Military Heavy

Chapter 81 Model Office Report

Chapter 81 Model Office Report

"Comrade Yang Fan, welcome to join the model office!"

Zhao Yulan took the initiative and reached out her hand enthusiastically.Yang Fan got up quickly, and happily shook hands with Zhao Yulan, "Director Zhao, please give me more guidance on my work in the future."

"Comrade Yang Fan, you are too humble. I know you are very good at technology. I should ask you to help me more in the future."

The two were polite and humble to each other for a while.

Seeing that the two get along well, Pan Jinfu was completely relieved.That's how things are settled, but there are still some things that need to be explained.

This is a formal conversation.

"According to preliminary calculations, the development of the 052 ship involves eleven relevant ministries and commissions, as well as dozens of institutes and hundreds of manufacturers distributed all over the country."

"The 052 project has been fully launched. During the entire project implementation process, there are a large number of technical, quality and progress problems that need to be resolved in a timely manner. If they are not resolved, the progress of the project will not continue."

Knowing that this was a formal conversation, Yang Fan listened carefully.

In fact, the power of model management also means that there are many things to be managed, almost everything, such as technology, quality, and progress. After the 052 ship enters construction in the future, it will also pay attention to a series of issues in the ship construction process. .

However, Yang Fan didn't feel pressured by this, on the contrary, he was slightly excited, this vast world can do a lot!

After talking about the situation, Pan Jinfu also divided the work, "Director Zhao, you are in charge of the overall work of the model office, and Comrade Yang Fan is responsible for the technical and quality work. In addition, Yang Fan is temporarily concurrently serving as the deputy director of the combat system design room. The focus of work can gradually be placed on the model.”

As the chief engineer, Pan Jinfu knew that after the overall design of the 052 ship's combat system was completed and the framework was set up, the follow-up work could be carried out step by step. Shi Wei and the others should be able to do it.

If there is a technical problem, you can still find Yang Fan, which is why Yang Fan continues to serve as the deputy director of the combat system design room.


"no problem."

Yang Fan and Zhao Yulan said almost at the same time, and then smiled at each other.

After the formal talk, Pan Jinfu called Shi Wei over again and told about Yang Fan's job change.

Combat system design room.

The news spread quickly, less than 10 minutes after Shi Wei came back from Mr. Pan, almost everyone in the design office knew about it.

"Director Yang, congratulations!"

"Director Yang, remember to visit us often in the design room."


Facing everyone, Yang Fan smiled happily, and then announced loudly, "I'm treating guests tonight, everyone have a good drink or two."

"Oh, nice!"

"Director Yang is so majestic!"

The atmosphere in the entire design room was almost completely different. Shi Wei gradually felt the pressure in addition to his joy. Knowing that Yang Fan's work focused on making models, his burden became heavier invisibly.

Yang Fan seemed to understand Shi Wei's worries, and said with relief, "It's okay, I'm still the deputy director of the design room, and I'll still be responsible for technical issues, so feel free to come to me for anything."

Seeing this, the pressure in Shi Wei's heart was slightly relieved.

The efficiency of the Donghai Institute was very high. The next day, everyone found that an appointment document was posted on the bulletin board, in black and white, and stamped with a new red seal.

"Tsk tsk, that's amazing."

"Holding two jobs, the key is only in your 20s."

"Comparing people to people, I'm really mad!"


Seeing this appointment, many people have to accept the reality while being envious. People are incomparable. In their 20s, they have two deputy directors, and the deputy director of the model office has a high gold content.

Who is Yang Fan?

Many people in the East China Sea Institute gradually know such a person, a genius, is extremely talented in the field of ship design. With his own reading of some technical materials and continuous self-study, his technical level can surpass many others.

Yang Fan seems to be very calm, not too much affected, still not arrogant or impetuous, not showing the slightest arrogance and complacency because of being the director of the model office, he is still modest and cautious.

Those who are familiar with Yang Fan can't help but sigh, it's amazing, it's amazing, Shi Wei even said in his heart more than once, if it were me, I would definitely not be able to do this, and I was already overjoyed.

In fact, you may have misunderstood a little.

Nothing could be seen on the surface, but in fact, Yang Fan showed a very happy smile more than once when there was no one around.

