Chapter 91
A few young people, all in bell-bottom pants, were dancing disco to the sound of music, and some people beside them were watching with great interest.

Yang Fan and Jiang Yan were also standing not far away.

"Brother Fan, did you know that flared trousers have also become popular in our school, and many students wear these trousers."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Is it related to you? You took out the design of the flared trousers and won the first prize of your school."

"I'm not sure about that, maybe it's related." Jiang Yan replied.

Yang Fan felt happy.

If this is the reason, then it would be interesting, inadvertently made bell-bottom pants popular, and suddenly felt a slight sense of accomplishment in my heart.

This feeling is very comfortable.

Especially looking at those young people dancing in flared trousers.

The sound of the tape recorder was relatively loud, coupled with the dancing of seven or eight young people, the crowd of onlookers increased, and there were many young people among them.

"Their pants are very special and beautiful. I don't know where to buy them."

"That's flared pants."


The words next to him floated into his ears, Yang Fan smiled happily again, waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to another place for a stroll."

on Monday.

Early in the morning, Yang Fan set off from home at about 750:7 on this Yangtze River [-].I spent all day yesterday in my old house, during which time I took Jiang Yan around by bike, and then cleaned up in the afternoon, cleaning and wiping certain furniture.

Jiang Yan also helped, sweeping the floor and cleaning the tables and chairs.

Three meals a day are eaten at Jiang Yan's house, and Jiang Haihai and his wife are very enthusiastic.Yang Fan gave Jiang Dahai all his remaining packs of Marlboro, which made him very happy for a whole day, and he was smiling all day long.

Starting by bicycle, there are still not many vehicles along the way, but the army of bicycles is quite spectacular. Many people go to work by bicycle.

After arriving at Donghai Office, he parked his car under the dormitory building, and then walked towards the office. Inadvertently, Yang Fan heard several young designers talking about something.

Four or five of them walked in front, about ten meters away, and they seemed to be talking about the class that Yang Fan gave to everyone the day before yesterday.

"Xiao Cai, it's a pity that you didn't go to Director Yang's lecture."

Xiao Cai, a young designer, didn't take it seriously and said, "What a pity, he's about the same age as us, so he can come up with some tricks."

Another designer next to him shook his head, "Xiao Cai, you underestimate Director Yang. Although he is about the same age as us, he is really capable."

"Yes, Director Yang's speech is really good." Another designer agreed, "I went late and had no place, so I could only lie on the window sill, but even so, I thought it was very enjoyable to listen to, and the notes were full. I made three full pages."

No way!
The young designer named Xiao Cai showed a surprised expression. Seeing that his colleagues didn't seem to be lying and bragging, he suddenly regretted it secretly. He should really have gone to listen to it.

Yang Fan walked behind them.

They didn't notice Yang Fan, but almost all of these words fell into Yang Fan's ears. Seeing that everyone spoke so highly of his lectures, Yang Fan thought in his heart that the nearly two hours of hard work the day before yesterday were not in vain. Small.

Immediately, I feel beautiful in my heart.

Humming a little tune softly, she walked into the office building, opened the door and walked into her own office. To Wei Wei's surprise, Zhao Yulan had already arrived.

"Director Zhao, you are back."

She and Pan Jinfu went to the capital a few days ago, and Yang Fan originally thought that he would not be back until this afternoon at the earliest.

Zhao Yulan said: "Things are going well, we came back yesterday afternoon."

"Oh, that's right." Zhao Yulan said with interest: "Director Yang, I heard that you gave a class to everyone the day before yesterday, and many people were talking about it, saying that Director Yang's lecture was really wonderful. Something happened."

Yang Fan was happy.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yulan heard about this incident on the first day she came back to work from the capital. It was not a secret anyway. Yang Fan roughly said what happened to Shi.

After listening, Zhao Yulan gave a thumbs up, "Director Yang, you are really good, it seems that you have a lot of experience in modular and platform design."

Yang Fan said modestly: "Where, talking on paper, I just tell everyone about the modular design I read from the book."

Zhao Yulan smiled and shook her head.

She knows that Yang Fan's character is modest, but it's not good to be too modest, sometimes she thinks that young people should show a little edge.

Perhaps Yang Fan did not expect that things would spread so quickly just by talking about modular and platform design to some designers.

Not only on the way to work, but also in the large offices of some design studios, there are always some people who are still talking about the class the day before yesterday.

"Li Gong, let me copy your notes."

"Didn't you take notes too?"

"Hey, I just stood at the gate and managed to memorize some things. Unlike you who are lucky enough to have a seat, you can hear clearly, and you can write down a lot of things in your notebook."

The conversation between the two was noticed by a designer next to him, who was puzzled and said, "Dr. Yang's lecture on modular design is really so good."

"It's really well said!"

The two answered almost in unison, and then, seeing that they both said the same sentence in unspoken agreement, the two laughed together again.

"No, Yang Fan has only been working for a long time. Being able to be the deputy director of the model office and concurrently the deputy director of the combat system, I think most of it is based on connections. He can say something about why he came out, and you really are."

As soon as the designer finished speaking, the surroundings instantly became quiet, and several eyes looked over.

He said embarrassingly, "Did I say something wrong?"

I do not know you.

Don't play with me from now on.

This kind of expression basically appeared on everyone's face. Someone finally couldn't help it, and said loudly: "I also had the same idea before, but after listening to Director Yang's class the day before yesterday, I found that he is really good. The difference is really not that big.”

"Yeah, people are more popular than people, how can Director Yang know so much?"

"After listening to Director Yang's class, I understand many things that I didn't understand before. I don't know when Director Yang will give me another lecture."


Just now, the designer who said that Yang Fan relied on his relationship to be in the top position was stunned, this, this, this...
Yang Fan is really so good, it's not because of connections!

Pan Jinfu also went to work.

He also heard something, and in order to verify it, he picked up the phone and called the general design office, and asked Kuang Wei in detail.

Our Director Kuang is now a fan of Yang Fan, the kind of loyal fan. Facing Mr. Pan's inquiry, he talked about it with joy, and he was not stingy in his praise of Yang Fan, and his words were full of that kind of admiration .

After making the phone call, Pan Jinfu sat on a chair, thoughtful.

Comrade Yang Fan impressed us again, the young man is really good, it seems that we have not fully discovered his true level.

Well, what a genius.

At this time, Pan Jinfu could only use the word "genius" to convince himself, otherwise it would not make sense in terms of reasoning, why would he know so much at such a young age.

He thought in his heart, "Maybe ship design really needs talent. Yang Fan's talent must be much higher than that of ordinary people. It's amazing to have such a level just by reading a lot of technical materials."

(End of this chapter)

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