Military Heavy

Chapter 90 The Gradually Popular Flared Pants

Chapter 90 The Gradually Popular Flared Pants
Tomorrow is the weekend, no need to go to work, have a rest.

After Yang Fan left the East China Sea Institute, he originally wanted to go to Yang Fang's house, but looking at the time, he thought she was still busy with the small supermarket, so he didn't bother her at all, and rode towards his old house by bicycle.

About thirty or forty minutes by bicycle.

Riding a motorcycle feels completely different. It is more exciting. Because there are fewer cars and more bicycles, Yang Fan rides aggressively in the middle of the street.

This feeling!
It is definitely more comfortable than driving a million-dollar luxury car now, and the rate of return is also very high.Yang Fan could clearly feel the envious eyes from those around him.

This is cool!
Because the sky was dark, it was cool to simply turn on the headlights and the sound of the motorcycle engine.

This feeling is really cool!

There are basically no traffic lights, and the road is unimpeded and extremely fun!

The car was bought right.

300 hundred dollars is well spent!
After riding for a few kilometers, there were a little more bicycles at a crossroad, so Yang Fan slowed down, basically at the same speed as those bicycles.

"Comrade, this is a Changjiang 750."

Noticing that it was a young man riding a bicycle next to him, looking at the motorcycle with envy, Yang Fan smiled and replied proudly: "Yes, it is the Changjiang 750."

The young man asked again: "Is this your unit's or your personal one."

This kind of motorcycle is generally owned by work units, but there are also private ones. If someone owns such a motorcycle, it will definitely make others jealous.

Yang Fan replied truthfully: "My own."

The young man was slightly taken aback, and the envy on his face was even stronger. His eyes lit up a little when he looked at this 750, and he probably thought in his heart, if I have such a motorcycle, no, even let me ride it It is also very satisfying to have a good time a few times.

Sensing the gaze of the young man, Yang Fan smiled happily. Seeing that the number of bicycles at the intersection was much lower, he stepped on the accelerator and said loudly, "Goodbye, comrade."

The 750 quickly disappeared in the eyes of the young man, and soon he couldn't even see his back.

The young man pedaled his bicycle and thought in his heart, alas, there is no comparison between people. I just got on the bicycle, and he was younger than me, and he was riding a Yangtze River 750 motorcycle.

In the 80s, even in a big city like Donghai City, there were not too many cars. The traffic conditions were excellent, and traffic jams did not exist.

This 750 also attracted a lot of attention along the way, which made Yang Fan feel a deep sense of satisfaction. What he bought for 300 yuan seems to have achieved the effect of 3000 yuan.

In ten minutes, Yang Fan arrived at the door of his old house.

Park the car, turn off the ignition, and pull out the key!
The movements are proficient and not unfamiliar at all, because Yang Fan often rode a motorcycle before he was reborn, but it was a motorcycle worth tens of thousands.

This 750 seems to make Yang Fan find the feeling of riding a motorcycle worth tens of thousands of yuan.

Take out the key and open the door. At this moment, the sky outside is slightly dark, and it is evening, so simply turn on your headlights in the main room, and turn on the desk lamp in your bedroom.

I will rest tomorrow, and I will not go back to the dormitory to sleep tonight, but I will sleep in my previous bedroom.

Holding the kettle, just about to boil some water, there was a movement outside the door. Jiang Yan happened to be at home, and when she heard the movement, she came over happily.

When she arrived at the door of Yang Fan’s house and saw the 750 motorcycle parked there, she thought to herself, it should be the bike borrowed by Brother Fan from the work unit, well, I want him to take me for a ride tomorrow, and I want to enjoy the ride too Motorbike feel.

Jiang Fan has short hair.

It looks lively and beautiful. Generally speaking, girls seldom wear short hair, unless you are very good-looking and can control this short hair.

Jiang Yan belonged to the eighteenth generation of girls, the bigger the more beautiful, from the previous yellow-haired little girl has grown into a proper big beautiful girl.

"Brother Fan, are you back?"

Jiang Yan didn't see Yang Fan for a while, and suddenly saw her brother Yang Fan again. Jiang Yan looked very happy, and walked happily into the house.

