small farmer

Chapter 2 System Lottery

Chapter 2 System Lottery
Chapter 2 system lottery

"Is the host receiving the reward now?"

"Get it!" Zhang Feng said impatiently.

Host: Zhang Feng

Strength 4 (10)

Speed ​​6 (10)

Reactions 8 (10)

Stamina 3 (10)

Flexible 4 (10)

Spirit 7 (10)

(Note: The average level for adults is 10)

no skills
Points 100 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and [-] points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of Draws 1
1 novice gift pack

(Systematic evaluation: The host is a scum with less than five combat effectiveness, and suffers from serious lazy cancer. It is recommended that the host go to bed early and get up early to exercise, and hope that the host will become a healthy, hardworking, and positive new farmer in the era soon.)
Regarding the evaluation of the system, Zhang Feng curled his lips and ignored it at all. He clicked on the system mall curiously, and found that the icon of the mall was still gray. Finally, the system informed that the mall had not met the conditions to open it.

Then Zhang Feng clicked on the big gift package of the new book, "Congratulations to the host for obtaining a primary gene liquid, a primary hunting skill package, and a super set of eight sets of No. 30 in the universe."

Primary Gene Liquid: It can be taken directly, can transform the human body, and each serving can increase the physical fitness by 3-5 times. Each person can only take it once, and it will not work for many times. (Note: There will be severe pain after taking it. The longer the host persists, the more the body will improve. It is recommended that the host recovers before taking it.)
Basic hunting skills pack: archery, traps, animal habits, fishing skills...etc
Universe No.30 Eight sets of fitness super: The national fitness martial arts that took 10 million years to reform by the central universe empire, is divided into nine layers, each layer has three movements, not only has the effect of strengthening the body, but also exercises To the high depths will possess terrifying power. (Note: Strength and flexibility can only be practiced when they reach [-])

Since the genetic fluid can only be used after returning to normal physical strength, and the practice of gymnastics has to wait for the physical fitness to meet the requirements, so now the only thing that can be received is the "primary hunting skill package".

"Receive primary hunting skills."

"Good host, please pay attention to receiving it." In an instant, a large amount of information poured into Zhang Feng's mind, and scenes of real hunting scenes appeared in Zhang Feng's mind, and various hunting skills were deeply imprinted in his brain, and gradually become part of his memory.

About 2 minutes later, the reception was finally completed. Zhang Feng was extremely shocked by this enlightenment-like method. He did not expect the development of technology to reach such a terrifying level. It is like a fairy, which makes people yearn for it.

The system rewarded an extra lucky draw opportunity for completing the task just now, and Zhang Feng planned to use it up immediately, wanting to see how lucky he was.

Click the lottery button, and a simple lottery roulette appears in front of Zhang Feng. There are six grids in it, each grid has an item, and there are six items in total;
They are: 50 points, 100 points, a bottle of primary gene liquid, 10 free attribute points, a bottle of Rihua growth hormone (100ml), and primary cooking skills.

After looking at these lottery items, Zhang Feng is generally satisfied. Although there is a 50-point loss item, it is countless times better than thanking you for your patronage.

"Start the lottery draw..." As Zhang Feng's voice fell, the pointer in the center of the roulette seemed to be spinning rapidly, making Zhang Feng dazzled.

"Stop!" The pointer didn't stop immediately, the speed was getting slower and slower, Zhang Feng's expression became more and more nervous and serious, his eyes were fixed on the lottery pointer.

The pointer of the lottery roulette slowly passed one item after another, and finally stopped at the primary cooking skill area.

Not bad, elementary cooking skills are already some of the best in this lottery, and they are also very practical for potential foodies like Zhang Feng;

As for the primary genetic liquid, since each person can only use one portion, and there is great pain in the process of using it, Zhang Feng did not intend to use it for others, and he could not reveal his secret too early, so it is not a pity that he did not get it.

Rihua auxin also seems to be very good. It is a super auxin produced by Huanyu Technology Company. The "Super Farmer System" obtained by Zhang Feng is Huanyu Technology's flagship product.

Rihua auxin is the concentration of sun essence, which has a powerful effect on promoting the growth of animals and plants. It not only promotes the growth of animals and plants, but also shortens the growth and development cycle of animals and plants, rapidly improves agricultural production efficiency, and can also help Improve the quality of agricultural products, so the supply of Rihua auxin is almost in short supply in the center of the universe.

