small farmer

Chapter 4 Fishing in the reservoir is busy

Chapter 4 Fishing in the reservoir is busy (new book please support)
Chapter 4 The reservoir is busy fishing
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Zhangjiawan is also called Moon Lake Village

It is the small village where Zhang Feng's family lives. The village is on the bank of the beautiful Tapang River, with about [-] or [-] households;
The clear Tapang River meanders eastward, forming a moon-shaped lake in the low-lying place in front of the village, which is the origin of the village name Moon Lake;
The small mountain village in the early morning is shrouded in the mist of Moon Lake. From a distance, the small mountain village is like a paradise hidden among the clouds, and like a mirage in the sea, ethereal and full of mystery, like a street in the sky , the hidden mountain village, full of poetic and picturesque charm, is infinitely yearning;

As the ancient poets said, the Niaosing Mountain is more secluded, and the Moon Lake Village in the morning is more quiet and quiet amidst the crowing of chickens;
A ray of light shone through the wooden window on the head of the bed. It may be affected by the light, or it may be because he wanted to develop the habit of getting up early. Zhang Feng gradually opened his eyes and woke up slowly;
"Huh..." Closed his eyes again, Zhang Feng took a deep breath of the fresh air of the mountain village, enjoying the natural oxygen bar, and his whole body became energetic;
Standing by the window and looking into the distance, the morning glow is brilliant and golden, the fiery red sun has just emerged, covered by thin clouds, it seems not so bright;
After washing, Zhang Feng went into the backyard. The backyard of the family is not small, about [-] square meters, and the whole family's vegetables are produced here all year round;
"I don't know if Rihua Auxin is really that useful?" Zhang Feng murmured in his heart. According to the introduction of the system, Rihua Auxin gathers the essence of the sun, which has great benefits for both animals and plants;
Although the backyard of the house is not big, the sparrow is small and complete, as long as it is a common vegetable, it can be found here;

There are Chinese cabbage, green vegetables, pumpkin, cowpea, eggplant, lettuce, lettuce, in addition to lentils, chayote, loofah, in addition to these main dishes, there are also green shallots, garlic, tomatoes, coriander, ginger... you can say There are all kinds of vegetables in the garden, and it is very convenient to eat vegetables;

Rihua auxin is the concentrated sun essence, so it needs to be diluted with water before it can be used. One drop can be mixed with a bucket of clean water, and sprayed with a sprayer can irrigate half an acre of crops.

After exchanging the auxin, Zhang Feng put on the sprayer on his back, walked into the backyard, and began to water the vegetables in the backyard. The auxin is very easy to absorb, and the stems and leaves of the plants can absorb the nutrients in it to speed up their own growth.

In about a quarter of an hour, the vegetables in the entire backyard were watered by himself. Seeing his masterpiece, Zhang Feng was full of a sense of accomplishment;

After watering, Zhang Feng began to weed in the backyard. As the saying goes: Wild fires are endless, and spring breeze blows again. Qingshan County is located in the southwest, close to Yunnan Province, and it is like spring all year round, even in the coldest winter. All above five or six degrees;
Therefore, the weeds in the yard grow wantonly. Even if we have just removed them, within a week, the yard will be full of weeds again, so not only weeds must be removed, but also the seeds must be removed. It is best to remove the weeds before they grow seeds. Get rid of it, so that the roots of weeds will not sprout new grass, and the grass seeds will not have the opportunity to grow;
And getting rid of weeds can also prevent them from competing with vegetables for auxin nutrition.

"The current body is really abnormal..." Zhang Feng marveled at his strength and endurance. The astonishing changes brought about by the primary genetic fluid. The strength is not too much, and it is estimated that one hand can lift the large millstone of two or three hundred catties at home;

Zhang Feng immersed himself in weeding for half an hour, and finally got rid of all the weeds in the vegetable field. He still didn't blush, didn't pant, and didn't even shed a drop of sweat. At this time, weeding was as easy as taking a walk. no challenge at all;
At this moment, there was a commotion in the front yard. When I listened to it, it seemed that my cousin had come and was greeting my mother;
"Big brother, big brother!"

