Military Heavy

Chapter 79 Combat System First Review

Chapter 79 Combat System First Review
Late June is about to enter July.The weather in Donghai City is already a bit warm, especially at noon, when the sun scorches the ground and scalds the eyes.

In the office, a ceiling fan was spinning unhurriedly above the head, and a large design drawing was spread on the big table. Yang Fan, Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong, Wu Anhua, Zhu Jinming and other key designers were all beside him.

With everyone's joint efforts, it took several months, and the general design drawing of the 052 ship's combat system finally came out.

In order to ensure that everything is safe, everyone went through it again and carefully reviewed the drawing.Shi Wei said confidently: "There shouldn't be any problem, Director Yang, what do you think, is there anything that needs to be changed?"

Yang Fan said: "There shouldn't be any problem, it can be submitted to the expert group for review."

The design of the combat system is very important, and after the general design drawing is released, it must also be reviewed by experts.Almost all of these designs were completed under the leadership of Yang Fan, which thoroughly implemented Yang Fan's design intentions, and Shi Wei, the director, seemed to be a helper.

Regarding this, Shi Wei didn't complain at all. After working together for so long, he fully knew that there was indeed a big gap between Yang Fan and Yang Fan in terms of technical level.

The combat system of the 052 ship has realized the functions of centralized control and decentralized command for the first time, which is not available on the 051 ship.In addition, it has also realized the transformation from mechanization to informatization, and will use computer technology in large quantities.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Combat System Design Office, everyone's computer skills were uneven. Some comrades didn't even know what happened to such a small fault as a loose computer power cord. leap.

Almost everyone can use computers proficiently, know the structure, composition and principles of computers, and basically can program proficiently.

This is inseparable from Yang Fan, because Yang Fan asked everyone to learn computers, and trained them many times to instill a lot of computer knowledge.

The overall design of the combat system has come out, and it can be submitted to the expert group for review. Whether it is Yang Fan or Shi Wei, they feel a lot more relaxed. This can be regarded as a major event completed, and it can be regarded as a milestone in the design of the combat system.

After passing the expert review, it will be the specific design work, that is to say, it will enter the detailed design stage, and a large number of experiments and verifications will also be carried out.

There was no problem with the drawings, so Yang Fan and Shi Wei knocked on the door and entered Pan Jinfu's office with them.

"Master Pan!"

"Boss Pan."

Pan Jinfu, who was writing something on the desk, put down the pen in his hand, glanced at the drawings, and said happily: "It seems that the general design drawing of the combat system has been released, isn't it?"

Yang Fan replied: "Yes, it has already come out. Let's send it over and ask Master Pan to take a look and check it out."

Pan Jinfu waved his hand and said, "Open the shop, let's take a good look."

Yang Fan took these blueprints and spread them out on the big table in the office, and pressed them down with pressing strips.Pan Jinfu immediately looked at it with great interest, nodding his head from time to time while watching.

Sometimes, he would occasionally ask a few words, or Yang Fan, or Shi Wei, and the two would answer Master Pan's inquiries.After more than half an hour, Pan Jinfu said: "There should be no problem. Our review is scheduled for July 7st. Both of you and several key members of the combat system design room must participate."

"Okay." The two replied almost in unison.

Pan Jinfu said: "This blueprint is staying with me for the time being. I want to take a closer look. You can go back, Director Shi. Director Yang will stay here."

Shi Wei was taken aback for a moment, but without saying anything, he stepped out of the office and closed the door gently.Yang Fan was also slightly shocked, wondering what kind of medicine Pan Jinfu sells in the gourd, and why he was left alone.

After Shi Wei left, Pan Jinfu smiled and said, "Sit by yourself, let's have a good chat."

Yang Fan sat down on the sofa as he said, and Pan Jinfu also sat down on the sofa next to him, "Yang Fan, the hull design of the 052 ship has been well received by experts, and Commander Huang Keping also spoke highly of it. You have made a great contribution. "

"Where, where, it is the result of the collective efforts of comrades." Yang Fan was humble for a while.

