Military Heavy

Chapter 87 Bicycle Turning into Motorcycle

Chapter 87 Bicycle Turning into Motorcycle

Wang Wei didn't leave after get off work, and was waiting for Yang Fan's arrival in the trolley class.

"Director Yang."

"Brother Wang, please excuse me."

Seeing that there was no one there, Yang Fan stuffed the pack of Marlboro into Wang Wei's hands as he talked, which was a small matter, and he would trouble others later.

Wang Wei's eyes lit up.

After working in the trolley class for so many years, and often picking up and dropping off the leaders in the office, Wang Wei still has vision and knowledge, and of course he knows Marlboro.

This is a good cigarette, and it costs several dollars a pack.

There was a clear look of joy on his face, and he quickly put the pack of cigarettes in his pocket, becoming extremely enthusiastic, "I'll take you to see that 750 right now."

"Okay, I'm going to take a look."

Yang Fan was very interested and readily agreed.Under the leadership of Wang Wei, the two came to the place where the car class parked the car.

It is located at the back of the big office building, and there is a special area where several small cars are parked. There is a black car, which is basically used by the main leaders in the office, and there are also two army green jeeps, a big One or two trucks.

"This is the car, it's not bad."

Wang Wei pointed to an army green three-wheeled motorcycle.This is a side three-wheeler. The so-called side three-wheeler means that a box with wheels is added to the side of a motorcycle, so that one more person can sit in it, and the box can also be used to store things.

Yangtze River 750 motorcycle!
Seeing this car, the memories in Yang Fan’s mind flooded like a tide. It is a mark of an era. It was popular throughout the 90s and 80s, especially in the [-]s. It is a very fashionable car. Many units, including Public security departments use it as a means of transportation.

Yang Fan clearly remembers that once he went abroad for an academic exchange, he saw a Yangtze River 750 motorcycle from a foreigner collector.

The foreigner spent thousands of dollars to buy it, and then collected it like a treasure, and collected it with many classic models.

It is such a Changjiang 750, even after decades, many people will still collect them, especially those who love cars.

Seriously looked at it.

The car seems to be in pretty good shape.

Wang Wei suggested: "Director Yang, do you know how to ride? How about giving it a try?"

Right on my mind.

After receiving the key, he stepped on the car skillfully, started it, and started to drive.

This feeling is awesome!

Not at all comparable to cycling.

Yang Fan deeply knows how glorious it is to own a motorcycle in this era, especially riding a Yangtze River 750 motorcycle.

I rode a lap, and I still can't get enough.

Yang Fan asked: "Brother Wang, when will it be scrapped and how much will it cost?"

Wang Weidao: "I have gone through the scrapping procedures, and it is estimated that I can buy it for two to three hundred yuan, but..."

His meaning is obvious. It is estimated that there are more than one people who want to buy it, and the competition is relatively large.

Yang Fan understood Wang Wei's expression instantly, "Brother Wang, I like him very much, I bought it in your name, and then sold it to me, I will give you an extra 30 yuan.

30 yuan is not too little.

It is basically equivalent to Wang Wei's salary of more than half a month, but at this time people are relatively pure, and there are still relatively few people who receive benefits secretly, and Wang Wei dare not accept the 30 yuan for benefits.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Wei said, "Director Yang, since you have taken a fancy to this 750, then I will buy it for you, and I won't take the benefits."

No favourites, but it would be nice to be able to pay Yang Fan well.

At a young age, he is the deputy director of the model office and the deputy director of the combat system design office. He holds two positions, and his future is immeasurable.

Wang Wei is smart and knows that the investment is worth it.

In addition, he only needs to contribute, without paying money.So he agreed to buy the car in his name, and then transferred it to Yang Fan at the original price.

He is the deputy squad leader of the small car class. If he wants to buy this 750, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Yang Fan was extremely happy.

It seems that it won't be long before the bicycle can be replaced by a motorcycle.

Bikes for motorcycles!
Yang Fan himself couldn't help smiling happily.

After another round of riding, Yang Fan parked the 750 in the original place, and invited: "Brother Wang, I know there is a private restaurant with good food, let's have a drink or two."

Wang Wei hesitated a little, probably because he was a little embarrassed to ask Yang Fan to treat him to dinner.

Yang Fan pulled Wang Wei and walked outside, very enthusiastic.

Inviting Wang Wei to dinner, in addition to thanking him for helping to buy this 750 motorcycle, it also means building a good relationship with Wang Wei.

Interpersonal relationships are very important, and Yang Fan is well aware of this.

If you have a good relationship with Wang Wei, when you need a car in the future, a phone call will do.If the relationship is not good, even if it is a business car, people can find an excuse to delay the time, or an excuse to simply not have a car.

After two glasses of wine, the two called each other brothers, Brother Wang and Brother Yang called out so affectionately.

Just two days later.

Wang Wei took the initiative to call Yang Fan, using the office phone of the small car class, and directly dialed the office phone of the model office.

"Director Yang, everything is settled."

So fast!
Yang Fan happily went to the trolley class, and the two met in the parking lot behind the office building.These things must not be said in front of many people in Xiaocheban, both of them know this.

There is no one else here.

Yang Fan said: "Brother Wang, thank you so much for helping me get things done so quickly."

"It's a trivial matter." Wang Wei said jokingly: "Maybe I will trouble Director Yang with something in the future."

The two chatted politely and happily.

This Changjiang 750 is used for disposal of scrapped vehicles within the unit. The price is very cheap, only 300 yuan, which is less than one-tenth of a new car.

300 yuan, what a cabbage price!

Yang Fan said in his heart that this is a great bargain. From today onwards, we can be regarded as car owners, and the transportation tool is the Changjiang 750.

"Here are the car keys, you can drive the car away now."

After receiving the keys, he exchanged some polite words with Wang Wei, and put the car here for the time being, and drove away when he got off work.

Back in the office, Yang Fan had a smile on his face.

Zhao Yulan was not in the office. She went to the capital for a meeting with Master Pan. As the director of the model office, she spent a large part of her time outside.

Yang Fan is stationed in the model office, and his main job is to supervise the progress of the design of the 052 ship in each design room. Basically, each design room must submit a report to the model office every month to report their design completion.

Sitting in the office, he was in a good mood, read some reports sent up from below, took a sip of hot tea, seeing that it was still early, Yang Fan prepared those design rooms to take a look.

After closing the office door and talking to the clerk and data clerk in the big office next door, Yang Fan hummed a little tune and stepped out of the office building.

The area of ​​the East China Sea Institute is actually not small, because it is a military industrial unit, with high walls and front and rear gates, and there are people standing guard at each gate 24 hours a day.

There are several main buildings within the enclosure, such as this office building, and several other red brick and black tile buildings with Soviet architectural style. Each building has several design offices.

Every design room is busy, and Yang Fan saw many designers working hard on drawing design drawings.

Unknowingly, Yang Fan walked into the overall design room.

When Yang Fan was slightly startled, the other design rooms were very quiet, filled with a tense atmosphere, and everyone was drawing wholeheartedly, but it was different in a certain office of the general design room. Several designers gathered together, as if What are you talking about.

Thank you "Qingyi Xuefa Jianghu Road" for the reward of 1500 starting coins!

Thank you "MRHU" for tipping a total of 300 starting coins!

Thank you "Er Ni", "ZACKYU", "Book Friends 150815141223063", "Book Friends 150704134329926", and "Book Friends 20180924165122317" for their rewards of 100 starting coins each!

thank you all!

Thank you very much! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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