Chapter 84
"Industrial liquid nitrogen alone is not enough."

"Yeah, it's impossible to control the temperature at all. Our low temperature test has strict temperature requirements, and the temperature difference cannot be greater than 2 degrees."

"Well, I think this method is very difficult."


Seeing that Yang Fan was about to use liquid nitrogen to cool down, many people beside him were discussing in low voices, and some even shook their heads with wry smiles.

Li Jun stood by the side, watching all this with a cold look, he said in his heart, if this is okay, I will drink this can of liquid nitrogen directly.

Our director Xiao Yang is really a little whimsical, he is a young man after all, wait and see how he ends up.

Pouring such a tank of liquid nitrogen into it to cool down will definitely not work, but strict calculations are required, so Yang Fan said loudly: "Give me the pen, paper and calculator."

"Hurry up and get what Director Yang wants." Cao Qingsong shouted loudly.

Soon, these things were brought over.

After receiving these things, he saw a table next to him, so Yang Fan walked over and counted regardless of 21.

The length, width and height of the test room, the current temperature, the temperature to be dropped, the specific heat of air, the temperature of liquid nitrogen, the specific heat, and how much liquid nitrogen is needed.
A large series of calculation formulas appear on the paper, one by one data.
"So professional looking."

"Wow, that's amazing!"

Many people exclaimed, their eyes lit up.

Standing by the side, Cao Qingsong saw Yang Fan's calculations, his hope grew stronger, and he admired him very much.

Our director Yang looks so young, but he is so powerful. If it were me, I wouldn't necessarily count it. It's really amazing.

After a while, the calculation is over.

Yang Fan said loudly: "Send two people to operate according to my requirements. In addition, bring a scale and two stainless steel basins, and they will be used later."

Two technicians are eager to try.

They looked at Yang Fan's high-level calculations just now, and they seemed to feel that everything was feasible.

So, the two technicians began to operate under the guidance of Yang Fan.

First of all, the stopper of a tank of liquid nitrogen was unplugged, and white mist immediately appeared at the mouth of the tank.

Under Yang Fan's command, the two carried the tank of liquid nitrogen into the test room, brought two stainless steel basins, and poured liquid nitrogen into the two basins.

"Well, it should be enough."

Yang Fan weighs himself, and will strictly control the weight of the poured liquid nitrogen.

After pouring the liquid nitrogen, the three of them left the small test room and closed the door. At this moment, everyone looked at the situation inside through the large glass.

is this okay?

I hope a miracle will happen, and the temperature can meet the requirements of the experiment.

Li Jun stood by and watched all this, his face changed slightly, and he thought in his heart, is it possible that I really want to drink that can of liquid nitrogen.

Thinking of drinking a can of liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees, it was so sour, and Li Jun couldn't help shivering.

MMD, this will turn into ice cubes, no, into ice slag.

Liquid nitrogen is acting and absorbing heat.

In the small test room, the ground is covered with a thick layer of white mist, like cotton wool, very beautiful.

But at the moment, everyone is not in the mood to pay attention to whether it is beautiful or not, but to focus all their attention on the thermometer and hygrometer.
5 degrees Celsius.
10 degrees Celsius.
15 degrees Celsius.

The temperature dropped rapidly. Seeing this scene, many people held their breath, as if they were afraid that the temperature would continue to drop.
30 degrees Celsius!
This is exactly the temperature required for this low-temperature stress test. The positive and negative temperature cannot exceed 2 degrees Celsius, and the humidity must also be within the acceptable range.

Has reached the test temperature, will it continue to drop?
31 degrees Celsius!
After the temperature dropped to this point, it did not continue to drop, but remained at this temperature, which is now the qualified test temperature required by the low temperature stress test.

Cao Qingsong became a little excited, and said loudly: "The temperature is qualified, the humidity is qualified, and the test requirements are met. All testers are on their positions!"

With an order, everyone took their positions and started various experimental operations in an orderly manner.No, if you look closely, there are still some people who can't hide their excitement.

