Military Heavy

Chapter 94 LM2500 Gas Turbine Prototype Arrives

Chapter 94 LM2500 Gas Turbine Prototype Arrives
Time slipped away quietly at work.

During this period of time, Yang Fan's life and work have been very fulfilling, especially at work. Not only has he fully entered the role of the director of the model office, but he has not relaxed in the design and development of combat systems, and a large part of his energy has been devoted to this.

This morning, Yang Fan was busy in the combat system design room for almost half a day. In addition to guiding everyone in the construction of the combat system laboratory, he also guided everyone in the design of the combat system.

Not long after returning from the combat system design office, the office phone on Zhao Yulan's desk rang.

There are still relatively few landline telephones now, and Donghai Institute is limited to one telephone for each design office, and they cannot make long-distance calls.

The model office also has a public phone, which is placed above Zhao Yulan's desk.

Yang Fan walked over, picked it up and said, "Hi, this is the Model Office."

A familiar voice came from the phone, "Xiao Yang, come to my office, I have a task for you."

Master Pan's voice!
There is a mission!
Putting down the phone, Yang Fan went out, and soon knocked on the door and entered Pan Jinfu's office. To his surprise, several people were already seated inside.

Among them, Yang Fan still knew two people, Chen Shaohua from Donghai Shipyard, and Ma Jun.The other two were very unfamiliar, as if they had never met before.

"Master Pan, you are looking for me."

Pan Jinfu waved and said, "Director Yang, let me introduce you. This is Director Hu of the Military Industry Bureau, and this is Director Kang of the Foreign Affairs Office."

"As for Vice President Chen Shaohua and Engineer Ma, you all know each other, so I won't introduce them."

Yang Fan shook hands with them one by one, and sat down on the sofa. Until now, he didn't know what the task was.

It is estimated that it is a big task to have people from the shipyard, the military industry bureau and the foreign affairs office.

Pan Jinfu didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Our first LM2500 gas turbine has arrived at the port. The ship that disembarked yesterday is now at the Donghai Port wharf."

The first LM2500 gas turbine has arrived!

This is really good news.

Yang Fan was secretly happy. Although this is just a prototype, it is only used for scientific research and training, but it is a real LM2500 gas turbine, and its functions are no less than those of the LM2500 gas turbines that will be officially shipped in the future.

The difference is only that the service life is lower, and the overhaul service life is only [-] hours.

For the LM2500 gas turbine, Yang Fan visited General Electric last year, and Ma Jun was with him.

Pan Jinfu said: "According to the contract we signed with General Electric, the delivery is at the port. The goods have already arrived. We will conduct a joint inspection with the people from General Electric at Donghai Port. Director Yang, you will participate in your model office."

It turns out that it is the location that decides to participate in this acceptance inspection. The model office will definitely participate in such an acceptance inspection.

"Okay, Master Pan." Yang Fan replied with a nod.

Next, Pan Jinfu talked about a lot of matters related to the joint acceptance inspection. Chen Shaohua, the deputy general manager of Donghai Shipyard, led the team to conduct the acceptance inspection.

The next day.

Yang Fan just showed his face at the model office and went out. In front of the office building, Wang Wei from the trolley class was already waiting there by car.

For public affairs like this, there is no need for Yang Fan to go there on a motorcycle. Pan Jinfu arranged the car with a phone call to the trolley class.

"Brother Wang, thank you for your hard work again."

As soon as he got in the car and sat in the passenger seat, Yang Fan greeted Wang Wei like this.

"Where, where, Director Yang is polite, we are all for public affairs, no hard work." Wang Wei said.

The car set off, left Donghai Station, and headed for Donghai Port Wharf.

After chatting for a while, Wang Wei said with concern: "Brother, the condition of that 750 is okay, isn't there anything wrong with it?"

Yang Fan said with satisfaction: "There is nothing wrong with it, the condition and quality of the car are good."

"Brother, if you have any problems, let me know. Our small car class has a maintenance point, and repairing cars is a trivial matter." Wang Wei expressed his favor and said this way.

Yang Fan said: "Brother Wang, thank you."

Now this 750 belongs to Yang Fan’s personal, and it is no longer a public car. If there is any minor problem, go to Wang Wei and the others for repairs. Yang Fan will not do this, because it is taking advantage of the public. The fee is reimbursed by the government.

