Chapter 95
Chen Shaohua asked: "What's the matter, is there a problem?"

Ma Jun and Yang Fan have a relatively good relationship, so he said inexplicably, "Director Yang, what's wrong with you, what did you find?"

Yang Fan nodded.

After thinking about it for a while, I asked back: "Don't you all find the problem?"

There is something wrong with this prototype!
This was Chen Shaohua's first reaction. After he came to his senses, he also paid attention to it. If there was really a problem and they didn't find it, he would sign and accept it on behalf of everyone.

That, that, that.
Chen Shaohua realized the seriousness of the matter all of a sudden, his face changed instantly, and he waved his hands: "Stop loading, don't rush to transport this gas turbine back, you all give me a careful, serious look, in the end there is what questions."

Everyone paid attention to it, stopped chatting there, gathered around one after another, and began to seriously check what problems there were.

"There's a plug missing here."

"There is no anti-loosening mark on this oil pipe."

"There is a problem here"


Everyone started to discover problems one after another. After more than ten minutes, seven or eight problems, large and small, were discovered.

Chen Shaohua glanced at Yang Fan gratefully. He is the general person in charge of this acceptance inspection. If something really happens, he will be responsible.

"Director Yang, you are amazing!"

Ma Jun agreed: "That's right, if Director Yang wasn't there, we thought there would be no problems with this gas turbine."

Yang Fan nodded, and said seriously: "In fact, the problems are not limited to the ones you have discovered."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands and said loudly: "Come here, I will tell you what problems exist in this gas turbine."

Including Chen Shaohua, everyone consciously leaned over.

Gilman and Andrew from General Electric also came over. Gilman was proficient in Chinese and seemed to understand a little bit. It seemed that we had discovered some problems with this prototype.

Yang Fan took two steps forward and pointed out one after another: "Look at these positions, there should be crafted plugs, but there are none. I counted, and there are 7 places in total."

"Look again, the air intake should be covered with a dust cover, but there is no cover, so it was packed and shipped from the United States."

"Also, I checked carefully. There should be a special tool kit that came with the box to facilitate the installation and maintenance of this gas turbine, but there is no such tool kit."

"In addition to the tool kit, there should be technical materials such as operation guides and maintenance technical specifications, but there are none. This is almost just a bare machine!"

As Yang Fan pointed out the problems one by one, including Chen Shaohua, everyone's expressions changed, and they almost broke out in fright.

The workers next to him looked at Yang Fan with admiration, probably thinking in their hearts, Director Xiao Yang's eyes are really poisonous, seeing so many problems.


Fiery eyes!

After pointing out the problem, Yang Fan negotiated with Gilman, the person in charge of General Electric here, in very fluent English.

Gilman apologized repeatedly.

"Yang, I'm really sorry, because this is just a prototype for training and teaching, and it's not installed on your warship. I admit that we didn't pay enough attention to it. We will send these missing things from the United States as soon as possible. "

That's about it.

We have paid for it, and we can’t miss anything.

Yang Fan told Chen Shaohua of Gilman's promise.

Chen Shaohua nodded, and said loudly: "Director Yang, you told Mr. Gilman that we will write these into the acceptance memorandum, and he needs to sign on behalf of General Electric."


Yang Fan and Gilman exchanged these things, but the other party agreed to write them into the acceptance memorandum and promised to sign.

It should be signed and accepted now.

Do not!
There are still problems.

Yang Fan did not participate in the negotiation between us and General Motors on the import of LM2500 gas turbines, nor did he participate in the signing of the contract. The specific details of the contract are not clear.

But Yang Fan is very familiar with LM2500 gas turbines.

The LM2500 gas turbine is definitely not just such a bare machine, but should have an outer cover, a big thing like a large cuboid box, installed outside the gas turbine, which can protect the entire gas turbine.

The professional name of the whole outer cover is "packing body".

Its steel sealed enclosure has a cuboid appearance. Yang Fan still clearly remembers the size of this box, which is about 8 meters long, 2.7 meters wide, and 3.1 meters high.

Early naval gas turbines, like steam turbines and diesel engines, were arranged in the engine room in a "bare metal" state. Although it is convenient for monitoring, access, and maintenance, the high temperature and noise of the gas turbine during operation have a great impact on the environment of the engine room. The reason is that the intensity of high-frequency noise is too large, which seriously affects the normal work of the cabin crew.

The LM2500 gas turbine is one of the earliest marine gas turbines with a box-mounted structure.

Yang Fan guessed that this prototype should have a packing box.

Because he didn't know the specific content and details of the contract, Yang Fan asked, "Vice President Chen, our prototype should have a box body, why is it a bare machine?"

Chen Shaohua was a little embarrassed.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, "The box body is more expensive. We thought that this gas turbine was only used for operation teaching and maintenance training, so we reduced the box body and saved a lot of money."

Oh I see.

Yang Fan can only feel a little regret. Our country is not rich, so it is understandable to be careful in this aspect, and it can indeed save a lot of money.

Without a box, there will be high temperature and loud noise during operation, it is inconvenient to approach, so let's make do with it.

Yang Fan has very rich experience in checking and accepting gas turbines.

The first step is to look at the appearance, whether there is any abnormality, and whether everything is complete.The second step is to turn the rotor of the engine manually, judge whether it is flexible by hand, and listen carefully to see if there is any abnormal noise.

When everyone felt that the inspection and acceptance could be over with respect to these issues, Yang Fan walked to the front of the gas turbine again and turned the fan blades of the gas turbine by hand.

The intake fan of the gas turbine started to move, which by the way drove the compressor and the accessory drive mechanism to move.

Yang Fan said loudly: "Quiet, everyone calm down."

Gilman and Andrew looked at each other, and both saw the worry in the other's eyes.

This is a master.

Absolute expert!
This is what Gilman and Andrew are thinking at the moment. If they are not experts, how can they turn the fan and want to listen to the sound of turning carefully.

The two walked to Yang Fan's side at the same time.

The surroundings are quiet, Chen Shaohua is the vice president after all, and he has rich experience, so he understands a little bit what Yang Fan is going to do.

Ma Jun was engaged in technology, and he immediately understood Yang Fan's purpose for doing this, and almost gave him a thumbs up.

Seeing that the scene was quiet enough, Yang Fan turned the fan gently, pricked up his ears and listened carefully, and felt whether it was running smoothly and whether it was stuck.

After turning around a few times, nothing seemed abnormal. Yang Fan let go of his hand and raised his wrist to look at the seconds on the watch. While watching the fan rotor stop slowly, he counted the seconds.

There seems to be something wrong.

Slightly puzzled in my heart, the remaining rotation time seems to be a little short, but I can't be sure, after all, it is rotated by hand, and the speed of the fan can only be estimated visually, and the remaining rotation is also estimated.

Then try again.

Yang Fan turned the fan again, and started counting down the seconds after reaching a certain speed. The remaining rotation seemed to be insufficient, and the time was a few seconds shorter than the estimated value.

Both Gilman and Andrew are experts. One is a supervisor and engineer, and the other is a senior technical worker. They know very well what Yang Fan is doing.

Yang Fan said in English: "Mr. Gilman, come over and have a try. It seems that you don't have enough time to turn around."

Gas turbines are the same as aero engines, and the idle time must be satisfied for a certain period of time. The longer the idle time, the smoother it is, and there is no stuttering phenomenon.

Gilman walked over, turned the rotor of the gas turbine as he said, and then began counting down the remaining rotation time.

Soon, his expression changed slightly, and it seemed that there was really not enough time left.

Chen Shaohua, Ma Jun and others seemed to realize that something went wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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