The test equipment started to work, and various data began to be displayed on the instruments. Soon, the first test data came out.

"Yield degree 556 MPa!"

As soon as the data was reported, the whole laboratory erupted. Some people jumped up for joy, and some clapped their hands in celebration.

"Oh, it worked."

"The data is within the acceptable range!"

The pressure in Cao Qingsong's heart disappeared in an instant, and he looked at Yang Fan gratefully and said, "Director Yang, thank you very much. If it weren't for your method, we would have wasted more than ten days in vain."

"Where, we are all for the 052 ship, Chief Engineer Cao is too polite."

Seeing that both Yang Fan and Chief Engineer Cao looked happy, Li Jun sighed softly, knowing that he underestimated Yang Fan, so it turned out that he was really capable.

I lost, I owe this can of liquid nitrogen first, let's drink it next time.

Li Jun thought helplessly.

At a low temperature of 30 degrees, hundreds of data must be tested. After the first data comes out, everyone will immediately start the second data and the third data.

What made everyone even more happy was that the heat insulation effect of the test room was good. The temperature was maintained at around minus 30 degrees, and it took more than an hour to reach minus 28 degrees.

Open the door, continue to add a little liquid nitrogen, the temperature has come down again, and continue the experiment.

Seeing the test data come out one by one, Cao Qingsong felt more relaxed, his face was full of joy, and of course he was grateful to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan has been watching the test, and carefully read the test data one by one. He is very familiar with this new steel type.

In the low temperature state of minus 30 degrees, the yield degree above 500 MPa is considered qualified, and all these data are above 500 MPa.

Civilian ships are generally qualified at 200 MPa.

Military ships mostly use special steel with a pressure of 300 MPa or more as the hull material. Our 052 ship uses a new type of steel. It will be dark blue in the future, and the requirements will be much higher. For example, the yield of this steel type can be 500 at low temperature. MPa and above.

It was soon noon.

Cao Qingsong, who was in a good mood, insisted on treating guests, but Yang Fan didn't shirk his hospitality, and he was really hungry.

Everyone left the Special Steel Research Institute, had a sumptuous lunch in a restaurant outside, and ordered seven or eight dishes. Considering that the experiment would continue in the afternoon, no one drank any alcohol.

After the meal, the experiment continued.

Everything was still going smoothly, but there was a little accident at two o'clock in the afternoon, and the power went out with a "snap".

To be precise, the 380-volt power supply did not stop, and the test equipment could still operate normally, but when the 220-volt power supply stopped, the laboratory suddenly became dark, and it was difficult to see clearly.

The lighting in this laboratory is too poor, it's actually so dark inside in broad daylight.

"Open every window that can be opened."

"Get a flashlight here!"

Cao Qingsong shouted loudly, but when the flashlight was brought over, it was obviously not bright enough, and it still affected the continuation of the experiment. There was no way, I couldn’t see clearly, the light was too dim.

"Mother Xi Pi." Cao Qingsong burst into a foul language.

The experiment was going on, and the data came out one by one. When he was in high spirits, he suddenly encountered such a thing. No wonder Cao Qingsong was angry.

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Cao, do you often have power outages here?"

"Well, there are a few times a month, sometimes for one or two hours, sometimes for half a day, and the power outage time is not fixed."

Don't talk about power generation equipment, many units do not have this thing, and the Special Steel Research Institute also does not have its own power generation equipment at all.

Perhaps it is not a problem now, a small power generation equipment is only tens of thousands of dollars, many units can afford it, but in 1984, it was a problem.On the one hand, there is no such thing, and on the other hand, many units do not have this money.

"There's a power outage, Mr. Cao, what should we do?"

A technician asked loudly, with anxiety and worry evident in his tone.

Cao Qingsong was also anxious. If he lost the chain at a critical moment, if he couldn't continue the experiment, the liquid nitrogen just poured in would be wasted, which is a pity.

In addition, knowing when the call will come, and at least several hours will be wasted, which is really frustrating.

(End of this chapter)

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