Military Heavy

Chapter 78 You Are A Generalist

Chapter 78 You Are A Generalist

Everyone's reaction seemed to be expected, Pan Jinfu didn't look surprised at all, he was very calm, sitting there with a little smile on his face.

Kuang Wei seemed a little nervous.

All he faced were experts in the field of domestic ships, including those from relevant colleges and universities, scientific research institutes, shipyards, military industry bureaus, and general headquarters. There were twenty or thirty experts, some of whom were The field of ship design is the authority.

After hesitating for a while, Kuang Wei suggested: "Master Pan, the hull design of the 052 ship is almost all suggested by Director Yang Fan. I think it is more appropriate for him to introduce it to everyone."

It is a good opportunity to show up in front of so many experts, Pan Jinfu did not expect Kuang Wei to give up this opportunity to Yang Fan.

Pan Jinfu agreed: "Director Yang, how about you introduce the overall design of the hull to the experts?"

Yang Fan stood up, nodded lightly, his face was very calm, without any tension or restraint, and he said in a very loud voice: "Experts, please calm down first, let me introduce the overall design of the hull. "

The originally noisy conference room gradually quieted down, and everyone's eyes were all on Yang Fan.At this moment, Yang Fan has become the most beautiful boy in the entire conference room, no, he has become the focus of the entire conference room.

Yang Fan walked up to this general design drawing, held a small stick in his hand, pointed to the picture and introduced: "Leaders, colleagues, and experts, this is the general design drawing of our 052 ship hull. The platform-based and modular design idea fully considers possible upgrades and improvements in the future, and the entire hull is a technical platform.”

Yang Fan's words floated in the conference room, and everyone could hear them clearly.

A full three 10 minutes!

In simple terms, it introduces the overall design of the 052 hull in great detail, especially some highlights of its design, and why some cabins are designed like that.

Kuang Wei looked at Yang Fan in admiration, and gave Yang Fan a thumbs up.He secretly thought, if he introduced the overall design of the hull to everyone, he would not have such a clear idea, and it would be impossible to introduce it in such a comprehensive and detailed manner.

The introduction is complete.

The conference room remained silent for a few seconds, and then gradually became noisy, with many people exchanging opinions sideways.

Pan Jinfu said loudly: "Let's discuss with each other first, or you can move to the front to have a look at the general design of the hull."

Although the design drawing is large, it can't be seen clearly if it is a little farther away. Therefore, many experts sitting a little farther away walked to the front of the design drawing and looked at it seriously.

The experts gathered in front of this design drawing, nodding their heads from time to time, exchanging opinions with each other.Time passed slowly like this.

After about ten minutes, feeling that the time was almost up, Pan Jinfu stood up, raised his hand and pressed down lightly, and said in a loud voice: "Everyone, calm down first, we will enter the evaluation stage next, if you have any opinions, you can raise them." hand to speak."

The meeting room fell silent again.

The first person to raise her hand was a woman in her fifties with short hair and a pair of glasses. She was the only female expert.

The female expert said: "The designer's thinking is very clear, and the consideration is very long-term. I would like to ask, the hull has increased by several meters compared to last time. The length of the design room last time was 146 meters. This time it is 152 meters. Mi, under the same power condition, will the maximum speed and maximum range of the 052 ship have any effect?"

Kuang Wei stood up. As the director of the general design office, they had carefully calculated these things, and he knew them clearly, "Hello, Director Liu, we have calculated that, with the captain's length of 152 meters, the 052 ship The maximum speed of the aircraft can exceed 31 knots, and the maximum range is not less than 15 nautical miles at a speed of 4000 knots, which fully meets our design technical requirements."

The female expert nodded, knowing that with a captain of 152 meters in length, the maximum speed and range can still meet the technical requirements put forward by the Navy.

Next, several experts spoke one after another.

Or Kuang Wei, or Yang Fan, patiently answered everyone's questions one by one.

It can also be seen from these speeches that experts agree with such a hull design very much, and no one has any subversive or opposing opinions at all.

Pan Jinfu personally recorded the experts' questions in his notebook. After the meeting room was over, he might order the overall design office to adopt these opinions and suggestions.

After everyone asked questions, the leader of the expert group made a concluding speech, highly praised this design, and praised Yang Fan by name.

In the warm applause, everyone passed the expert review unanimously. The hull design of the 052 ship fully adopted the platform and modular design proposed by Yang Fan.

Yang Fan also applauded with everyone. At this moment, a kind of relief and joy emerged in his heart. It is foreseeable that after the 052 ship adopts such a design, it will definitely take a lot of detours in the future. Make major changes to the hull, no changes at all or only minor changes.

The second expert review session ended smoothly, and it only took less than half a day.

The next day.

Pan Jinfu went to Beijing in person, walked into the command building of the 052 ship, and reported to Huang Keping the situation of the expert review.

After listening to the report, Huang Keping was very relieved.

Originally planned to participate in this review in person, but he had to attend a high-level meeting in the military, and failed to participate in the expert review.

"Lao Pan, our Director Yang is really very good. He not only thinks about problems in the long term, but also seems to have high technical attainments."

Pan Jinfu nodded and said, "I have been engaged in ship design and development for more than 30 years, and I once again deeply realized that in our industry, there must be talent. People like Yang Fan can be called geniuses. With the technical data and some of my own opinions, there is such a level, which is amazing!"

He admired Yang Fan more and more, and became more and more satisfied with this comrade.

Huang Keping said: "Comrade Yang Fan is not only a genius, but also an all-rounder. You see, his English level is very high, he is also very good at the design of combat systems, and his level of hull design is not low. I really want to know what else he can't do."

After finishing speaking, Huang Keping laughed happily.

It is really a joy to have such a talent.

Pan Jinfu also smiled happily, and said in full agreement, "He's really an all-rounder."

Huang Keping said, "It's a waste of such a talent in your East China Sea. Why don't you just come to our general headquarters and give full play to his value."

"That won't work."

Without even thinking about it, Pan Jinfu flatly refused, "Old Huang, you can't poach our corners. Comrade Yang Fan doesn't have to go anywhere, he's at our Donghai Institute."

"You, you"

Huang Keping smiled and pointed at Pan Jinfu, "I'm just joking with you, I'm making you anxious."

With a straight face, Huang Keping said, "Comrade Yang Fan is indeed a rare talent, but he is just a bit inferior to the position of deputy director of a design department."

Pan Jinfu said: "It's because he's a bit inferior, but he's still too young, he's only 23 years old this year, and he hasn't graduated from university for two years."

Being too young is indeed a disadvantage, not an advantage.

In the 80s, far from the trend of younger talents, the main focus is on seniority, whoever has the most senior qualifications.

Pan Jinfu knew that Yang Fan became the deputy director of the Combat System Design Office at such a young age, and some people in Donghai Institute were already jealous and envious. If he was promoted to a higher position, there might be even more people jealous, and it was really inappropriate to proceed. promoted.

Of course, Huang Keping, who is in the system, is well aware of this. He suggested: "If you are promoted, you will not be promoted for the time being. I think you can increase the burden and let Comrade Yang Fan play a greater role."

He meant to hold a certain position concurrently.

Pan Jinfu said: "This suggestion is good. I will think about it carefully after I go back."

Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan is busy in the laboratory with a dozen designers. Some experimental equipment and equipment have arrived, and everyone is assembling them.

Yang Fan never imagined that he helped the overall design office to finish the overall design of the 052 ship's hull brilliantly, and once again fell into Huang Keping's eyes, he might have two roles.

(End of this chapter)

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