Chapter 86
"Brother Wang, how is the condition of that car? Can it still drive?"

"Director Yang, you are asking the right person. No one in the entire car class knows that Yangtze River 750 better than me."


Yang Fan became interested and looked at Wang Wei.

Wang Wei is the deputy monitor of the trolley class.

Doesn't the deputy squad leader need to drive?

No, it's the same as driving.

In the past, Wang Wei mainly drove the Changjiang 750, and occasionally drove the Dodge Jeep of the unit.After becoming the deputy squad leader last year, I basically drove a jeep, and rarely drove the Changjiang 750.

"Director Yang, the 750 is actually in good condition and well-maintained. It's just a little bit old. Except for a little problem, it's good for riding."

After saying this, he also understood what Yang Fan meant, "Director Yang, you want to buy this 750, right? Let me help you pay attention."

"Okay, then thank you, Brother Wang first." Yang Fan said gratefully.

In the 90s, the motorcycles and cars scrapped by the unit were often digested internally, and the employees of the unit bought them and continued to use them, and they could be used for several years.

Why can it still be used?That's because the actual scrapping period has not yet been reached. After the unit has a new car, it will be scrapped if it is too old, and then digested internally.

These days, not to mention a car, even a motorcycle is a very cool thing, riding it out is more face-saving, and the rate of return is extremely high.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, if I can buy that Changjiang 750, that would be a very cool thing, and it would be more classy than riding that permanent brand bicycle to go out.

Talking and laughing all the way, unknowingly returned to Donghai Institute.

The jeep was parked in front of the office building. Wang Wei said to Yang Fan who got out of the car, "Director Yang, come to me when you are off work. I will take you to see the Changjiang 750. The car is actually really good. It's just It's just a little bit older."

This kind of motorcycle is generally produced by large state-owned factories. In this era, large state-owned factories will not cut corners, and the product quality is excellent.

According to the condition of the car, this 750 must not have reached the scrapping standard, but the internal service life has expired, and the unit is generally unwilling to continue to use it, but it is no problem for private individuals to continue to use it.

Yang Fan really wanted to take a look, so he agreed, "Okay, I'll come and see you after get off work."

The two agreed.

Yang Fan walked in front, Li Jun followed, and the two entered the office building together.Li Jun was not so cold, and apologized softly: "Director Yang, I am today"

Yang Fan waved his hand generously and interrupted: "I see, it's okay, just don't do that again in the future."

"No, definitely not." Li Jun said quickly.

Soon the two arrived at the model office, and each entered the office.

Zhao Yulan was in the office, and immediately reminded Yang Fan when she saw Yang Fan came back: "Master Pan is very concerned about the application research of new steel types, and he should be waiting for you to report the situation in the office now."

"Okay, I'll go to Master Pan right now."

After just taking a sip of tea, Yang Fan knocked on the door and entered Pan Jinfu's office, "Master Pan."

To Yang Fan's slight surprise, there was another person in Pan Jinfu's office, that was Wu Wenchao from the ship electrical system design office, who seemed to be reporting the progress of the design of the 052 ship's electrical system.

Pan Jinfu nodded to Yang Fan, signaling to sit down on the sofa first.

Yang Fan waited for about two or three minutes. After listening to Wu Wenchao's report, Pan Jinfu asked, "Xiao Yang, you're back."

"Well, I just came back." Yang Fan said: "I went to XX Special Steel Research Institute this morning to learn about the application research of new steel types."

Pan Jinfu listened carefully.

Wu Wenchao didn't leave for the time being, just seeing Yang Fan's report, he couldn't help being a little startled, then shook his head, thinking in his heart, he is a young man, how can there be such a report work, Mr. Pan's requirements are very strict, and the report work must be detailed. Accurate data, ambiguous words will definitely be approved.

Like me, before coming to the report, after some serious and detailed preparations, all the data are recorded in the notebook. When reporting, the notebook is opened, and the data recorded on it is reported one by one.
Wu Wenchao, who was thinking like this, gradually had a hellish expression, and couldn't believe what he saw. If this was not General Master Pan's office, he would probably catch Yang Fan and ask him to understand.

He will definitely ask, brother, how did you do it? You don’t use a notebook, but just open your mouth, and data pops out of your mouth one by one.

If Wu Wenchao really asked, Yang Fan would tell him, I have a good memory, I can remember everything, and I don’t need a notebook.

Wu Wenchao stared blankly at Yang Fan, and said in his heart, my God, Director Xiao Yang is so good, and remembers so many data so accurately.

Simply unheard of!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it!

Yang Fan reported in detail, reporting all the situation learned today, "Chief Cao and the others are carrying out applied research in an orderly and planned manner, and the progress is relatively smooth. There are more than 140 tests in nine categories, which have been completed. Five tests, three of which are currently underway, have collected a total of 7532 data."

The data is accurate.

The report is detailed.

Pan Jinfu nodded in satisfaction.

He noticed that Yang Fan did not report to the notebook, but unscripted, that is to say, Yang Fan had already memorized all the data in his mind.

"Yes, the data is very accurate, very rare." Pan Jinfu said in his heart.

To this, he did not have such a huge reaction as Wu Wenchao, but he was a little accustomed to it, knowing that Yang Fan not only had a high talent in ship design, but also had a good memory.

It's just that so much data is firmly remembered, and this memory is a little too good.

Yang Fan didn't pretend to be coercive on purpose, but really memorized those data firmly, and his memory was much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Although it has not reached the level of photographic memory, it is relatively close. After listening to it two or three times, or watching it two or three times, you will remember every word in your mind, and you will not forget it in a short time.

"Well, good, good."

Pan Jinfu nodded with satisfaction, "Xiao Yang has worked hard, pay attention to the application research of new steel types, ask them to call and report the progress every week, and you can go there every month to have a look."

"Okay." Yang Fan nodded.

After Pan Jinfu reported on the application research of new steel types, Yang Fan and Wu Wenchao walked out of Pan's office together.

At this moment, Wu Wenchao was already full of admiration, and he gave a thumbs up and said, "Director Yang, it's amazing, so much data has been memorized."

"Where, it's just that my memory is better. Director Wu has more experience than me, and the things to be reported are recorded in a notebook in great detail."

Wu Wenchao: "."

I can't help it, well, if I can remember it all, I don't need to spend a lot of effort to write it down in a notebook.

Count the birds, count the birds.

Can't compare, can't compare.

While talking to himself in a low voice, he shook his head slightly.

Wu Wenchao directly conceded defeat, knowing that he couldn't compare with Yang Fan in this aspect.

After the report, Yang Fan returned to his office, just tidied up the things on his desk before it was time to get off work in the afternoon.

Today's day's work is over.

The main reason is that I came back relatively late, returning from XX Special Steel Research Institute at four o'clock in the afternoon, and there was not much time before returning to Donghai Institute to get off work in the afternoon.

"Well, go to the trolley class and have a look."

To be honest, Yang Fan is still very interested in that 750, if the condition of the car is really good, then find a way to buy it.

Before going out, he took a pack of Marlboro from the desk drawer and put it in his pocket, then walked towards the small car class.

(End of this chapter)

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