Chapter 82
"Li Gong, come with me to XX Special Steel Research Institute."

Li Jun seemed to have just come to work, and was making a cup of tea for a couple of sips. When he saw Yang Fan at the gate, he took a sip from the cup and took a sip, then tidied up his big desk, and then Come out slowly.

He didn't say a word the whole time.

Yang Fan didn't know Li Jun well. After observing for the past few days, he just felt that Li Jun was aloof and seldom talkative.

"Come on, let's go downstairs to the car."

This is the advantage of the model office, you can have a special car to pick you up when you go out.If it is another design studio, it depends on luck.

A military green jeep had already parked in front of the office building. Yang Fan was the first to open the door and get in the car. The driver was a man in his thirties, a veteran, a full-time driver of the small car class of Donghai Institute. Yang Fan knew him well. he.

"Brother Wang, thank you for your hard work."

"Where, everyone is doing business for the public." The driver Wang Wei has no airs. He is very easy-going and talkative, chatting with Yang Fan from time to time along the way.

It took about an hour to arrive at the entrance of the xx Special Steel Research Institute. Wang Wei did not get off the car, but said, "Director Yang, when will I come to pick you up?"

Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time. It was not yet 9:[-] in the morning, and he estimated that he would stay here for a few hours, so he said, "No rush, just arrive here around [-]:[-] in the afternoon."

"Okay, see you at four o'clock in the afternoon." The driver Wang Wei waved to Yang Fan, and then drove back to the Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Watching the jeep go away, Yang Fan thought in his heart, the treatment is really good, there is a car to pick up, there is a car to send, the model is different.

You know, Yang Fan's treatment in the combat system design room is not so good. Even if he wants to go out for business, he can only ride his [-] big bar or take a bus. Come here and pick it up again.

"Come on, let's go in."

Yang Fan waved and walked to the front, Li Jun just nodded slightly without saying a word.Yang Fan thought in his heart, it's really cold enough.

This is also a military industrial unit, the kind with soldiers standing guard at the door.Yang Fan showed the letter of introduction and went in after registering.

After entering, Yang Fan looked at Li Jun, the meaning was obvious, you have been here many times, the situation is familiar, lead the way, do you want the leader to remind you?
To Yang Fan's astonishment, Li Jun seemed to be completely unaware of this, without the slightest awareness of leading the way, and still just followed behind.

Immediately, Yang Fan was speechless. This may not be just aloofness, but a string missing in his head. The leader's intention is so obvious that he pretends not to know.

Forget it, without Butcher Zhang, would they still eat hairy pigs?

Yang Fan is no stranger to XX Special Steel Research Institute, which is well-known in the history of the Republic of China's ships. The special steel types required by the 052 ship, conventional submarines, and nuclear submarines are all produced by this unit.

Before rebirth, as an outstanding ship designer of the Republic, Yang Fan had been here many times, but the XX Special Steel Research Institute in the 21st century was much taller than this.

"Hey, I know those buildings, they were not demolished in the 21st century." Seeing the familiar buildings, Yang Fan felt happy and walked over.

Li Jun followed behind, and saw Yang Fan walking into the office building with ease, showing surprise on his face.


Hasn't he never been here before?

Li Jun had a hellish expression on his face.

He didn't say anything all the time, and he looked aloof. In fact, he was fake and aloof. He was not usually like this. The reason was that he looked down on the young Yang Fan a little. Of course, he might also feel a little unbalanced in his heart.

Why have I been working as an ordinary engineer for more than ten years, and you are sitting in the model office when you are only in your early twenties.

If Yang Fan knew that Li Jun thought so, he would definitely kick him twice and lie on the grass. If you have the ability, you can sit in this position too. My brother's technical attainments are much higher than yours, understand?

It's a pity that Yang Fan didn't know what Li Jun was thinking at the moment, but walked into the office building, followed by Li Jun with an unbelievable look, he couldn't figure it out, he was so familiar, did he really come here before? .

Walking into the office building, Yang Fan felt relieved, because he had already seen the person who came to greet him, a thin young man.

"You are Director Yang, right?"

"Yes, I am Yang Fan." Yang Fan shook hands with each other warmly.

"Chief Cao is waiting for you in the office, and I'll take you there." The young man was very enthusiastic.

Under the leadership of the young man, he went up to the third floor and entered Cao Qingsong's office. Obviously, he had been waiting for a long time.

"Director Yang, I'm Cao Qingsong."

"Mr. Cao, hello."

The two were polite. They originally wanted to introduce Li Jun, but then they thought about it. Isn't it cold? If they also have a cold expression in front of Mr. Cao, then it would be a bit embarrassing for Donghai. Out of face, we came out to represent Donghai Institute.

It is true that Li Jun has been to XX Special Steel Research Institute several times, but all he came into contact with were ordinary people below. He had never directly dealt with the chief engineer of the other party like Yang Fan, so Cao Qingsong really didn't know who Li Jun was.

But seeing that Li Jun came in with Yang Fan, he guessed that he might be an ordinary person. Yang Fan didn't mean to introduce him, and he didn't put it on him.

Li Jun was a little embarrassed.

I am cold and cold, but at that time I pretended to be cold and pretended to show you on purpose. You can’t do this, and immediately retaliate. This embarrasses me. You all sat on the sofa and talked happily It looks like I should sit or not.

After thinking about it, he still bravely sat down on the chair next to him, but his face was a little hot, which was too embarrassing.

Before his rebirth, Yang Fan was also a leader and a team leader with excellent leadership skills, and he knew exactly how to beat his subordinates.

For people like Li Jun, Yang Fan knows exactly how to beat, and now it is a kind of beating. I hope Li Jun can adjust his position and mentality.

After the two chatted for a while.

Cao Qingsong said: "Director Yang, I am under a lot of pressure now, and I can hardly sleep. Two years, only two years, the time is too tight, the technical risk is too great, and our responsibility is too great!"

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled, knowing exactly what Mr. Cao meant.

The idea of ​​using a new steel grade was put forward during the design and demonstration stage of the 052 ship, and Pan Jinfu boldly used a new steel grade that is still in the scientific research stage.

The use of this new type of steel is completely out of necessity, because the steel used by the 051 ship can no longer be used.After years of wind, rain and seawater corrosion, many 051 ships have serious quality problems.

On the future 052 ship, such problems will never be allowed to occur.

But the use of a new steel grade is by no means easy. Before it is used, it usually needs several years of application research before it can be used on warships.

The time given to Cao Qingsong and the others for application research was only two years, less than half of the normal time. To complete the application research in such a short period of time, the workload is very heavy. In addition, what should we do if the application research fails?
So Cao Qingsong was under a lot of pressure.

Yang Fan expressed his understanding, and then asked: "Chief Engineer Cao, where are you now?"

Just as Cao Qingsong was about to introduce the current progress, a person rushed in from outside the office, with an anxious expression on his face, and said loudly: "Chief Engineer Cao, something went wrong, please go and have a look."

"Oh, something went wrong?"

Cao Qingsong stood up immediately, with a little reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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