Military Heavy

Chapter 77 One step in place

Chapter 77

I haven't been here for a week, and the change is really not small.

Not only the products in the store are further enriched, in addition to fruits, vegetables, chicken, duck, meat, eggs, fish, there are also salt, oil, soy sauce and vinegar, and other products, which are turning into a real supermarket.

The placement of the products is obviously more exquisite, and the classification is more scientific. In addition, there are two more employees in the store. It is estimated that they are too busy, and two new employees have been recruited.

After watching for about two or three 10 minutes, Yang Fang came over, and the cashier work was temporarily handed over to another clerk.

She said proudly: "Brother, how are I doing here? It's not bad."

Yang Fang smiled and said, "Scholars will treat each other with admiration for three days. The changes here are too great. No wonder the business is getting better and better."

Yang Fang nodded, "Your brother-in-law and I have put in a lot of hard work. Although we are a little tired, seeing the business so good, everything is worth it."

The two chatted happily.

This is the first store, and the second store is almost ready, and it is scheduled to open next Wednesday.Yang Fan must not be able to attend the opening ceremony due to work. The third store is already under renovation and is not far from the opening ceremony.

This is entirely in accordance with Yang Fan's intention to speed up the pace of development, strive to expand, and strive to open the most stores in the shortest time.

Because Yang Fan knows that as the business is booming, some people will follow suit in the near future. We must form a scale as soon as possible before there are no competitors. Only with a certain scale and strength can we be competitive enough. Even if others follow suit, Don't worry too much.

Such a rapid development, with Yang Fan grasping the general direction, and occasionally giving guidance or suggestions, there will be no major problems.

Yang Fan is more worried about the problem of funds. Nowadays, self-employed people basically have no possibility of financing.

"Sister, the third store has entered the renovation stage, is there any problem with funding?"

Yang Fan paid less attention to these things, and mainly focused on work. He didn't even know the financial status of these stores comprehensively, so he asked this question.

Yang Fang said: "There is no problem with the funds for the time being, and we can still keep up, it's just..."

"Sister, it's just something, don't hesitate, just say it." Yang Fan said.

After thinking for a while, Yang Fang said: "For the convenience of delivery, your brother-in-law has always wanted to buy a walking tractor, but it costs several thousand yuan, and we are not enough for now."

That's what happened.

There is only one store now, and it has been delivering goods by horse-drawn carriage. As the business is getting better and better, there is already pressure on delivery. If we open a second store, or even a third store, then we will not be able to use horse-drawn carriages to deliver goods , need more advanced means of transportation.

Although this store is making a lot of money every day, it has only been open for a short time, and all the money it earns has been invested in the expansion of the new store. It is really a certain pressure to spend thousands of dollars to buy a walking tractor.

Yang Fan thought about the $3000 he had on hand.

Last time I gave Yang Fang a thousand dollars to open a shop.There is a reason why I only give one thousand, and I dare not give more, because if one thousand US dollars is converted into RMB, it is about 2000 yuan, which makes sense. It can be said that it is borrowed from relatives and friends. Can be borrowed.

If it is four or five thousand dollars, it would be eight or nine thousand dollars when converted into renminbi, and the amount would be a bit too large. Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing would never be able to borrow such a large amount of money, and they were suspected of "unknown sources of property". This was in the 80s , The early stage is very sensitive and may cause a lot of trouble.

So Yang Fan is very wise. He obviously has more than 4000 US dollars in hand, but he only gave Yang Fang [-] US dollars as start-up capital, barely opening the first store.

The remaining $3000-plus can now be taken out.

Yang Fang's daily net profit is several hundred, which is enough to earn nearly ten thousand yuan in a month.When you can earn [-] yuan, it makes sense to give a few thousand yuan, which can be said to be earned by the supermarket.

The current financial situation is far from being as transparent as it will be in 30 or [-] years. No one knows how much money Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing have earned.

"Sister, I still have [-] dollars in my hand. If you have time, ask my brother-in-law to get it from me. Don't buy a walk-behind tractor, just buy a small truck in one step."

