Military Heavy

Chapter 80 Deputy Director of Model Office

Chapter 80 Deputy Director of Model Office
Although Yang Fan generally does not need to draw design drawings by himself, some important and critical design drawings will be sent to his desk for review and check by Yang Fan.

Walking around the various offices for a while, seeing that the comrades were almost drawing design drawings meticulously, Yang Fan returned to his office with satisfaction, sat down, opened one of the drawings and looked at it seriously.

Still holding a pencil in my hand, draw out the problematic parts of the drawing directly, or write in the blank space, which needs to be typed back for modification.

At present, the process is generally like this. After the designer completes the design drawing, it will be sent to the first trial, and then come back for revision. After the first trial is signed, it will be sent to the second trial.Some important drawings had to be sent to Yang Fan for approval.

The whole morning was basically spent in the office, mainly looking at the drawings. After reading a total of more than a dozen drawings, the efficiency is still very high.

Raising his hand to look at the time, Yang Fan thought in his heart, there are still more than ten minutes until noon off work time, he is tired, so he will stop looking at the pictures, make a cup of hot tea, take a rest, and go to the cafeteria to eat after get off work.

After making a cup of hot tea and sitting down to take a sip, Shi Wei happily opened the door and walked in, "I have brought back the food stamps and meat stamps for this month, and they are yours."

Yang Fan smiled, took it and put it in his pocket.

As a military industrial unit, and in a big city like Donghai City, Donghai Institute's benefits are still very good, especially when the salary was raised again at the beginning of this year, it is even better.

For example, an ordinary designer can have a salary of 42 yuan during the internship period, and it reaches 52.5 yuan after becoming a full-time employee. In addition, there are 20 catties of food stamps, 2 catties of meat stamps every month, soap stamps and coal stamps every quarter, and annual salary. Tickets will be issued twice.

Yang Fan remembers that when he first started working, his salary was not high. The internship period was 37 yuan and 6 cents, and after he became a full-time employee, it was 47 yuan and 5 cents. Now that the salary has been raised, the average designer has several yuan more than before.

As the deputy director of the design office, Yang Fan's monthly salary is more than 52.5 yuan, food stamps are not 20 catties, but 30 catties, and meat tickets are 3 catties and 5 taels.

"Well, you can go to the cafeteria to eat something good today."

After get off work, Yang Fan happily walked into the canteen of his unit, and bought a serving of tamales, then a vegetable and an egg soup, which was very hearty.

Han Jiang is not here, he went on a business trip two days ago, and he will not be back until a few days later, otherwise, they usually eat together in the cafeteria.

I was eating in a good mood when a voice rang in my ear, "Yang Fan!"

Zhao Yulan, Director of the Model Office, seldom had a meal in the canteen of the unit. She did not expect to see Yang Fan just in time, so she came over with the prepared meals.

"Director Zhao, you are also eating in the cafeteria."

"Well, Lao Liu won't come back for dinner. I'm too lazy to go home and cook alone, so I might as well just eat in the cafeteria."

The "Old Liu" in her mouth is her husband, an associate professor at a university in Donghai.If you are alone, there is really no need to go home and cook, just deal with it casually.

The two sat together, eating and chatting.

After chatting for a while, Zhao Yulan said: "Yang Fan, we are probably going to work together, you don't know about it yet, do you?"


A big question mark appeared in Yang Fan's mind, and he looked at Zhao Yulan in a daze, not understanding what it meant for a while.

Zhao Yulan smiled, and immediately changed the topic.She originally thought that Yang Fan already knew about it. From the looks of it, Master Pan probably hasn't talked to Yang Fan yet.

After eating and walking out of the cafeteria, Yang Fan thought to himself, what did Director Zhao's words mean just now? It's so difficult that she and I have a business trip again.

No, there is nothing to indicate that there has been a business trip recently.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still didn't understand it. Simply, Yang Fan didn't think about it any more, let everything take its course, and maybe the answer will be revealed in a short time.

In the afternoon, going to work as usual, Yang Fan sat in the office, spread out a design drawing, and prepared to take a good look at it.

But within a few minutes, Shi Wei knocked on the door and came in, saying loudly: "Comrade Yang Fan, General Master Pan called and asked you to go to his place immediately."

The Combat System Design Office has an internal telephone installed in Shi Wei's office, and Pan Jinfu himself made a call to that telephone.

"Oh, Master Pan is looking for me." Yang Fan put down the pencil in his hand, stood up, quickly left the office, and soon arrived at the door of Pan Jinfu's office.

Could it be because of some problems in the design of the combat system?
After thinking about it in his mind, Yang Fan raised his hand and knocked on the door, then walked in, and unexpectedly found that Zhao Yulan was also inside.

"Master Pan, you are looking for me."

"Yeah." Pan Jinfu seemed to be in a good mood and nodded, "Yang Fan, sit down first, I have something to tell you."

Hearing this, Yang Fan sat down, vaguely feeling that it didn't seem like he was talking about the design of the combat system, and there might be other things.

Pan Jinfu glanced at Yang Fan approvingly, first of all, he didn't get into the main topic, but asked about some work matters with concern, and Yang Fan made a brief report by the way.

After asking these questions, Pan Jinfu said: "Our 052 ship has entered the comprehensive design stage, and the design offices are also busy. We have more and more burdens and responsibilities. Xiao Yang, are you interested in coming to help us?" help me."

Yang Fan's heart moved, and he realized that there might be a new position for him. After guessing this, he immediately straightened his face and said very seriously: "Mr. Pan, I have no personal opinion, and I completely obey the arrangement."

Seeing that Yang Fan had no personal opinion, Pan Jinfu nodded again, and said very formally: "As the work of the 052 project begins, the burden of the model office is not light, Xiao Yang, work harder, and temporarily hold two post, concurrently serving as the deputy director of the Model Office.”

Deputy Director of Model Office!

Yang Fan was slightly taken aback at first, and then he became happy, but he didn't show it on his face, what kind of department is the Model Office?

Does happiness come too suddenly?

Deputy Director of Model Office!

It's almost a job made for myself.

Previously, Yang Fan was deeply moved, and he was soft-spoken. Many suggestions would hardly attract the attention of the higher-ups. If Master Pan didn't help to say a few words, no one would pay attention to Yang Fan's suggestions.

The identity of the deputy director of the model office is completely different.

Not only in the East China Sea Institute, but also in the entire 052 project, the model office has a great say. Some things it sends out, other parts must pay attention to.

In addition, the model office is the closest institution to Master Pan, and the director of the model office is the left and right arm of Master Pan, and the deputy director is similar.

Although the model office is the same level as the major design offices of Donghai Institute, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is actually half a level higher, with greater power and greater influence.

Pan Jinfu took a look at Yang Fan, saw that Comrade Yang Fan's eyes were calm, his reaction was calm, without that obvious expression of joy, and he said in his heart, the young man is good and deserves to be cultivated.

In fact, we misunderstood Comrade Yang Fan a little bit.

At this moment, Yang Fan was extremely happy in his heart, knowing that on a bigger platform and a higher position, he could play a greater role.

Heroes have a role to play!

Pan Jinfu was very satisfied with Yang Fan, and he continued, "Little Yang, you and Director Zhao will work together from today on."

That's it!

Yang Fan finally fully understood what Zhao Yulan said in the cafeteria at noon.

 Ask everyone for recommendation tickets, collections and other support.


(End of this chapter)

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