As for the 10 free attribute points, they can be added to various attributes of one's body at will to enhance one's physical fitness.But with the primary gene fluid in the system gift package, Zhang Feng's body will soon be greatly improved, so even if he got it, it would be rather tasteless.

Zhang Feng is very satisfied with the basic cooking skills, because this is a very practical skill. As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for people. Although the other items are good, they are slightly inferior to cooking skills. So Zhang Feng is very satisfied with this lottery draw. With this skill, Zhang Feng's future plans will be more perfect.

"May I ask if the host is learning elementary cooking skills now?"

"Learning" Zhang Feng replied expectantly.

In an instant, countless culinary knowledge appeared in Zhang Feng's mind. At this time, Zhang Feng was like an epiphany, absorbing a lot of knowledge crazily. Hunan cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Shandong cuisine... Cantonese cuisine is involved in almost all cuisines in China. , especially Zhang Feng's cooking knowledge of various hometown dishes is more detailed.

About 5 minutes later, Zhang Feng finally received all the culinary knowledge. At this time, Zhang Feng felt that he was a culinary master. Even if he was not as good as the legendary imperial chef, he was not much different from the head chef of an ordinary star-rated hotel let.

After learning the basic cooking skills, Zhang Feng was a little eager to try. He immediately ran to the backyard to pick some fresh vegetables, ready to test his level, and prepare lunch for his mother by the way.

"My mother likes to eat vegetarian dishes, so I just cook a pumpkin and cowpea soup, and then a stir-fried cabbage." Fortunately, I grow these vegetables in my backyard;

The backyard of Zhang Feng’s house is not big, only one or two plots of land, but although the sparrow is small and complete, it contains almost all kinds of common vegetables, such as green vegetables, cabbage, lettuce, cowpea, cucumber, peppers, shallots, garlic sprouts, coriander, etc. There are vegetable and condiment gardens to grow. Such vegetable gardens are very common in rural areas. It is very convenient to eat vegetables. You don’t have to go to the street to sell vegetables every day, and you can save a lot of money.

After cutting the pumpkin and picking the vegetables cowpea, Zhang Feng started to light a fire and cook the vegetables in a large stove. Because the pumpkin cowpea is not easy to cook, it takes about an hour, so Zhang Feng added firewood and began to wash the cabbage and prepare for the next Ingredients for two courses.

When Zhang Feng cooked the meals, he was already in full swing. Based on past experience, Zhang Feng reckoned that his mother, Wang Guilan, should also come back.

Wang Guilan, Zhang's mother, is a hard-working and ordinary peasant woman. She goes to work every day at dawn, comes back for lunch at noon when the sun is at its strongest, and goes to the fields again after three o'clock in the afternoon. She doesn't go home until it is completely dark.

It's a pity that my son is not up to date now, and he spends all day at home playing computer games. As the saying goes, when a son grows up, he can't help his mother, and she really has nothing to do with him.

The three daughters made her very relieved. The eldest daughter went out to work, and the two younger daughters not only got good grades, but also helped the family whenever they had time. Wang Guilan couldn't help but frowned at the fee of more than 1 yuan a year. She just walked in a daze and soon arrived home.

"Mom is back, wash your face first, and I'll carry the vegetables." Seeing his mother coming back, Zhang Feng immediately brought the prepared washing water over, then turned and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey! Just put it here." Wang Guilan looked at her son's back, still a little dazed, feeling that her son seemed a little different today, but she couldn't say exactly what was different.

"Mom has eaten!" Served the mother a good meal, soaked it in his favorite vegetable soup, and brought it in front of the mother, and then said.

"Mmm! Today's soup is really sweet and delicious." Wang Guilan took a sip of the soup and then praised.

"Mom, how about trying this stir-fried cabbage?" Zhang Feng picked up a few cabbages for his mother with a smile, wanting to see what level his cooking skills have reached.

"Hmm! Delicious, today's cabbage is so delicious." Wang Guilan never thought that such an ordinary cabbage could be so delicious. As an ordinary peasant woman, she would not use any gorgeous words to describe it. The deliciousness of this dish is just a constant praise of its deliciousness.

Zhang Feng was also very happy to be praised by his mother. He finally dispelled the last worry about his cooking skills. Zhang's mother surprisingly ate an extra bowl of this meal. It was obvious that today's meal was very appetizing to her.

(End of this chapter)

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