Military Heavy

Chapter 93 Brother Fan, Lend Me a Ride

Chapter 93 Brother Fan, Lend Me a Ride

"Thank you all, thank you all."

Yang Fan said this to everyone again.

The wonderful class has been finished, and the time has come to ten o'clock in the evening. Everyone began to leave the venue with unfinished content, and communicated while walking out of the training room.

"Director Yang spoke really well."

"Fortunately, I am here, and I feel that I have gained a lot."

"I have written down several pages of notes. I have to take a good look at them in the past few days and summarize them."


Everyone returned with a full load, and they all spoke highly of this class, and none of them said it was bad.Not only the young designers, but also the senior and key designers. I feel that Yang Fan talked about a lot of dry things, and their understanding of modular design has improved a lot.

Zhao Yulan walked to Yang Fan's side, "Xiao Yang, you have amazed me again, you can go to a university to be a teacher at this level."

"Sister Zhao, you have praised me too highly again."

Both of them laughed.In fact, before Yang Fan was reborn, he was not only an excellent ship designer, but also a specially-appointed professor of a certain university, who would occasionally give lectures to college students.

Some other people, such as directors and deputy directors of certain design studios, would come over to shake hands with Yang Fan before leaving the training room, and they would praise or say some words of thanks.

In a few minutes, the people in the training room were almost gone.

Several comrades in the training department were busy arranging the tables and chairs. As for garbage such as fruit peels and confetti, there seemed to be no such thing.

Maybe it's because everyone's quality is relatively high, and no one litters these things.

Yang Fan was also preparing to pack up his things and leave the training room. He had been talking for more than two hours just now, and his mouth was really dry. It would be great if he could drink something or eat something.

Just about to leave, Liu Yong came over, put two "steel workers" on Yang Fan's notebook, and said: "Director Yang, I haven't seen such a good class for a long time. According to the regulations in the institute, this It's your tuition fee."

ten bucks!
Yang Fan was amused, he didn't expect such an unexpected harvest.

The senior engineers or experts of Donghai Institute are indeed rich in giving lectures to young designers, and the standard starts from two yuan per class, and the highest standard is five yuan per class.

Apparently, Liu Yong saw that Yang Fan spoke so well, and he was also the deputy director of the model office, so he gave Yang Fan ten yuan according to the highest standard.

These days, ten yuan is really not a small amount.

It is basically the living expenses of a family of four for a week. If you go to a restaurant, you can eat two or three good meals.

"Section Chief Liu, I didn't expect to have such a harvest."

Liu Yong said: "This is what you deserve, just sign here. If you still need Director Yang to give lectures, I will let you know next time."

"That's fine."

Yang Fan agreed without hesitation, signed, put the two "steel workers" in his pocket, waved his hand and said, "Section Chief Liu, I'm leaving then."

"Goodbye, Director Yang." Liu Yong waved.

Walking out of the training room, Yang Fan accidentally saw Han Jiang in the corridor outside, "Why are you here, didn't you go back to the dormitory?"

Han Jiang glanced up and down as if he didn't know Yang Fan, then grabbed Yang Fan's arm, and said excitedly: "When did you become so powerful? We didn't learn what you said in school."

Yang Fan almost blushed, his mind was spinning fast, and he had to find a reasonable excuse.

There is really no teaching about design modularization in universities, because it is a very advanced thing nowadays, and there are not many domestic materials on this aspect, but some foreign language materials will have some introductions on this aspect.

"Comrade Xiao Han, I have told you many times, read more books, study more, how do you usually do?"

Han Jiang rubbed his hands in embarrassment. Since he started working, he occasionally reads books and studies in his spare time. As he said, he wants to learn English, but he doesn't stick to it.

"Are you learning the knowledge by yourself?" Han Jiang asked with a little disbelief.

"Of course, what do you think." Yang Fan said, "I have a lot of books and materials about ship design and modular design. Go get some from me tomorrow and keep studying every day."

"Forget it, please spare me." Han Jiang shook his head.

He found that, like Yang Fan, who insisted on reading every day, it was really impossible to study every day. He often read books on a whim, basically based on his mood, and it was difficult to persevere.

"Let's go, let's go eat something." Yang Fan suggested.

It's finally over. It's really a good explanation to read more books and keep studying. Otherwise, why do you know so much.

In fact, this is only the knowledge mastered by an outstanding ship designer. Usually reading and studying are useful, but without those memories, it is impossible to improve so quickly.

Seeing that there was something to eat, Han Jiang immediately regained his energy, and temporarily forgot about reading and studying.

"Okay, I know there is a good supper stall, I'll take you there." Han Jiang said.

Two or three years earlier, there were still very few private restaurants in Donghai City, but now they have gradually increased. Although they are not everywhere as they are now, there are always three or two on a street.

Some self-employed people are smarter. Seeing that there is money to be made, they even set up a stall at night, set up a few tables on the street, set up a stove, and earn a lot in one night.

The two had a good relationship, chatting and walking.

After leaving the building, Han Jiang even said: "I bought a new bicycle, let's ride there together, it's not far, and we'll be there in ten minutes."

Seeing that it was night, Yang Fan suggested for safety reasons: "Let's stop riding bicycles, let's take my car."

your car?
Aren't you also a permanent bike, with the same brand as my bike, could it be that we two big men ride a bike.

The permanent [-] large carry is of good quality and has a strong load capacity. Many people use it to carry things. There is no problem with an adult sitting in the back seat.

When Han Jiang was puzzled and followed Yang Fan to the front of a Yangtze River 750 motorcycle, he was a little dumbfounded.

"This, this, this is the car you said, and this is yours."

"Of course it's mine." Yang Fan took out the key as if by magic, got on the 750 and started it, and shouted to Han Jiang who was still sluggish, "Why are you still in a daze, get in the car."

It was only then that Han Jiang came to his senses, he let out an "oh", then climbed onto the back of the car and sat in the back of the three-wheeled motorcycle.

set off!

Yang Fan lightly refueled, and the car speeded up. The roar seemed very exciting, especially at night after ten o'clock.

It wasn't until he got out of Donghai Office and drove on the street outside that Han Jiang completely came to his senses, "Brother Fan, you really bought this."


Yangtze River 750 motorcycle!

These days, owning a motorcycle is definitely no worse than owning a good car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is also a symbol of wealth and status.

Anyway, Han Jiang looked enviously at Yang Fan several times, and asked where he bought the car. When Yang Fan told him that the unit bought it, he said why he didn't have such good luck.

He was on a business trip a few days ago, so he really didn't encounter this matter.

After a while, Han Jiang said with a smile: "Brother Fan, let me drive for a few days, so that I can have a good time, how about it?"

Facing his brother and best friend, Yang Fan said straightforwardly: "Yes, but you have to do your best."

"No problem, no problem!"

Han Jiang said two times "no problem". Now, he was extremely happy and even a little excited. He didn't expect that he could also enjoy the addiction of riding a motorcycle.

"Brother Fan, it's just ahead, do you see it?"

Yang Fan nodded, he had already seen the open-air stall, with four or five tables set up on the side of the street, and many people were eating there.

After the two sat down at a table, Han Jiang insisted on a treat, and said that the motorcycle would be delivered with a full tank of gas after driving.

Yang Fan laughed.

The two ate for more than an hour, and seeing that they had to go to work tomorrow, Han Jiang was ready to go back after paying the bill.

Yang Fan took out the key and threw it over, and said loudly: "You open it, let's go back to the dormitory."

"I'm coming!"

Holding the key, Han Jiang felt as if he was dreaming, the happiness came so suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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