A minivan is a must, and it will definitely be needed for delivery in the future. As the number of stores increases, a minivan may not be enough.

Xie Guoqing is a veteran. He was an auto soldier when he was in the army. He has no problem driving a pickup truck.At present, his main job is to contact the source of goods, be responsible for purchasing goods, and specialize in the opening of new stores. Yang Fang is in charge of the store and is responsible for the daily operation of the store.

"You, how do you have so much money!"

Yang Fang was very surprised, but also a little worried.

Yang Fang smiled and said in relief: "Sister, don't worry, my money comes from a very legitimate source, it is not earned by crooked ways, so you can use it with confidence, but in order to prevent others from being jealous, we should keep a low profile and keep our money secret. "

Originally, she wanted to get to the bottom of the matter, but seeing that the money came just right, Yang Fang held back and didn't ask any further, but agreed, "Then I'll tell your brother-in-law, let's go buy a pickup truck."

Yang Fang agreed, without any objection, Yang Fan felt relieved, stayed in the store for a while, and then went back to Donghai Office.

The main reason was that Yang Fang was too busy and didn't have time to greet him. Anyway, I took a look around, so there was no need to stay in the store to affect Yang Fang.

Kuang Wei's efficiency is very high, no, it should be said that the overall design office has demonstrated extremely high efficiency under the leadership of Kuang Wei.

Based on the design sketch drawn by Yang Fan, they successfully completed the overall design of the 052 ship's hull within a week.

After completing the design drawings, Kuang Wei took them to Yang Fan first, and said happily: "Director Yang, help me check if there is anything that needs to be modified."

After receiving these design drawings, first spread out the largest No. 1 drawing on the big table, press the drawing with a pressing bar, and Yang Fanzai looked at it carefully.

Kuang Wei stood beside him and kept quiet, fearing that the sound would affect Yang Fan's viewing of the picture.

After a long time, Yang Fan let out a long sigh of relief, and said happily: "There is basically no problem, and it can be submitted to the expert group for review."


There was obvious surprise in Kuang Wei's tone, although he knew that there should be no problem, but after hearing Yang Fan's words, he was suddenly happy and relaxed, as if a big rock had fallen to the ground.

After collecting all these drawings, Kuang Wei went to Pan Jinfu.

After Mr. Pan had seen these drawings, the second expert review was also on the agenda. The date was still set for Monday, and the second review will be held in Conference Room 1 of the Donghai Office Building on the next Monday.

This is almost an overall design of the hull based on Yang Fan's opinion. Pan Jinfu personally called the names, and Yang Fan must participate in the review meeting.

A few days later, Monday arrives.

Yang Fan walked into Conference Room 10 about 1 minutes earlier. After sitting down, he saw many familiar faces, including comrades from the Donghai Research Institute, comrades from the Military Industry Bureau and the shipyard, and some from the General Command and the military. Comrade.

The experts who participated in the review were not very different from the last time, but Yang Fan did not see Chen Yijun, and he did not know whether Donghai Institute did not invite him again, or he felt embarrassed to participate in this review again.

When the judging session was approaching, Pan Jinfu and a group of people walked in.The jury will still be presided over by Pan Jinfu.

The last review was to review and accept the overall design of the 052 ship, including several aspects. This time it is only the overall design review of the hull.

On behalf of the East China Sea Institute, Pan Jinfu welcomed all the experts to come again. After being polite, he said loudly: "Director Kuang, the overall design of the hull can be displayed. It is up to you to introduce the overall design of the hull this time."

Kuang Wei stood up and led the two design backbones from the general design room to fix the prepared overall hull design on the display board in the meeting room with thumbtacks. These pictures were displayed in front of everyone without reservation.

Some experts who were relatively close had their eyes on these pictures, and gradually, the meeting room became noisy.

"No way, this is the general design of our 052 ship hull."

"This is too different from last time."

"Look, the captain has actually increased to 152 meters!"


thank you all! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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