small farmer

Chapter 1 Adventure

Chapter 1 Adventure
Chapter 1 Adventures (new book for collection)
The sun has sunned the ass,

Zhang Feng was still lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, electric arcs shot out from his whole body, crackling, and Zhang Feng was instantly stunned by the electric shock.


A shrill scream pierced the sky, and the birds outside the window were frightened and fled in all directions.

The huge pain caused Zhang Feng's reaction to explode in an instant, and he got up from the bed quickly.

"Fuck! Come out of the system, I promise I won't beat you to death." Zhang Feng shuddered from the electric shock, his face turned blue, and he cursed angrily.

"Isn't I just waking up 0.01 second late? Are you f*cking using electricity?"

It turned out that Zhang Feng accidentally obtained something called the "Super Farmer System" last night. Originally, Zhang Feng thought that he was going to be the CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of his life.

Unexpectedly, before Meimeng woke up, she was terribly shocked by the system. The most unbearable thing was that her hairstyle also became an afro, which made Zhang Feng so angry.

Zhang Feng didn't know whether he got a golden finger or a father. It was a cheating system that didn't make him a superman in an instant.

"After systematic and scientific testing, it was found that the host is suffering from a serious disease and needs to go to bed early and get up early to exercise, so starting today, the system will remind the host to get up in time."

"What? I'm suffering from a serious illness?" Zhang Feng's eyes widened, his heartbeat accelerated and he couldn't believe it.

"Yes, the host suffers from severe lazy cancer and needs to be treated in time." The system replied mechanically.

"I'm going! Is lazy cancer considered a disease? I just have a bit of lazy tendon, and I probably haven't reached the level of lazy cancer." Hearing the system's answer, Zhang Feng heaved a sigh of relief, and then rolled his eyes. I thought I was suffering from some terminal illness, but it turned out to be a false alarm, and the system made a fuss.

"The host should not shy away from the doctor. If you are sick, you have to treat it in time. This system has been treating lazy cancer for millions of years. It has successfully cured 800 billion patients with lazy cancer, and the cure rate is [-]%. So the host doesn't have to worry..." The system seems to be replaced by Advertising model Barbara said a lot.

Encountering such a cheating system, Zhang Feng can only accept his fate, because Zhang Feng asked the system just now, and to unbind the system, 99 million programs are needed. Such cumbersomeness makes Zhang Feng's scalp explode, so Zhang Feng I don't bother to care about it.

It seems that the system is also an outstanding psychological master, successfully grasping the psychology of lazy people and making them accept his treatment obediently.


Zhang Feng had just finished his breakfast, patted his belly, and was thinking about digesting food on the recliner in the yard, but unexpectedly the system released the first task at this time.

"Ding dong! The system released the first phase of the main task: cure the lazy cancer on the body within one month, and change everyone's view of the host. Completion reward: [-] points, three opportunities for lucky draws.

Ding dong!The first branch task is released: run 10 meters within 3000 minutes, complete the task, and reward 100 points. "

"Ah! 3000 meters??" Zhang Feng was almost paralyzed with fear. Now he climbed all the stairs and his back hurts and his legs are cramping. He almost went into shock after running 1000 meters in the college physical fitness test. After running 3000 meters in 10 minutes, he didn't want to kill himself. ?

So Zhang Feng quickly pretended to be pitiful and begged with a bitter face: "Thousands of rivers and mountains are always love, can you only run eight hundred?"

The system immediately warned coldly: "If the spring breeze does not pass through the Yumen Pass, then talk nonsense ten thousand and three thousand."

"The system is awesome, you're really fucking awesome..." Zhang Feng said through gritted teeth.

"The host please complete the task quickly, otherwise the system will use bioelectric waves to treat the lazy cancer of the host."

Let me go, is that bioelectric wave?That's high voltage current, okay?Thinking of the horrible experience when he got up, Zhang Feng stopped complaining, hurried out, and started running along the lakeside path at the door.


Zhang Feng used to be an enviable child of other people's family, who studied hard and worked hard. Unfortunately, he has graduated from university for three years and found five or six jobs, all of which were dismissed for various reasons;

In the end, Zhang Feng went back to his hometown to take the civil service exam. Unfortunately, although he passed the written test, the judges of the interview felt that Zhang Feng was not handsome enough, so he passed him directly. Why did Zhang Feng not have a father who was an official?

