Military Heavy

Chapter 88 Another Progress

Chapter 88 Another Progress
This is the large office where Yang Fan has worked for more than a year. There are more than a dozen large tables neatly arranged, and almost every table is equipped with a drawing board, a T-square, pencils, erasers, compasses, Curve boards and such.

"It's so lively."

They walked in with a smile, they were familiar with each other, Yang Fan didn't put on airs at all, he seemed very easy-going, as if he was the same as before.

"Director Yang."

"Yang Fan, you're here."

Many people stopped and greeted Yang Fan enthusiastically, especially the few people who had a good relationship with Yang Fan at the beginning, without exception, they all greeted Yang Fan enthusiastically.

"What are you talking about, may I find out?"

Although I didn't hear the specific content, I also heard a few words, which seemed to be related to the design of the 052 ship, which Yang Fan was more concerned about.

Under Yang Fan's proposal, the design of the 052 ship will adopt a modular and platform-based design, which is a very novel design theory nowadays. To be honest, Yang Fan is a little worried that the designers below will not be able to grasp it well.

It may not only be those ordinary designers, but also those backbone or senior designers who have less contact with this aspect of design, and the technical information that can be consulted is estimated to be very limited.

It is precisely because of this concern that Yang Fan pays special attention to the 052 ship, which is currently entering the comprehensive design work. Basically, he will go to the design rooms below every now and then to take a look at everyone's designs.

Tang Yonggang is a senior designer in the overall design office, he participated in the discussion just now, and he didn't hide anything when Yang Fan asked.

"We're discussing the design of the ship's sonar cabin."

The general design plan of the 052 ship was almost completed by the general design office under the leadership of Yang Fan. In the general plan, there are functional areas, and each functional area is a module.

Sonar is also a module, and it will be completely modularized.

"You continue to discuss, I will listen."

Yang Fan really wanted to know how everyone designed the sonar module, so he simply became an audience. Everyone was familiar with Yang Fan and didn't pay too much attention, so they continued to discuss.

Several designers were blushing.

After listening for a while, Yang Fan finally heard some tricks, and secretly worried that some designers did not understand the modular design well.

Such as the sonar module.

According to Yang Fan's design ideas, the functional body should be included in a group of modules as much as possible to form a separate module, which is convenient for later upgrades and replacement of related components.

But some designers don't think so, including senior designers like Tang Yonggang. They think that the sonar module can be divided into several separate functional areas, with some equipment at the bow and some equipment at the stern.

This will not work.

Yang Fan became a little worried, and immediately corrected him: "Everyone, I have to tell you about the overall design of the sonar module at this time."

Seeing what Yang Fan had to say, several designers who were already arguing stopped.

Yang Fan said: "The sonar module, first of all, is a separate functional module, which contains a total of 22 electronic equipment cabinets, power supplies, monitoring systems and transducers. These things are gathered together to form a whole, instead of one part in the east and one part in the west."

After listening to Yang Fan's narration, Tang Yonggang and the others were thoughtful.

It seems to be right, this is the truth.

The sonar module of our 052 ship should be designed like this.

The design of the sonar module, which was originally controversial, was quickly unified, because everyone found that Yang Fan's words were very reasonable.

It even feels eye-catching.

"Crack, crack, crack."

Someone was applauding, and Yang Fan noticed that at some point Kuang Wei, the director of the overall design office, stood beside him and listened to what Yang Fan said.

Apart from applauding, Kuang Wei was also extremely shocked.

He found that Yang Fan seemed to have improved again, and his level had improved again, and the things he narrated were very advanced and very novel.

To be honest, he also often consults some information on modular design, but he finds that there is still a big gap in level compared with Yang Fan.

Why is Yang Fan so powerful!

Is it really just reading more books and thinking about it yourself?
"Director Yang, what you said just now was really wonderful." Kuang Wei praised.

Yang Fan smiled, and said modestly: "Where, I'm just a purely theoretical thing I read in books, talking on paper, talking on paper!"

"Director Yang is really humble." Kuang Wei said in admiration, "I now fully understand that ship design is also about talent, like we have been immersed in it for more than [-] years, but compared with Director Yang, the gap is still a bit big. ah."

Yang Fan smiled happily, no one would listen to such flattery.


Director Yang's talent is really high.

When we worked with Director Yang before, he didn't have such a level. It's only been a few months now, it seems like a different person.

Many people are thinking in this way, they look at Yang Fan with admiration and envy to some extent, it's too great, the progress is so fast, the gap between us and Director Yang is getting farther and farther.

Kuang Wei praised a few words, and then said: "Director Yang, I found that many comrades are still lacking in modular design. Your technical attainments in this area are obviously extraordinary. If you are free, tell us about it. How about something in terms of modular design."

This is no problem.

Improving everyone's level of modular design will only bring great benefits to the modular design of the 052 ship, and Yang Fan is very happy to do such a thing.

Kuang Wei looked at the time and suggested: "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date. There are still more than two hours before get off work. Director Yang will give us a lecture. How about it?"



Many people applauded happily. When Yang Fan talked about the modular design of the sonar system just now, everyone’s eyes lit up. Now it’s great to listen to Yang Fan’s lecture on modular design.

In this day and age, information is scarce.

Without the Internet, many technical materials cannot be consulted on the Internet. They can only be consulted in the reference room or the library for some technical books.

In addition, whether many technical books can be found is a problem. For example, some people want to know technical information on modular and platform design, but find it very difficult, and the available information is very limited.

With Director Yang giving lectures, this is a rare and good opportunity. It is probably much better than the usual hard work of looking up information, and the harvest must be greater.

The overall design room has a large conference room, which can accommodate two to 30 people. Under Kuang Wei's personal command, the tables and chairs in the conference room were rearranged and arranged in four rows. Each row can seat seven or more people. For the one with eight people, a blackboard was also moved over.

"Director Yang is going to give us a class on modular design."

"Which Director Yang?"

"Which Director Yang is there, of course it is Yang Fan."

The news spread quickly. Many people in the general design office knew about Yang Fan's lecture. Many people walked into this conference room with their notebooks and sat in.

Everyone has different purposes. Some people really want to hear about modular design, and some people are curious and want to see what Yang Fan's lecture looks like.

The number of people who came to attend the class gradually increased, and within a short time, almost all the seats were filled.

Kuang Wei was no exception, sitting in the first row with a pen and notebook, he also wanted to hear some things about modular design from Yang Fan.

Yang Fan is not nervous at all. At this moment, he is thinking about what to tell everyone, which can be easy to understand, and can also benefit everyone, so as to really improve everyone's level of modular design.

(End of this chapter)

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