"it's me."

When Yang Fan came out, he was also very happy to see Jiang Yan walking into the main room. This was a kind of happiness from the bottom of his heart.

I haven't seen her for a while, and the little girl seems to be more beautiful.


"This is a pair of flared pants, and it's still a pair of denim flared pants." Yang Fan was pleasantly surprised, and his eyes fell on the pants Jiang Yan was wearing.

"Hee hee, isn't it pretty?"

Jiang Yan turned around in front of Yang Fan generously, showing his beauty in 360 degrees.The two grew up without a lot of reserve.

"Well, pretty."

Yang Fan nodded and asked, "Did you design this yourself, or did you buy it in a department store?"

"I designed it myself, and made it myself." Jiang Yan looked proud. As a college student majoring in fashion design, it really wasn't too difficult to make such a pair of denim flared pants.

The two chatted happily.

Jiang Yan told Yang Fan very happily that her design work, that is, her flared trousers won the first prize in the school.

Although she had already told Yang Fan about this in a letter, she didn't mind saying it again now, with pride, joy and pride in her tone.

"Brother Fan, is the motorcycle outside the door yours? I borrowed it from your unit."

Yang Fan replied: "It's mine, but I didn't borrow it from my unit, but bought it from my unit."

So, I simply talked about buying this Changjiang 300 from the work unit for 750 yuan, and said that I just bought it today, and it was the first time I rode it back.

At the same time, I also said that after I have this car, I may often come back here to live in the future. After all, the conditions in the single dormitory are not as good as those in my own home.

In the past, it was inconvenient to commute to and from get off work in a single dormitory. The distance was a bit far, but now it is different. It only takes one or two 10 minutes to ride a motorcycle, and there is no traffic jam at all along the way.


Jiang Yan agreed with Yang Fan's decision, because she often goes home, such as every weekend, but now she is at home almost every day.

The two seemed to have endless topics to talk about, and they chatted for an hour or two before they got enough. Considering that it was late, Jiang Yan went back.

The next day.

Today is the weekend, Yang Fan had a long sleep, and when he was sleeping very soundly, there was a knock on the door, and Jiang Yan's shout came in, "Brother Fan, wake up, my mother ordered noodles and called You go to eat, hurry up."

Yang Fan picked up the watch on the bedside and looked at it, he couldn't help being dumbfounded, he slept soundly this time, and it was already 08:30 in the morning.

"Okay, I'll get up."

Get up quickly, wash up and go to Jiang Yan's house.

Jiang Haihai and his wife were very enthusiastic. Jiang Yan's mother had already ordered hot noodles with a poached egg on top.

There are no feed eggs yet, they are pure green native eggs, which taste very sweet, and the taste of the noodles is also very good, Yang Fan almost drank up all the noodle soup.

Jiang Yan's mother, Li Xiuzhen, hurriedly said, "Yang Fan, I'll make another bowl for you. There are still noodles in the pot."

Yang Fan said with a little embarrassment: "I'm full. Auntie's noodles are so delicious. It's still the same taste as when I was a child."

The distance between the two is close, and Yang Fan often ate at Jiang Dahai's house when he was young, and he is very familiar with the taste of noodles.

after breakfast.

Jiang Yan suggested, "Brother Yang Fan, take me out on a motorcycle, okay?"

This is no problem, anyway, I have nothing to do today.

Yang Fan said: "Okay, there is no problem, then let's go now."

So, Yang Fan rode this Yangtze River 750 motorcycle with Jiang Yan sitting next to him, and the two went out happily.

The two talked and laughed along the way. After riding for a while, there was a small square in front of it. There were quite a few people, and some people gathered together, as if they were looking at something.

Yang Fan faintly heard the sound of music coming, so he rode over and stopped at the edge of the square, finally seeing clearly what was going on.

Jiang Yan even pointed there and said, "Brother Fan, look."

Yang Fan had already seen clearly that there were about seven or eight young people playing music with tape recorders, turning the volume to the maximum, and dancing there.

All of them were wearing flared trousers.

It's dancing like a disco.

Bell bottoms, disco.

This is a popular element in the 80s. In this small square, Yang Fan saw these two popular elements at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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