design plan for everyone to review and discuss."

Chen Yijun shook his head, "Now I want to know whose idea this design is, and I want to invite him to make a debut."

Everyone called the roll call, and Yang Fan stopped sitting there, but stood up, and said in a very loud voice: "My suggestion is that I persuaded Director Kuang of the overall design office to expand the power cabin of the 052 ship. .”

so young!

Many experts who didn't know Yang Fan were obviously stunned, and they couldn't understand why this young man was sitting here.

You know, everyone sitting here is at least three or 40 years old, and the reviewers are generally five or 60 years old. There are a few gray-haired and presbyopic glasses. Seventy years old.

Yang Fan, who seems to be in his early twenties, is in stark contrast to everyone else.

Pan Jinfu introduced: "This is the deputy director of our combat system design room, Comrade Yang Fan."

Chen Yijun glanced at Yang Fan, and said sadly: "Young man, if you adopt your suggestion, our 052 ship may be destroyed in your hands."

Yang Fan said lightly: "I would like to hear the details, how could it be destroyed in my hands?"

Chen Yijun said: "You are engaged in the design of combat systems, and you may be a layman in hull design, so let me tell you carefully. For a destroyer, the size of the hull is very important. On the premise that this kind of equipment can be installed, we strive to achieve the smallest cabin capacity, not like civilian ships, which can easily displace tens of thousands of tons, or even tens of thousands, and the length can vary from two to three hundred meters.”

Yang Fan nodded and said: "I know this. In people's minds, the magnificent [-]-ton ship is the pinnacle of ship design and construction, but in fact, the difficulty of designing a warship is much higher than that of a [-]-ton ship."

"The capacity of our Type 052 destroyer is only 7% of that of a civilian 20.00-ton bulk carrier7, but the equipment installed on board is equivalent to five times that of a 5-ton bulk carrier. Because our ship is small and has a lot of stuff, we need Fully consider the cabin capacity and strive to be very compact, because the ship is full of various machinery and equipment, weapons and equipment, radars, and so many piping systems, so every inch of it is used in the design.”

Before he finished speaking, Chen Yijun interrupted roughly, "Since you know all this, it is recommended to design the power cabin to be so large. This is a typical waste of cabin capacity."

Yang Fan was speechless for a while.

It seems that Professor Chen is a typical academic, thinking about problems too idealistically, too theoretically, and not considering problems from the perspective of long-term development.

Yang Fan also knows that there are many such idealisms at this time. Historically, the 052 ship was designed very compactly. Later, problems arose. During the upgrade and transformation, it was found that the redundancy of the hull was insufficient. The replacement of the new equipment simply can not fit.

There is no way but to undergo major surgery and major changes. The size of the hull also increases, and if it increases, the displacement is the same, increasing and increasing.

Yang Fan couldn't bear to see such a detour in the 052 shipboard research and development process, not only wasting human and financial resources, but also wasting a lot of time.

Why design such a large power cabin?

Yang Fan said with great enthusiasm: "Although our power system has been officially determined, we need to look at the problem in the long run. If the LM2500 gas turbine supply is cut off in the future, we must plan ahead, considering that the replacement gas turbine can be installed in the power cabin in the future. "

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted roughly again.

Chen Yijun sneered: "How could the supply of LM2500 gas turbines be cut off? Our relationship with the United States will only get better and better."

Suddenly, Chen Yijun remembered something, looked at Yang Fan and said, "I remembered, it turned out that it was you, comrade, who proposed to import 8 sets of LM2500 gas turbines in the first batch. Do you know how much foreign exchange it will cost?"

Of course I know this.

Yang Fan knows exactly how much each LM2500 gas turbine costs.But how can it be said that it is a waste to buy things back and install them on our 052 ship.

In addition, if you spend a little more money now, you will be able to reduce waste and detours in the future. The key is to save a lot of development time.

Yang Fan's temper was originally good, he had always been calm and cultivated, but he was repeatedly questioned by Chen Yijun, and his speech was interrupted roughly, and the clay figurine was very angry.

So what if you are old, what if you are an expert?
Yang Fan didn't give Chen Yijun any more face, but said tit-for-tat: "How can you be sure that the Americans will not cut off the supply? Besides, we designed the power cabin a little bigger, so what's the problem?"

"Such a small increase in size has very little impact on the 052 ship as a whole. Sacrificing a little impact can avoid major design changes in the future. Why not?"

Yang Fan seemed to be in the mood, and started to talk about the reasons for expanding the design of the power cabin in detail. By the way, he talked about the platformization and modularization of the design.

Now it is the 80s, the concept of platformization and modularization is still very novel, and it is not a bad street thing. Even if everyone is an expert, there are still relatively few theories in this aspect, just from some foreign technical materials I have seen some on the Internet, or heard some foreign experts mention it.

There was complete silence in the huge conference room.

Yang Fan was talking eloquently, explaining the profound things in a simple way, and everyone listened carefully, and many people's eyes lit up, and they quickly took a pen to record something.

After talking for 10 minutes, Yang Fan said, "In order to look at the problem in the long run and consider future upgrades, we need to consider platformization and modularization in our 052 shipboard design. Only in this way can we avoid detours and reduce waste. .”

As soon as the words fell, someone stood up immediately.

This is a middle-aged man, that is Chen Shaohua, the vice president of Donghai Shipyard, who is in charge of ship construction and is an expert in ship construction.

He agreed very much: "Director Xiao Yang is very correct. Modularization and platformization must be considered. If these things are not considered, we will be the ones who will complain when we make major changes to the hull during future upgrades."

He is an expert in ship construction, and the process of ship construction is very clear.After the design drawings come out, they generate process drawings and process flow according to these drawings.

The construction of the entire ship is a huge project. If there is a major design change, all the tooling and molds they have worked so hard to make may be scrapped, and the entire process may even have to be overthrown. Many hull parts that have been manufactured may It can only be scrapped and cannot be used anymore. No one knows better than him the huge waste.

Seeing Chen Shaohua's unequivocal support for him, Yang Fan felt warm for a while. At the same time, he also thought, the same surname is Chen, why is there such a big difference?

Chen Shaohua was far from the only one who agreed with Yang Fan. Immediately, someone spoke up and said directly: "I think we should focus on the platform and modular design ideas proposed by Director Yang. It is best to use them in the design of our 052 ship. .”

"I also agree with Comrade Yang Fan's point of view."


It is estimated that [-] to [-]% of people agree with what Yang Fan said just now, and there are still two or three layers left to speak, but no one raised any objection.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Chen Yijun shut his mouth tactfully and didn't dare to say anything.

Next, the judging went smoothly.

However, Kuang Wei smiled wryly, because the four design drawings he brought over were all overturned. The opinions of the experts are that since platformization and modularization are required, it should be completely platformized and modularized. Overthrow and start over.

In order to avoid detours in the future, Pan Jinfu also holds this view.

Immediately, Yang Fan's heart lightened, and he thought happily that the research and development of the 052 ship had gradually deviated from the historical track and was developing in the direction he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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