Chapter 92
Throughout the whole day, Yang Fan was in a good mood, especially some colleagues, they would give a few compliments, and this feeling seemed to be very refreshing.

Very comfortable kind!

When it was even more enviable, Master Pan called Yang Fan over and praised him.And it is suggested that try to take the time to talk about the modular design to the comrades.

Of course Yang Fan readily agreed, since the effect is so good, next time he will go to the training room inside the institute, where the conditions are better and more people can sit down.

Sometimes, there is also a guest meeting room, because it can seat nearly a hundred people, there are tables and chairs, as well as loudspeakers and loudspeakers.Some large enlarged meetings are sometimes held there.

Sure enough, not long after, the comrades in the training department took the initiative to find Yang Fan and asked for advice on when they could give another class, so they could make arrangements.

Since everyone's request is so strong, Yang Fan did not shirk it. Letting more designers understand modularization will only have great benefits for the design of the 052 ship.

The efficiency of the training section is very high.

Many people noticed the notice posted on the bulletin board, a piece of big red paper with well-written calligraphy in block letters.

A lot of people surrounded the bulletin board, everyone was looking at this freshly released notice, and some comrades seemed to have rushed over after hearing the news.

"Wow, Director Yang taught us about modular design!"

"Great. I didn't go to the last class. I just felt it was a pity. Now it's all right. It seems that I have a chance to listen to it."

"I feel that the knowledge of modular design is still relatively lacking, so I must go to occupy a seat early tomorrow night."


Everyone was elated and excited!
Whether it is those who were lucky enough to listen to Yang Fan's class before, or those who have not, they are all prepared in their hearts and must listen to it again.

The news spread quickly in the East China Sea Institute. It is estimated that those who want to listen to Yang Fan's lecture are not only some young designers, but also some key design staff who also have this idea.

in the office.

Yang Fan is seriously "preparing lessons". There is no PPT in this era, so he can only make an outline of what he wants to talk about and write it down in his notebook.

Zhao Yulan pushed the door open and came in, smiling, "Xiao Yang, your class hasn't started yet, it's already getting popular!"

Hearing this, Yang Fan also laughed happily.

He has already heard some things. Many designers want to hear about modular design. In front of the bulletin board of the unit, some people always gather to read the notice.

Zhao Yulan sat down, took a sip of tea, and said, "Xiao Yang, I'm going to attend your class too. It seems that I have to go earlier, otherwise it may be difficult to get a seat."

"Sister Zhao, you go and listen too!"

"Of course." Zhao Yulan said affirmatively, "I have heard that your modular design is very good. If you don't listen to it, it will be a big loss."

What a compliment!
Lift me up so high!
Yang Fan thought so in his heart, and there was a full smile on his face, "Sister Zhao, I will be proud if you say that."

Zhao Yulan laughed happily.

Yang Fan also smiled.

At this moment, Yang Fan was looking forward to this lecture, thinking more than once how many people would come, and how many experienced designers would come.

However, I dare not give myself too high hopes. Yang Fan's positioning is that there should be no. 40 people, and it is estimated that some young designers will be the main ones.

As for those who have attended the class last time, they probably won't come again.

It is impossible for the same class, they plan to listen to it twice.

Excluding those who have already attended the class on modular design knowledge, it is normal for another three to 40 people to come to the class.

In addition, the class is arranged in the evening, using everyone's spare time. If it is arranged during everyone's working time, there may be more people.

Yang Fan thought a lot

There are still about 10 minutes before the official class time. Yang Fan started from the office with his notebook. It takes three to four minutes to walk to the training room. It is more appropriate to get there a few minutes in advance.

Before Yang Fan reached the door of the training room, he was slightly startled, because he saw some people standing there at the door, and there were more people in the training room.

What a situation.

Yang Fan quickened his pace, and when he was approaching the door, he finally realized that there were too many people, and the training room was already full. Some people had no place, so they could only stand at the door, or simply sit on the aisle of the training room.

This is a training room that can accommodate nearly a hundred people!
Yang Fan was surprised, but also a little excited in his heart. It was unexpected that so many people came.

I thought it was to use everyone's spare time at night, but some people attended the class last time, so it would be nice to have three or NO.40 people this time.

There are more than 100 people!
There are at least so many people. There are nearly a hundred seats in the training room, which are already full. Adding those sitting in the aisle and those standing at the door, the number of people is definitely more than one hundred.

There are many people, of course Yang Fan is also happy.

Smiling at everyone, Yang Fan stepped inside.

Some people voluntarily moved out of the way, and some even shouted loudly: "Everyone, let me out. Director Yang is here to give me a lecture."

"Give way, Director Yang is here!"

Yang Fan smiled and nodded to everyone, and walked into the training room. At this moment, everyone's eyes were all on Yang Fan.

In the current popular saying, Yang Fan is the most beautiful boy!
I am, I am the prettiest boy on this street, I must be swaggering when I walk
Yang Fan suddenly thought of this little song that was very popular on Future DY, and walked towards the podium with strides.

Whoa! ! !

No one reminded, almost coincidentally, the applause sounded like this, which seemed to have a long-lasting meaning, Yang Fan quickly raised his hand and pressed it down, and said loudly: "Thank you, thank you everyone!"

Gradually, the applause stopped.

Yang Fan looked around the huge training room, and saw that it was full, even the aisle and the gate were full of people.

Not just young designers, many are mature faces, and many are backbone or senior designers.

What made Yang Fan even more surprised, but also very happy, was that almost all the people who attended the class last time came, and it seemed that there were quite a few of them.

Kuang Wei, Zhao Yulan, Shi Wei, and others all came and sat in the front row.Even Han Jiang, who just came back from a business trip, came over.

Han Jiang looked at Yang Fan with a happy face, and gave thumbs up with both hands, as if to say, Brother Fan, you are so awesome, look, so many people have come to listen to your lecture.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time. It was only two or three minutes before the official class time, so he said loudly.

"Colleagues, good evening everyone!"

Among such opening remarks, Yang Fan's most formal class with the largest number of attendees began.

As expected of Yang Fan!
The lectures are profound and simple, and the lectures are very exciting. Not only are they highly professional, but they are also very interesting. They have aroused everyone's laughter and applause many times.

The original plan was a two-hour class, with a 10-minute break in the middle, and the second half of the class was time for everyone to ask questions.

Everyone unanimously requested that there be no break in the middle and the lecture should continue.In the second half of the class, everyone raised their hands one by one and asked many questions about modular design.

If the comrades in the training department hadn't stood up and said that the time had exceeded 10 minutes, everyone would have continued to ask questions.

"Comrades, we applaud and thank Director Yang for bringing us such a wonderful class." Section Chief Liu Yong of the Training Section proposed loudly.

Before the sound fell, warm applause broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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