It was a bit far from Donghai Station to Donghai Port, and it took more than an hour to drive there. When he got there, Yang Fan found that Chen Shaohua and the others had already arrived.

There are many people.

In addition to Chen Shaohua and Ma Jun, there was also a large truck with five or six workers in overalls, probably here to help.

According to prior arrangements, after the joint acceptance of this LM2500 prototype, it will be temporarily placed in Donghai Shipyard for everyone to learn, research, operate and maintain training, etc.

People from General Electric also arrived, two people in total.

They participated in the joint acceptance on behalf of General Electric, and then stayed in Donghai City for a few days, responsible for training relevant personnel, mainly talking about the operation and maintenance of the LM2500 gas turbine.

"Director Yang is here."

Chen Shaohua didn't put on airs at all, but was very enthusiastic.Ma Jun also greeted Yang Fan, they were old acquaintances.

After waiting for a while, Kang Hua from the Foreign Affairs Office and Hu Shijun from the Military Industry Bureau arrived one after another.

The staff are here.

Kang Hua is the liaison person, responsible for foreign affairs liaison, and also the interpreter this time. It seems that it is not the first time that he and the two people from General Electric have dealt with each other. They exchanged a few words with each other in English. The two foreigners nodded and the joint acceptance began.

The packing box was intact, and we couldn't open the box without our people coming. Now that everyone has arrived, the General Electric people agreed to open the box, so Chen Shaohua waved his hand.

The workers took the unpacking tool and began to open the packing box of the LM2500 gas turbine. Gradually, the gas turbine was revealed to people.

LM2500 gas turbine!
Everyone cheered up, even Yang Fan was very relieved, but his face was not as obvious as that of Ma Jun and the others.

The boxes are all opened.

The leading foreigner is called Gilman, and he signaled our personnel to check the gas turbine.

Joint acceptance begins.

In fact, the main content is to see whether the appearance of this prototype is normal, whether all parts are complete, whether there are any missing arms or legs, and whether there are all the necessary things.

Everyone gathered around one after another, and those few workers also found it very novel, and stood by and looked at the LM2500 gas turbine with great interest.

This is really a big guy.

really big!

The eyes of many workers are deeply attracted by it.

Chen Shaohua nodded in satisfaction, and then reminded: "Everyone have a look, and if you have any questions, please raise them. If there are no questions, I will sign the acceptance document on behalf of everyone."

There was a burst of happy laughter all around.

Generally, there is no problem. It is said that joint acceptance is basically just a formality.Whether it is Kang Hua, Hu Shijun, or Ma Jun, they all think so.

A few people watched it for a few minutes, and basically finished it, standing by and chatting.

Only Yang Fan is still watching carefully beside the gas turbine. Yang Fan is too familiar with the LM2500 gas turbine.

You can know its appearance with your eyes closed, and its structure and main parts are very clear.

Seeing that everyone was just going through the motions, Yang Fan couldn't help but stop, and after taking a look at it, he said in his heart, you must have finished reading it, and you must have found no problems.

After just watching for a few minutes, Yang Fan discovered several problems.

After chatting for a while, Hu Shijun from the Military Industry Bureau thought that Yang Fan was young and had never experienced this so-called joint acceptance, and reminded loudly: "Director Xiao Yang, if you want to visit this LM2500 gas turbine, wait for Mr. Chen and the others to transport it back to the East China Sea. Shipyard, you have plenty of time and opportunity to take your time."

There were several good-natured laughter from all around.

Gilman also smiled lightly, shrugged his shoulders, and spread his hands, as if to say, it's all right, just watch it slowly if you want, we can wait a little longer.

Waited a few more minutes.

Chen Shaohua probably wanted to transport the LM2500 gas turbine back earlier, and asked with a smile: "Is there any problem with everyone? If so, then I will sign it."

After finishing speaking, he took out a pen and prepared to sign the acceptance document on behalf of everyone.

Yang Fan stopped and said loudly: "Slow down, you can't sign!"

Chen Shaohua, who was about to sign, was stunned for a moment, and his right hand holding the pen stopped in mid-air!

(End of this chapter)

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