Chapter 83

This is how the same thing?

What went wrong.

Even Yang Fan paid attention to it, thinking in his heart, it must not be a problem with the new steel type. Ship 052 has entered the comprehensive design stage, and it is waiting for this new type of steel to be cooked in the future. Without it, the construction work cannot be carried out.

But immediately Yang Fan became worried, and it really had something to do with the new steel grade.

After asking to understand what was going on, Cao Qingsong's expression became a little dignified, and he waved his hand and said, "Come on, take me to have a look."

After finishing speaking, he turned back to Yang Fan and said, "Director Yang, let's take a look together. It's about new steel grades. You'd better know about this situation."


Everyone left the office together, and soon entered the stress laboratory under the leadership of Cao Qingsong. When he got there, Yang Fan found that there were already many people, some of whom were technicians, or technical backbones, even the staff of the stress laboratory. The technical directors have already rushed over.

"What exactly is going on."

The person in charge of the laboratory said: "Our new steel grade is undergoing a low-temperature pull-down stress test, but the refrigeration equipment suddenly broke down, making it impossible to continue. Our technicians are investigating the specific cause of the failure."

"Speed ​​up the investigation. We can't afford to wait for time. We can't waste time like this." Cao Qingsong instructed.

At this moment, Yang Fan basically understood what was going on.

The low-temperature tensile stress test of new steel types is being carried out here. There is a low-temperature laboratory in front of you, and the test equipment inside can be seen through the large transparent glass.

Inside the glass is a small room with an area of ​​less than ten square meters, in which test equipment is placed, and outside the glass is a large room, where operating equipment, including instrumentation, is placed.Everyone is in the big room right now.

It's a bit like an MRI in a hospital.

The MRI equipment is in one room, and the inspectors operate in another room, separated by a large glass.

About ten minutes passed.

The technician in charge of the inspection of the refrigeration equipment reported with a frustrated face: "Mr. Cao, a key part of the refrigeration equipment has burned out, and the refrigeration equipment can no longer be used. You need to go abroad to buy parts and come back to replace it."

Cao Qingsong was most concerned about time, and immediately asked, "How long will it take?"

The technician said: "This is the refrigeration equipment imported by RB, and the parts need to be delivered from RB, and it will take about half a month at the earliest."

What, half a month!
If it really takes so long, the day lily will be cold.Cao Qingsong really had the urge to hit someone, wishing he could kick the person in charge a few times.

The person in charge of the laboratory also knew that the situation was serious, and he almost broke out in a cold sweat, his head lowered in an instant, as if he was a child who had done something wrong.

Cao Qingsong gave the person in charge a hard look, but he also knew that now was not the time to pursue responsibility, and what he had to do was to resume the experiment as soon as possible.

"Which one of you has a way, our experiment must not be delayed." Cao Qingsong's tone showed a bit of anxiety, but also a bit of helplessness.

Yes, I can't afford to delay in time.

The time given to him by the above was already short, and the application research time for new steel grades was less than half of the normal time, so it was not worth delaying more than ten days in vain.

In the face of inquiries, many people lowered their heads.

Some people even felt so wronged that they wanted to cry, and the scenes of them working overtime day and night to fight for time appeared in their minds. It seemed that all the previous hard work might be in vain.

The atmosphere at the scene was rather heavy.

Cao Qingsong was also not relaxed, his face darkened a little, and he asked: "Is there no way for you to cool down?"

A technician replied: "Ordinary cooling methods will not work at all. According to the test requirements, the tensile stress test must be carried out at a temperature of minus [-] degrees. Now that the refrigeration equipment is broken, ordinary methods cannot reach this temperature at all."

Using ice cubes to cool down may reach a few degrees below zero, but it will definitely not reach a low temperature of minus [-] or [-] degrees below zero.

The application research of military steel is extremely demanding, and accurate tests must be made on the strength, toughness, crack resistance, stress state at low temperature, etc. of the steel.

