small farmer

Chapter 3 Reborn

Chapter 3 Reborn (recommended for collection)

Chapter 3 Reborn

Zhangjiawan is very quiet at night
The silvery moonlight illuminates Zhang Feng's bed through the window.

At this time, Zhang Feng was tossing and turning, looking forward to the night coming soon. Time has never been so difficult for him, as if a second is a thousand years.

Because Zhang Feng is extremely eager for powerful power, as the only male in the family, his combat power is less than five, which makes him feel so embarrassing, so Zhang Feng really wants to pass the time quickly, and immediately use the primary genetic liquid to transform his body and improve his strength. Physical fitness, and then help the mother share the burden of the family.

Finally, when night fell, Zhang Feng heard the sound of snoring coming from his mother's room. Zhang Feng knew that his mother was too tired and had already fallen asleep.So Zhang Feng couldn't wait to click on the system page

Host: Zhang Feng

Strength 4 (10)

Speed ​​6 (10)

Reactions 8 (10)

Stamina 3 (10)

Flexible 4 (10)

Spirit 7 (10)

(Note: The average level for adults is 10)

Skills: primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills.

Points 100 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and [-] points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of Draws 0
The main task of the first stage: cure the lazy cancer on the body within one month, and change everyone's view of the host.Completion reward: [-] points, three chances to draw

(System evaluation: The host is a scum with less than five combat effectiveness, and suffers from serious lazy cancer. The system recommends that the host go to bed early and get up early to exercise, hoping that the host will soon become a healthy, hardworking, and positive new farmer of the era.)
"System, can I use the primary genetic liquid now?" Zhang Feng asked excitedly and nervously.

"The host's body is in good condition and can be used." The system replied mechanically.

Hearing the system's answer, Zhang Feng couldn't help but tremble excitedly even though he was already prepared, and then he couldn't wait to pour the genetic liquid into his mouth.

"Boom!" The gene liquid was like an explosion, and the powerful energy swept across Zhang Feng's body in an instant. Zhang Feng gritted his teeth firmly, waiting for the pain to erupt.

Sure enough, the pain came so quickly and caught people off guard. Zhang Feng felt as if he had entered the [-]th floor of hell, as if he was being burned by a raging fire.

"Ah..." The pain was so severe that it pierced into the marrow of the bone, and the pain pierced the heart, as if every cell was burned by the fire. At this time, Zhang Feng's whole body was red, and the powerful genetic fluid was transforming every part of his body. ,
Zhang Feng knew that he had to persevere, he gritted his teeth and insisted not to let himself pass out, because genetic modification is like a phoenix nirvana, as long as he perseveres, he can be reborn from the ashes and completely reborn.

time tick tick
every moment

It seems to be ten thousand times slower than usual

1 minutes……

5 minutes……

Gradually half an hour passed...

Although Zhang Feng was in a daze, he was not completely unconscious, and he still persisted in pain.

Because he has the belief that he is not willing to fall, and the determination to change his own destiny, so he still keeps this last trace of sanity, and has not completely fainted.

1 minutes
2 minutes

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhang Feng finally couldn't hold on anymore. Even though he was strong-willed, his body had been abandoned for three years, and finally he fell into a coma and lost consciousness.

However, the transformation of his body by the gene fluid is not over. The powerful transformation energy is still raging in Zhang Feng's body, transforming every organ and even every cell in his body. If the cells can be seen with the naked eye, we can see that Zhang Feng's body was once shriveled The tiny cells, like balloons in an instant, became plump, round and full of vitality under the burst of gene fluid energy.


chirp chirp chirp...

In the early morning, Zhangjiawan gradually began to become noisy.

There is a poem that goes: In April, there are few idlers in the countryside, and only then do sericulture and plant crops.

Not only are the early birds already dancing on the branches, looking for today's food,

Every household is also filled with cooking smoke, some are going to the county market, and some are preparing to start a day of hard work.


The glare of the sun shone on his body, Zhang Feng squinted his eyes, and gradually woke up.Looking out of the window, the sun is shining brightly, the green mountains and forests, and the curling smoke are really a beautiful picture of the countryside.

Opening his eyes, Zhang Feng felt refreshed and full of strength, completely different from the sickly look of the past. It seems that this is the effect of the transformation of the primary genetic fluid, which is really reborn.

Facing the mirror on the wall, what Zhang Feng saw was no longer a face as pale as paper with dull eyes, but a face full of red and radiant.This is a brand new self, a reborn self. Zhang Feng believes that his useless life will also undergo earth-shaking changes, and he believes that the days to come will definitely be more exciting.

Host: Zhang Feng

Strength 20 (+16)

Speed ​​19 (+13)

Reaction 18 (+10)

Stamina 17 (+14)

Flexible 14 (+10)

Spirit 18 (+11)

(Note: The average level for adults is 10)

Skills: primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills.

