Military Heavy

Chapter 85 Bring the car in

Chapter 85 Bring the car in
How to do?
How to do it?

Cao Qingsong was almost in a hurry. If he could generate electricity by himself, he would definitely generate electricity immediately and continue the stress test immediately.

"Mr. Cao, why don't we wait for the call."

The light of the flashlight is indeed too dim, and it is impossible to continue the experiment at all. Some people are even more worried that there will be safety problems in such a dim environment.

Once there is a safety issue, it is a big deal.

Yang Fan has not spoken, but he has been thinking in his mind, it is obviously a pity to have a power outage at this time, and it would be nice to have electricity.

The 380 volt power did not stop, but the 220 volt power stopped
Suddenly, Yang Fan had a solution.

Flashlights won't work, we use headlights!
Where are the headlights?

Yang Fan said loudly: "Chief engineer Cao, I saw a jeep parked in front of your office building, drive the car in, and use the headlights to illuminate it, so you can continue the experiment."

Yes, headlights can!
Cao Qingsong slapped his thigh fiercely, why didn't he think of this way, the flashlight doesn't work, so the headlights should be fine.

"Quick, go and drive the car in."

Soon, a military green jeep drove in, and the headlights turned on with a "snap", shining directly on the side, and brightened up.

"It's so bright!"

"It's okay, it's just a little dazzling."

"It's okay to be glare, at least we can continue the experiment."

Everyone was very happy, and several test technicians were eager to try. As long as Cao Qingsong nodded, they would continue the test.

Yang Fan looked at it, and then suggested: "The light is indeed a little dazzling, adjust the light of the headlights to an angle, yes, just face that wall."

Next to it is a large wall.

Cao Qingsong waved his hands and said loudly, "Do as Director Yang said."

Now, he admires Yang Fan very much and is very grateful.Without the method of cooling with industrial liquid nitrogen proposed by Yang Fan, they would not be able to carry out the stress test, and they might have wasted more than ten days in vain.

Whatever Yang Fan says, he does.

Even if he didn't know why Yang Fan adjusted the headlights in one direction for the time being, he still unconditionally followed what Yang Fan said.

Some people nearby looked at Yang Fan enviously.


Chief engineer Cao has completely become a small follower, almost obeying his advice.

The lights of the car were quickly adjusted, no longer directly shining, but shining on the wall next to it, and suddenly, the light on the test bench became much darker.

"It's a little dark, that's not okay."

"Yeah, I can't see clearly."

Several experimenters shouted loudly.

Yang Fan smiled, as if he had a plan in mind, and said loudly: "Bring some thumbtacks and a few large white papers, preferably unused No. 0 drawings."

Cao Qingsong glanced at Yang Fan, he finally understood, and gave a thumbs up in admiration, as if to say, Niu Cha, this is what I want.

A few snow-white No. 0 design drawings were brought over, and under Yang Fan's command, they were fixed to the wall with thumbtacks.Car lights shone on these snow-white drawings, and the light reflected back.
"Hey, it's so bright!"

"The light is soft and not glare at all."

Many people were pleasantly surprised, especially the few test technicians, who were extremely happy, they knew that they could continue the test.

Cao Qingsong felt relieved, waved his hand and said, "Continue with the experiment."

The low temperature stress test started again.

In the test room, because it is a closed space, and the heat preservation and heat insulation effects are good, the temperature is still maintained at minus 30 degrees, which fully meets the requirements of the low temperature test.

The test continued in an orderly manner, and test records were recorded one by one.

Seeing that everything was fine, Cao Qingsong suggested, "Director Yang, sit in my office and have some tea."

Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and the driver would come to pick him up soon, so he nodded and said, "Okay, by the way, I would like to know more about the progress of the research on the application of special steel materials for the 052 ship."

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan said to Li Jun: "You are here, we will meet at the gate at four o'clock, and we will go back to the institute by car."

Li Jun was taken aback.

Originally, I thought I could get a little light, and I would sit down and drink some tea, but I don’t have such a good life for the time being, so I can only continue to watch the experiment here.

Yang Fan glanced at Li Jun and smiled meaningfully.

Immediately, Li Jun trembled in his heart, as if he understood the meaning of the smile.

Mistake, misstep!

Li Jun felt a little regretful, knowing that he had gone too far in pretending to be cold, and Director Yang saw through it at a glance.

Having been working for so many years, Li Jun is considered a veteran. He knows the importance of building a good relationship with the leader, and finally he is a little afraid that if Director Yang is dissatisfied, he may be put on the wrong foot.

Yang Fan didn't care about Li Jun any more, and walked out of the laboratory, chatting and laughing with Cao Qingsong.

in the office.

Cao Qingsong was very enthusiastic. He took out the best tea leaves and brewed two cups of hot tea, and expressed his thanks repeatedly. Without Yang Fan, the low temperature stress test would not be possible today.

After thanking him, he gradually got down to business, and he began to introduce to Yang Fan the progress of the current application research of this new steel grade.

The research on the application of military steel is very complicated. There are more than 140 items in nine categories. Accurate tests must be made on the strength, toughness, crack resistance, stress state at low temperature, etc. of the steel.

Under normal circumstances, it takes 5 to 10 years to study the application of military steel.
At present, it is the initial and initial stage of applied research.Cao Qingsong introduced several studies that have been carried out and the data obtained.

Yang Fan listened carefully.

About three or four ten minutes later, Yang Fan faintly heard the sound of a car horn coming from outside, quickly raised his hand to check the time, and said dumbly: "It's already four o'clock, I have to go back."

Cao Qingsong got up and saw Yang Fan off, all the way to the gate, watched Yang Fan get into the car, and waved goodbye with great enthusiasm.

Li Jun was already in the car.

He must have been waiting for the car at the gate long ago. When he saw Yang Fan get in the car, he was very surprised that he got out of the car and helped open the door, like a qualified subordinate, "Director Yang, get in the car."

That's right.

How cold are you pretending to be in front of me?

Yang Fan nodded comfortably, got in the car and said goodbye to Cao Qingsong.

"Director Yang, I'm sorry."

Li Jun apologized in a low voice.

Yang Fan waved his hand and said: "It's okay, pay more attention and work harder in the future, the model office is a very good platform."

"En." Li Jun nodded vigorously, seeing that Yang Fan didn't take it seriously, he felt much more relaxed and talked more.

On the way back, it was completely different from when we came here in the morning.

The driver, Wang Wei, was already very talkative, and with Li Jun joining in, the atmosphere was very active along the way, and the three of them chatted about various topics.

Unknowingly, the driver Wang Wei revealed a situation, "We have a Changjiang 750 in the small car class that is about to be scrapped. In fact, the condition of the car is still very good. It's a pity."

Yangtze River 750!

Yang Fan's memory suddenly emerged. This is a classic motorcycle that was popular throughout the 80s.

Until now, Yang Fan is still riding a [-]th bicycle. If there is a motorcycle, it would be so cool.

Yang Fan longed for a motorcycle and had the financial resources to buy a brand new motorcycle, but he dared not buy one for fear of causing trouble. Besides, motorcycle tickets were difficult to obtain.

A new motorcycle, like the Happiness 125, costs at least two or three thousand. It is difficult to explain how much money you have to buy a motorcycle all at once.

Where did you get so much money? If someone reports jealously and some departments want to investigate the source of the money, they will only be dumbfounded.

The motorcycles scrapped by the unit are different.

First, it does not require motorcycle tickets, and second, it is cheap!
Immediately, Yang Fan became interested.

 Ask everyone for recommendation tickets, collections and other support!


(End of this chapter)

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