Military Heavy

Chapter 89 Read Books, Read More Books

Chapter 89 Read Books, Read More Books
Where to start?
Yang Fan soon had his own idea. The most important thing at present is to raise everyone's awareness of modular and platform design, so that everyone has a deep understanding of this thing.

Such as why modular.

Looking around the conference room, seeing everyone sitting neatly and looking very excited, Yang Fan looked at Kuang Wei who was sitting in the first row.

Kuang Wei obviously understood Yang Fan's meaning in seconds, and immediately said: "Well, it's almost there, Director Yang can start."

After speaking, he sat upright like everyone else, opened his notebook, and prepared to listen carefully, preferably to record something valuable.


Yang Fan nodded lightly, and said loudly: "Comrades, I am honored to study with you. Now let's discuss the modular design of ships. The first thing we need to discuss is why modular design is required."

The whole scene quickly quieted down. Except for Yang Fan's voice, there was no other sound. Some people even turned over their notebooks carefully, as if they were afraid of affecting Yang Fan.

The biggest advantage of the modular design concept is that it is convenient for the modernization of the ship and the development and evolution of the ship.

Yang Fan described in detail a series of benefits that the modular design will bring, especially the convenience for future improvement and improvement.

There are more people in the conference room.

Soon all the seats were filled, and those who came from behind quietly found a place to sit, and those who came from behind had no seats, so they could only stand by the side or listen at the door.

In-depth explanation.

Yang Fan's speech was very exciting, everyone could understand it, and felt that it had gained a lot, and bursts of warm applause sounded from time to time.

Powertrain Design Office.

Everyone was drawing seriously, but a young designer walked in excitedly and broke the silence, and he said excitedly: "Comrades, Director Yang of the model office is giving a class to everyone, and he is talking about the module of the 052 ship. The modern design is very exciting, everyone can go and listen to it.”

"Really, that's what I wanted to hear."

"Wait for me, I'm going too."

Several designers who were immersed in drawing immediately picked up their notebooks, hurried out the door, and headed for the general design room.

Ship electrical system design room.

"What, Director Yang is giving a lecture to everyone!"

"Modular design, great!"

"Come on, let's go and listen."

Weapon System Design Office.
Communication system design office.
The news spread quickly, it spread to many design offices, and many people hurriedly ran all the way to the general design office.

This is more spectacular.

There hasn't been such a scene for a long time.

Needless to say, the conference room where the class was held was overcrowded. Everyone huddled together and listened carefully to Yang Fan's talk about modular design.

Outside the door, by the window sill, and even in the corridor outside the conference room, there were many people. Everyone stretched their necks, pricked up their ears, and listened carefully. While listening, they took a pen to write down in their notebooks.

Some people listened to it, and their hearts were filled with emotion.

Director Yang is probably the only one who can be so arrogant.

Great, great.

So many people heard the news and came to listen to the class, including some senior designers, and even the directors and deputy directors of certain design offices.

Some people who are familiar with Yang Fan even said in their hearts, how long has it been since I waited for three days, our director Yang has improved again, and his level has obviously improved significantly.

Especially some young designers.

They thought in their hearts, if it was me who gave the lecture, so many directors, deputy directors, senior and key designers listened to my lectures, this bullshit could last for a year.

Our Comrade Xiao Yang seems to have completely entered the state.

After explaining the concept of modular design in detail and in simple terms, he gave another example and introduced a typical modular destroyer to everyone in detail.

That is the US Spruance-class guided missile destroyer.

A multi-purpose guided missile destroyer served by the U.S. Navy in the 70s, its biggest highlight is the modular design.

The Spruance-class guided missile destroyer uses a novel modular design concept.

This modular design concept makes it possible to avoid major structural changes, major layout changes, and extensive modification and transformation of support equipment during future modernization.Because the modular design minimizes these changes, the warship can be in a new technical state or develop into a new warship with the minimum cost and the shortest time.

This is what the 052 ship needs.

Just after introducing the Spruance class to everyone, someone raised his hand and asked, "Director Yang, how do you know so much? You can even understand this American destroyer in such detail."

Facing this problem, Yang Fan smiled, "Reading, reading more is very important. I usually like to read a lot of professional books, including some books in foreign languages. I read all these things about the Spruance class in I saw it in the book."