There are a total of more than 140 items in nine categories, and each item requires at least a few hundred to as many as several thousand test data, and the number of test reports that need to be written is also an astonishing number.

"Director Yang, this is the first time you have come here." Cao Qingsong apologized.

Yang Fan didn't say anything, he was observing carefully and thinking hard in his mind.Yang Fan is also an expert in the application research of military steel.

Yang Fan didn't want to waste more than ten days because of the failure of the refrigeration equipment. He knew that the technical risk of new steel types was inherently high, and if time wasted, the risk would be even greater.

Do you import military steel from abroad?

That is absolutely impossible.

All countries have very strict export controls on military steel, and exports are prohibited. It is impossible for us to buy the special military steel needed for the 052 ship from abroad, and we can only rely on ourselves.

"Mr. Cao, can you take me in and have a look?"

Although Cao Qingsong didn't understand why Yang Fan made such a request, he still agreed, "Open the door, let's go in and take a look."

The door was opened immediately, and Cao Qingsong accompanied Yang Fan into the small room.The area is not large, less than ten square meters. There is a stress test equipment in the center, and a test piece used for the stress test is clamped on it.

There are thermometers, hygrometers and other things in this test room. During the tensile stress test, the temperature and humidity must be strictly controlled according to the test requirements.

He looked at it seriously, and said loudly, "Give me a tape measure."

"Bring a measuring tape quickly." Cao Qingsong also shouted.

Soon the tape measure was brought over, Yang Fan took the tape measure, and said loudly: "Chief Engineer Cao, pull the ruler for me, I want to measure the internal space of this test room."

So, everyone saw such a scene.

Yang Fan was measuring the length, width and height of the laboratory with a tape measure, while Mr. Cao clapped his hands and helped to measure with the ruler.

Enough bullshit!

The comrades of the Special Steel Research Institute opened their eyes wide and called out the bull X. Some people thought in their hearts, if I were to measure in it, Mr. Cao would help me draw the ruler. , can blow for a lifetime.

After a while, the size measurement is finished.After exiting this room, Yang Fan closed the door again.

Until now, Cao Qingsong didn't know what Yang Fan was going to do, but his sixth sense told him that Director Yang seemed to have a solution, so the hope in his heart rose irresistibly.

"Mr. Cao, maybe I have a solution."

There really is a way!
Director Yang really has a solution!

It turned out that the size of the test room was measured just now for a purpose.

After understanding this point, Cao Qingsong said excitedly, "That's great, Director Yang, what can you do?"

Yang Fan said slowly: "We mainly want to lower the temperature. As long as the temperature required by the test can be reached, we can continue the tensile stress test at low temperature."

"Yes." Cao Qingsong nodded.

Yang Fan: "Mr. Cao, I just measured the size. The space in the test room is not big. How about its thermal insulation effect?"

Cao Qingsong: "The effect of thermal insulation is very good. We have fully considered this aspect. The refrigeration equipment is also a special equipment imported from RB, but it is a pity that there is a temporary failure."

If the insulation effect is good, I have a solution.

Yang Fan made up his mind and said, "I have a method, we can try it."


Cao Qingsong's eyes lit up, as if a drowning person had caught a lifebuoy thrown by someone else, and he said hopefully, "Director Yang, tell us what we can do."

Yang Fan pondered for a while, and then said: "Ordinary cooling is definitely not enough. It is impossible to make the temperature reach minus [-] degrees or even below, but there is one thing that can. Let's try it with liquid nitrogen."

liquid nitrogen!

Industrial liquid nitrogen!

Just mentioning this, Cao Qingsong immediately grasped the point, nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, we can try it with liquid nitrogen."

There is no shortage of industrial liquid nitrogen, and they have it in their own factory. Even if it is not enough, they can go to other brother units to transfer some.

Cao Qingsong immediately said loudly: "Go and bring a tank of your liquid nitrogen over here, and try it right away."

Soon, a large tank of industrial liquid nitrogen was moved over.

(End of this chapter)

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