Points 100 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and [-] points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of Draws 0
The main task of the first stage: cure the lazy cancer on the body within one month, and change everyone's view of the host.Completion reward: [-] points, three chances to draw a lottery.

(System evaluation: The host's combat power is low, and he also suffers from severe lazy cancer. The system recommends that the host go to bed early and get up early to exercise, and practice gymnastics diligently. It is hoped that the host will soon become a strong, hardworking, and positive new farmer of the era.)
Zhang Feng checked his various attributes again, and all the values ​​have been greatly improved, the lowest has been strengthened by three times, and the most, such as strength, has been strengthened by five times. Although not every item has been strengthened so much, Zhang Feng I am already satisfied. After all, my previous physical fitness was too poor, and the foundation is very important. If a tall building rises on the ground, without a good foundation, it can only be a castle in the air.

"Xiaofeng is up, wash your face and have breakfast, I'm going to the market." Wang Guilan saw that Zhang Feng was getting up, gave orders, and then went out with a basket on her back.

"Okay, mom, you can go." Responding, Zhang Feng got dressed, and then went downstairs to wash up.

After breakfast, lie on the recliner in the yard and make a pot of tea. How leisurely are these days.

The air in the mountain village was extremely fresh. Lying under the shade of a cool tree, Zhang Feng would soon fall asleep.

Suddenly Zhang Feng felt uneasy in his heart, do he still want to live a bald life?

No!Zhang Feng opened his eyes, got up resolutely, and pulled himself together. He didn't want to be a humble rice bug anymore, don't want to wear the hat of a 'lazy scholar', and don't want to be judged by everyone.

So Zhang Feng rallied, walked out of the house, and started jogging along the path by the lake. From today on, Zhang Feng wanted to change himself and reshape his wonderful life.

Moon Lake covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres and is one of the largest lakes in Qingshan County. Recently, Moon Lake has also become a famous scenery in Qingshan County, and many people come here for leisure and enjoyment every day.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission, jogging 3000 meters, and getting 100 points."

When Zhang Feng finished running out of breath and was about to go home, he did not expect the system to give him a huge surprise. Although 100 points are not many, they can also be exchanged for a lucky draw chance;

At this time, Zhang Feng was very lucky. Fortunately, he cut off his lazy tendons just now and did not continue to sleep on the recliner. Otherwise, there would be no reward of 100 points.

Zhang Feng opened his attribute panel and saw that he already had 200 points. Anyway, the points would not lay eggs, so Zhang Feng planned to use them all.

"The system exchanged all my points for chances to draw prizes."

"Good host, please wait a moment."

"Ding dong! The points have been converted successfully. Now the host has two chances to draw a lottery. May I ask the host whether to start a lottery draw."

"Start the lottery!"

The prizes for this lottery have hardly changed, except that the primary cooking skills were replaced by primary calligraphy skills last time. Zhang Feng felt that this was a bit tasteless.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for getting 50 points."

"I'll go! Why are you so unlucky! You actually got the worst one." Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly and continued to draw.

"Again, I don't believe that I can't draw something good today." So Zhang Feng started the second lottery draw.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for getting a bottle of Rihua growth hormone (100ml)."

"Phew, that's not bad."

Zhang Feng has been coveting the daily chemical auxin for a long time, because the daily chemical auxin can not only promote the growth of animals and plants, but also optimize their quality. It is very practical for Zhang Feng at present. If he uses the daily chemical auxin, I believe The fruit at home will never be unsalable again this year.

After the lottery draw, Zhang Feng returned home happily, started to clean the house, organized his room, and casually collected and washed all the clothes accumulated for several months.

"I'll go, but I haven't washed it for three months. Where did all these dirty clothes come from?"

Seeing the pile of clothes piled up like a hill at the door, Zhang Feng was dumbfounded. There is no washing machine at home, and it can't be washed until the year of the monkey.

well!The si he pulled had to be eaten by himself with tears in his eyes, the wind was rustling and the water was cold, so Zhang Feng started his laundry business with grief and indignation.

This busy work lasted for a whole day, until the afternoon when the sun was about to set, Zhang Feng almost collapsed from exhaustion. Even his strong body modified by the genetic fluid could not take it anymore, his back ached and his legs cramped.

"My God! If I were killed, I wouldn't keep my dirty clothes for so long." Zhang Feng sat slumped on the chair, shaking his head and thinking about it.

But after passing this difficult problem of the century, Zhang Feng was also relieved, and his heart was full of a sense of accomplishment. At the same time, Zhang Feng made up his mind to make money quickly and buy a washing machine. If he did it again, Zhang Feng would probably go crazy up.

Just like that, the day flies by.

(End of this chapter)

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