Military Heavy

Chapter 76 This is the real platform and modularity

Chapter 76 This is the real platform and modularity

Today, Yang Fan is still drawing in his office. There is a drawing board on the big table, and there are pencils, erasers, triangles, compasses and other things beside him.

This is a drawing number 2.

Drawing No. 0 is the largest engineering drawing, Drawing No. 1 is half the size of Drawing No. 0, Drawing No. 2 is half the size of Drawing No. 1, and quarter of Drawing No. 0, and so on, and there is Drawing No. 3 below , Drawing No. 4.

On this drawing, the overall design of the 052 ship's hull is nearing completion.Of course, strictly speaking, this can only be regarded as a sketch, or a sketch of the design. Many detailed things are not designed, and many dimensions are not marked, only some main dimensions are marked.

"Well, it's finally almost finished."

Looking at the fruits of his labor for several days with satisfaction, Yang Fan felt relieved, as if he had completed a big event.

Experts can see that this design drawing is truly platform-based and modular, and the captain is no longer 146 meters as proposed in the overall design, but has reached 152 meters.

In this way, the reason for the lack of redundancy in the initial stage of the 052 ship has been fully resolved. In the future, some new equipment and equipment can be installed on the ship for future upgrades.

In the past few days, most of the time was spent on the hull design of the 052 ship, and less attention was paid to the design of the combat system.

But there is nothing wrong with that.

On the one hand, Yang Fan has set up the framework and clarified the guiding ideology of the design.On the other hand, there is Shi Wei, the director, and several design team leaders.For these two reasons, the design of the combat system is proceeding in an orderly manner.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Hearing the knock on the door, Yang Fan didn't lift his head, and was still drawing the design seriously, because it was almost finished.

"Please come in!"

At first, I thought it might be Shi Wei who pushed the door in, but I didn't expect that it was Kuang Wei, the director of the general design office, who came in. He said with a smile: "Director Yang, you are so busy."

"Yo, Director Kuang is here."

Yang Fan put down the ruler and pencil in his hand, and enthusiastically poured a cup of hot water, "Come and see my sketch of the hull design."

"Yes, that's what happened." Kuang Wei replied.

At the last review meeting, the expert group suggested that the hull of the 052 ship should be redesigned, adopting Yang Fan's suggestion of platformization and modularization. Kuang Wei asked Yang Fan for help, and reflected some design ideas in the form of design sketches.

The general design office is waiting for the rice to cook. Yang Fan's design sketch has not been released, so they dare not design without authorization.

"Take a look, it's almost there."

"Oh." Kuang Wei became interested all of a sudden, walked to the front of this design sketch, and looked at it seriously. After a while, a clear look of joy appeared on his face.

He is an expert, although his technical attainments are not as good as Yang Fan's, but with more than [-] years of design experience, his level is still not bad, and he immediately saw the extraordinaryness of this design drawing.

Compared with the general design drawings of the hull that the general design office had produced before, they were just simple drawings compared with Yang Fan's drawing, but they were still immediately comparable.

"This is the picture you drew!"

Kuang Wei's voice was a little louder invisibly, and the surprise in his tone was very obvious. He probably never expected that Yang Fan would be so powerful.

"Of course I drew it. This is the result of my hard work these days. You have to treat guests to dinner." Yang Fan joked.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Kuang Wei finally realized, "Sure, sure, let alone treating guests to dinner, there is nothing wrong with inviting others."

Yang Fan smiled and signaled Kuang Wei to wait a little longer.Then I picked up a pencil case and a ruler, and spent about ten or twenty minutes to complete this design sketch.

During the period, Kuang Wei stood by and watched Yang Fan's drawings, nodded while watching, and even thought in his heart, Yang Fan is so powerful, I really didn't care too much when I was in our general design room.

"Okay, this picture is for you."

"Okay, okay." Kuang Wei hurriedly put the picture away happily, as if it was a treasure, and no longer interfered with Yang Fan's work here, but said politely, "Then I will take it The drawings go back first."


Yang Fan sent Kuang Wei to the door of the office, and after watching him leave, he felt relieved. This is a major event in the design and development of the 052 ship.

As long as this design sketch is used as a blueprint and detailed design is carried out on this basis, the future 052 ship will be a technical platform, which is very convenient for technical improvement and improvement.

Besides, Kuang Wei, after returning to his own office with the blueprint, closed the door and looked at it for nearly an hour, and then went to Chief Master Pan with the blueprint.

Obviously, he made a more detailed report to Pan Jinfu. In addition, Master Pan must have read Yang Fan's drawings and approved of this design.

About two or three ten minutes later, Kuang Wei took the blueprints and left the office of General Manager Pan and returned to the general design room. The first thing he did when he came back was to call the leaders of each design team, senior and key designers for a meeting.

In the center of the meeting room, Yang Fan's design sketch is displayed, pinned to the blackboard of the meeting room with thumbtacks, and everyone can see it clearly.

Kuang Wei was in high spirits, and told everyone about the design of the hull, and after talking about it, he began to assign design tasks.

After this meeting, the comrades in the general design office began to design. Based on this sketch, Kuang Wei’s request was to produce the specific general design of the hull within a week, and then the second expert review meeting would be held. .

Today is Sunday.

A rare day off, Yang Fan rode his [-]th bar and went out early, the destination was the first store opened by Yang Fang.

Because Yang Fang might be in that store.Since the opening of the first store, the business has continued to be booming, earning a lot of money every day, and now the initial capital is being accumulated rapidly, and the second store is almost ready and will open in the near future.

Although he is busy with work and pays less attention to these matters, Yang Fan still knows the basic situation. He visited the store once before to understand some basic situations.

"Business is still so good!"

After riding for four, five, and 10 minutes, he finally arrived at the door of the store. Yang Fan was slightly surprised when he saw the situation inside the store through the door, because the situation inside the store was a little bit beyond his expectation. good.

Immediately, Yang Fan became interested. After locking the bicycle, he walked into the store.Yang Fang was indeed in the store, playing the role of cashier, and there was another cashier, even though the two of them were checking out, there was still a long queue.

"Brother, you are here."

Seeing Yang Fan coming in, the busy Yang Fang looked happy, and was about to put down the cash register in her hand and come over to greet Yang Fan.

Yang Fan quickly waved his hand and said, "Sister, you are busy first, don't worry about me, I'll take a look around in the store first."

"Alright, wait until I'm done working for a while." Yang Fang replied, it's the morning, and it's the best time for business.

Yang Fan nodded lightly, and then looked around in the store, the more surprised he looked, the happier he was.

(End of this chapter)

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