Pan Jinfu continued: "I know that the overall design of the combat system is basically completed on the basis of your leadership. Shi Wei has not yet reached this level."

"After passing the overall design review of the combat system, the next step is the detailed design stage. You don't need to be respectful about many things. Shi Wei can lead everyone to be competent. From today on, you must be mentally prepared. The burden may be heavier, work harder, and make greater and more contributions to the design and development of our 052 ship."

Like an elder, rather than a subordinate, Pan Jinfu chatted with Yang Fan for a long time, not only praised and affirmed what Yang Fan had done before, but also clearly asked Yang Fan to display more talents and make more contributions.

After leaving General Master Pan's office, Yang Fan still didn't understand very well, but just vaguely guessed something, maybe he wanted to have an extra job, and he didn't know exactly what job he was concurrently holding.

7 month 1 day.

This is a special day. The overall design of the 052 ship's combat system also ushered in the first expert review. There are a total of more than a dozen experts, including not only naval commanders, but also computer experts, communication experts, and weapons experts.

Yang Fan is the protagonist of this review meeting.

Facing everyone, Yang Fan introduced to you the design ideas, components, functions and effects of the combat system of the 052 ship.
This review was undoubtedly very successful, it was passed in one go, and the evaluations of the participating experts were all very high. Only a few experts made some irrelevant suggestions.

When the meeting adjourned, everyone was full of red faces. This is the first time that there is a combat system in China, and comrades in the military are full of expectations for the combat system of the 052 ship.

After the review is passed, the combat system design room begins to enter the comprehensive design stage, which will be a long process, including a lot of programming, a lot of design drawings, and a lot of experiments and verifications, and so on.

But Yang Fan is not worried at all. The framework has been set up and the design ideas are clear. Everyone just needs to start the design step by step.

The plan of the day is in the morning.

Early in the morning, just after starting work, in the huge design room, the designers started the day's preparations, sharpened the pencils, spread out the white paper for drawing and pressed it with a press bar.

At this time, there was no so-called CAD, that is, there was no computer-aided design drawing, none of these.

In this day and age, all grand plans have to start with sharpening pencils every morning, pencils, compasses, T-squares, curved boards, layering bars, calculators.

It is these tools that look very primitive today, a little bit outlining the figure of the Type 052 destroyer.

The preparatory work was almost done, and the designers began to enter the state and began to draw design drawings one by one.

Yang Fan and Shi Wei assigned tasks to each design team every month, and then the team leader assigned them to each designer.

This task is calculated on a monthly basis, and you must take it out at the end of the month. No one will force you to do this work with a sense of responsibility and self-consciousness.

Military products, especially such a product that digests so much wealth of the country and so many people work, if it is not done well, then the responsibility is too heavy, and it is not one's own fault, but it is sorry for the country and the people.

People in this era are fully aware of this.

Yang Fan would go to the major offices every day to take a look at everyone's design work. Seeing that many comrades were immersed in drawing design drawings seriously, he felt relieved.

Yang Fan is also deeply aware that after the general design drawing is finalized and the comprehensive and meticulous design is launched, many people's daily work is to draw design drawings, and they will experience cold and hot.The years on the drawings are not only boring and trivial, but also trembling, and no mistakes can be tolerated. In a few years, everyone will draw tons of design drawings.

At night, the several design buildings of Donghai Design Institute are all brightly lit, not only the combat system design room, but also the general design room, weapon system design room, power system design room, communication system design room and other design rooms. Work overtime, work hard, and use a pencil to outline the Type 052 guided missile destroyer bit by bit.

The weather in July, even at night, is still extremely hot, and what makes people annoying is that there are always mosquito bites.

Many comrades wear sleeves on their arms, whether they are gay or lesbian.Wearing sleeves is not to prevent mosquitoes, but to prevent the sweat on the arms from getting on the design drawings.

(End of this chapter)

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