Especially in the dormitory, when the door of the room was closed, Yang Fan laughed in the room, how could he look so calm now.

If Han Jiang is here, he will definitely say, Mensao.

By the way, he learned the word "Mensao" from Yang Fan. After getting along with Yang Fan for a long time, he learned a lot of new words and found it very interesting.

Not much.

Shi Wei personally called two young designers, and everyone moved Yang Fan's things to the 052 ship model office in the office building.

Most of them should be various books. The two young designers took great effort to move them upstairs, and moved them all into Yang Fan's new office.

Although he is also two deputy directors, Chief Master Pan said that the focus of work is on the model, and this is the bigger platform. Yang Fan will naturally move to the office here.

Ship 052 is a newly established department with great power but not many people. Before that, there was no deputy director. Except for the director Zhao Yulan, there were only four people under it. Jun, Quality Engineer Fang Weiping, Progress Coordinator Wu Jinlin.

Although the staff is small, the management is very broad.

The model office is on the same floor as the chief engineer's office, as well as the offices of Pan Jinfu, Tang Jianming and others, which is very convenient for work.

One large and one small two offices.

The big office is about [-] to [-] square meters in size, and there are only four people, Wang Fang, Li Jun, Fang Weiping and Wu Jinlin, and it looks very spacious.

Four large tables were arranged in two rows, which looked very neat.Across the wall is a small office of about ten square meters, which is Zhao Yulan's office, and Yang Fan has been here several times before.

"Director Zhao, I'd better go to the big office."

Seeing that Zhao Yulan arranged herself in the small office, Yang Fan hurriedly said this.

"No, no." Zhao Yulan said, "The two of us work together, and it's quite spacious here. In addition, if we work together, it will be easier to communicate about some things at work."

This is true.

An office of more than ten square meters with two large desks is not crowded at all, but it is enough.It is indeed much more convenient at work. There are only two people in the office, and some things can be said behind closed doors without worrying about the people below hearing.

Yang Fan said: "Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, thank you Director Zhao."

"Look, it's better to call me Sister Zhao kindly." Zhao Yulan said.

"Sister Zhao, give me more guidance in the future." Yang Fan looked modest.

After exchanging polite greetings between the two, Yang Fan arranged his things one by one. Some were placed on the big desk, most of them were put in the desk, and those books were all put in the bookshelf.The bookshelf in the office was a bit empty, but after these books were put in, it has been enriched a lot.

Zhao Yulan is a nice person.

He specially took Yang Fan to the big office next door, gathered everyone together, and solemnly introduced Yang Fan to everyone.

"Everyone stop and come here. This is Comrade Yang Fan, the deputy director of our new ship office. He is mainly responsible for the research and development and design of the 052 ship, including the coordination and handling of technical and quality issues in the future construction process."

In fact, the main thing is to supervise and coordinate. Generally, the model does not need to handle it, and the relevant units are responsible.

"Hello Director Yang."

"Director Yang is really young."


The four of them shook hands with Yang Fan one by one, and their reactions were different, some were very enthusiastic, while others were a little cold.Yang Fan guessed that it was due to each person's personality, and how they treated people and things were different.

Starting today, Yang Fan's work is mainly focused on the model office, and occasionally pays attention to the design of the combat system.

After arriving at the model office, Yang Fan found that it may be because the 052 project has just entered into a comprehensive design, and there are not many things that need to be coordinated, so he inevitably goes to the combat system design room every day to take a look and chat with Shi Wei Some design thing.

A few days later, the task came.

Early in the morning, before her butt was hot, Zhao Yulan came in and said, "Xiao Yang, Commander Pan attaches great importance to the new steel types of the 052 ship. You can go to the XX Special Steel Research Institute to see their progress. how's it going."

"Okay, no problem." Yang Fan agreed without hesitation.

Yang Fan of the Special Steel Research Institute knew that in Donghai City, located in the suburbs, he would not be able to return until the afternoon.

Zhao Yulan briefly talked about the situation there, and then specifically reminded: "Call Li Jun, the two of you go there together, he has been there many times, so he is familiar with the situation there."


Yang Fan nodded, opened the door and left the office.

(End of this chapter)

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