So Zhang Feng, who suffered a series of blows, finally had to stay in Zhangjia Village and become a humble rice worm. He could not lift his shoulders or lift his hands without the strength to bind a chicken. Not only could he not help his mother with farm work, but he became a family member. He was cumbersome and eventually became a well-known lazy scholar.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng took a step forward and ran forward firmly. The first step he took now would be a big step in his life. Zhang Feng believed that he would be able to cut off his laziness and change everyone's attitude towards him. to live a wonderful life of your own.

Zhang Feng stepped forward resolutely, and began to run along the sightseeing path by Crescent Lake. While admiring the scenery by the lake while running, Zhang Feng suddenly felt a long-lost sense of steadfastness. It's very cool, and Zhang Feng's own future is full of hope after getting the system.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo... how far have I run the system? Are we going to reach 3000 meters?" At this time, Zhang Feng's feet were filled with lead, and his breathing was like pulling a bellows. It seemed that he would not be able to hold on any longer.

"What? It's only 100 meters?" Zhang Feng asked in disbelief after checking the system.

"Host, come on, you still have 15 minutes." The system reminded again.

"I'm going? It's only 15 minutes?" Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and ran forward again, regardless of being tired.




"No, no, I won't run if you kill me."

Running 10 meters in 3000 minutes is really difficult for him. The physical fatigue, coupled with the devil called "lazy god" in his mind, seems to be constantly shouting "stop running, rest and rest." , you are already very tired, run again next time...",
When the lazy cancer relapsed, he finally decided to give up. He threw himself on the big rock on the side of the road, never wanting to run any longer. To lie on the ground, not even wanting to move a finger.

"Ding dong! The host's lazy cancer has been detected, and the system starts the bioelectric wave treatment!!" At this time, the frightening voice of the system sounded again in Zhang Zhangfeng's mind.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" A powerful electric current passed through his whole body, raging crazily in his body, and the miserable howl pierced the sky, echoing in the air for a long time.

The huge pain at this time made his body twitch and tremble non-stop, and the pain pierced his heart and went straight to the bone marrow. The systematic torture made him so painful that he really wanted to smash his head on a stone to death.

Five seconds later, the system's devilish punishment finally ended. At this time, Zhang Feng's face turned pale, his eyes were dull, and he collapsed on the ground motionless;

"System! I disrespected your eighth-generation ancestors, yet you shocked me again, cursing you for having a son without a penis..." Zhang Feng lay on the ground for a while before recovering. After cursing for almost a minute, although I knew there was nothing wrong with the system, after cursing, I really felt much happier.

"Huh! I don't seem to feel so tired anymore." Gradually, Zhang Feng suddenly felt that he didn't feel so painful, and his body seemed to be reborn. Not only did the pain disappear, but he felt a little inexplicably comfortable, and his strength also recovered. No, is the bioelectric wave treatment that the system said true?Did you blame the system yourself?

But when he thought of the torture and pain he had suffered just now, Zhang Feng's guilt towards the system disappeared in an instant, and he was thrown out of the sky.

"Ding dong, warm reminder, the host still has 5 minutes, please complete the task quickly, if the task fails, the host will receive 30 seconds of bioelectric wave therapy."

"Damn it! This system is too inhumane!" Complaints were complained, Zhang Feng didn't want to experience the feeling of being unable to survive, so he immediately got up and continued to complete the task;

There are still 5 meters in 600 minutes, that is to say, you have to run 1 meters in 120 minute, and run [-] meters in a second. Zhang Feng calculated in his heart that he must be able to do it.

So Zhang Feng stopped running randomly, but proceeded according to the plan, only running three or four meters per second, just like the old men and women jogging in the park, it hardly consumes much energy,
So in the last 600 meters, Zhang Feng ran relatively easily, because with the hope of completing the task, Zhang Feng became more and more excited, as if he had taken a stimulant, and his whole body was full of strength.

"Huhu...... finally finished the run." Zhang Feng leaned on the recliner, panting heavily, but his face was full of excitement.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the first task released by the system, rewarding you with [-] points. Because the task is well completed, the system will reward you with an additional chance to draw a lottery."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission—successfully completed the first mission released by the system, and the reward for completing it: opening the novice gift package."

"Hahaha!!! Posted! Posted! I didn't expect such a generous reward." Hearing the system's non-stop reward sound, Zhang Feng's originally pale face instantly glowed.

(End of this chapter)

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