Reading, it turns out that I usually read a lot.

Those who were familiar with Yang Fan suddenly realized that Yang Fan was so powerful because of his reading. I heard that there are many books in his office.

He told everyone about the concept of modular design, including its importance, and also introduced the US Spruance-class guided missile destroyer.

Yang Fan naturally talked about the modular design of the 052 ship.

"Director Kuang, bring over the general design drawing of the 052 ship, and fix it on the blackboard with thumbtacks."

"no problem."

Kuang Wei personally directed people to bring over the general design drawing, and two designers fixed this huge design drawing on the blackboard and displayed it in front of everyone.

Yang Fan pointed to it and said: "This is the general design drawing of our 052 ship. It has many functional areas, and each functional area is a module."

"For example, the size of the weapon module, its launching device and the size of the magazine should consider the future exchange with the multi-purpose missile launching equipment and its magazine, and the eight-unit "Sea Sidewinder" air defense missile launcher module of the first ship should also consider the future compatibility. Interchange of domestic air defense missile launching group modules”

This is a special introduction to the modular design for the general design of the 052 ship, which is more intuitive.

Many designers did not have such a deep understanding of modular design before, but now after Yang Fan told them, they found that our 052 shipboard modular design was so thoughtful, and many future problems have been considered in advance.

After Yang Fan finished talking about the modular design of the 052 ship, the originally quiet conference room gradually became noisy, and many people were talking about it.

"Listening to what you said is better than reading ten years of books. I only now know that the modular design of our 052 ship is also very good."

"Yeah, listening to Director Yang's words, I feel bright."

"I am the designer of the weapon system. There were still some things I didn't understand at first, but now I understand how to design it."


Everyone was discussing heatedly, and hearing these words floated into the ears, Yang Fan's mood was also affected, and his heart was filled with joy.

That's right, compared with the historical 052 ship, the current 052 ship may not have a qualitative improvement in technical and tactical indicators, and there is still a big difference from the advanced foreign guided missile destroyers of the same period, but it has begun to be modularized and platformized. It will definitely save a lot of detours, and avoid a lot of unnecessary waste in the process of upgrading and improving, especially saving a lot of time.

It’s just that no matter how modular and platform-based the design is, because of technology accumulation, domestic technology and industrial technology level, etc., compared with foreign advanced guided missile destroyers, the technical gap is still there. In this regard, Yang Fan can’t do it in a short time time to change.

After some discussion, some people also raised questions.

"Director Yang, the overall design of our 052 ship is really good, especially the modularization and platformization are its biggest highlights. I would like to ask, who is so powerful, considering modularization and platformization at the beginning of the design The problem."

Faced with such inquiries, Yang Fan smiled without saying a word.

Instead, Kuang Wei stood up and replied loudly: "It is our Director Yang. At the beginning of the design, it was our Director Yang who first proposed the design concept of modularization and platformization. The general design drawing of the 052 ship is basically It was completed under the leadership of Director Yang."

It's Director Yang!

Many people don't know this. Now, they look at Yang Fan in astonishment. Gradually, this astonishment turns into admiration.

A senior designer gave a thumbs up and praised loudly: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, Director Yang, you are really amazing."

"Director Yang, you are amazing!"

"Director Yang, I saw that you were serving as two deputy directors at a young age. To be honest, I was a little bit unconvinced before, but now I am convinced."


Many people spoke their minds and expressed their admiration for Yang Fan.

Faced with these, Yang Fan smiled modestly, "It's nothing, I just did something I thought I should do."

Consistent modesty and prudence, without the slightest arrogance.

Next, Yang Fan answered some questions from everyone.All questions about the design of the 052 ship, as well as modularization and platformization, were patiently answered one by one.

Everyone was still reluctant to disperse until it was time to get off work.

As the organizer of this class, Kuang Wei had no choice but to stand up and said loudly: "This is the end of today's class. Everyone get off work first. If there is such an opportunity in the future, I will notify everyone in advance."

In this way, everyone left one after another, very reluctantly.

Yang Fan chatted with Kuang Wei for a few words, and left the general design room. Now that it was past the time to get off work in the afternoon, he did not go back to the model office, but went directly to the unit cafeteria to have dinner, and then rode his Yangtze River 750 out of the East China Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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