"The reservoir is full of water, hurry up and catch fish, there are a lot of people there now..." cousin Zhang Yi hurriedly approached the backyard and shouted to Zhang Feng;

"What? The reservoir is full of water again?"

Hearing his cousin's voice, Zhang Feng rushed out of the room immediately, and asked his cousin excitedly,
The Tapang River Reservoir, every year during the rainy season from April to October, will open several gates to release water several times, so as to reduce the storage pressure of the reservoir and prevent flood disasters. This is often the time when nearby villagers earn extra money, because the reservoir A lot of fish will be released at this time, and almost all men, women and children in the village will join the battle, and there will be a lot of weapons like knives, forks, nets and hooks;
Not only the villagers in the nearby villages, but even the people in the city will come here on motorcycles or even in cars. At this time, it is as lively as going to a market. The whole river is densely packed with people, and it is a fishing feast;
"Hurry up, hurry up..." At this moment, Zhang Feng didn't dare to delay, grabbed the net bag that his father made before, got on Zhang Yi's motorcycle, and the two brothers galloped away like a reservoir;

"Why are there so many people? Are they not from our village?" Zhang Feng arrived at the river in a few minutes. They were all burying their heads in the river with net bags to catch fish, and there were exclamations from time to time, probably someone caught fish again, it was very lively;

"It's definitely not, it's probably the grandchildren in the city!" Zhang Yi felt uncomfortable seeing these people, because in the past, only the nearby villagers were the ones who caught fish. Didn't the arrival of these people rob everyone of their harvest?

"Leave them alone, let's do it quickly." As Zhang Feng said, he picked up tools, and Zhang Yi also held a net bag in his hand, and the two rushed into the river impatiently;

When they reached the river, the two walked into the river side by side. Although it has rained a lot recently, the Tapang River is only a small river after all, so the water level is still very low. what danger would there be;
"There! There! Brother, there is one..." Zhang Yi was obviously very excited. He saw a big fish about one foot long swimming down in front of him. being rounded up;
"Damn it, these sluts are too shameless." Knowing that he had just yelled and lured wolves into the house, Zhang Yi muttered regretfully;

But before everyone could react, Zhang Feng made a quick move, picked up the net bag, and fucked that fish with lightning speed;

When the net bag entered the water, there was a burst of waves. At this time, the big fish finally knew that the danger was coming, but before he could react, he was caught by the net bag. It was too late to escape, and he immediately became Zhang Feng's first fish. A trophy, it seems that my elementary hunting skills are still very useful.

"Hahaha, big brother is the best, let me see how big this fish is?" Zhang Yi ran over to catch the big fish with a smile on his face, and kept showing off to the people around him. , as if the fish had been caught by him;
"You didn't catch this, why are you so arrogant? Hmph..." Seeing Zhang Yi's arrogant look, the people around shot back in displeasure;

"Hey, what's wrong with my air..." Zhang Yi put the fish into the net bag by the river with a sullen expression, and continued to catch fish;
Zhang Feng was also very happy in his heart. The fish just now was estimated to be about ten catties, and there was a buyer from the county on the shore. It cost seven or eight yuan per catty, and that fish contributed seven to eighty yuan for himself;

But all of this is thanks to the system skills and the transformation of the genetic fluid, otherwise his physical fitness would not be so good, catching fish is much easier than before, Zhang Feng is vaguely looking forward to today's harvest;

Seeing his cousin's serious expression, he was probably stimulated by what he had just gained, and with a slight smile on his face, Zhang Feng also continued to search;
Two or three minutes later, Zhang Feng finally found the target again. It was a carp about five or six kilograms, and it was running towards him in a panic. Isn't this a self-inflicted trap?Zhang Feng was instantly happy;

The movement of Zhang Feng's hands was not slow at all, and he attacked quickly again, but this time there was an accident. The carp was a frightened bird, and he suddenly changed direction and swam towards his cousin;
"Xiaoyi, the fish has swam to your side..." Zhang Feng stopped his movements, and immediately reminded his cousin, after all, the fat water does not flow into other people's fields, and there are so many people drinking in the river, if you don't pay attention, you will be intercepted by others Liao Hu, such things are not uncommon, and some people have fought several times over it;

"Okay, big brother, look at me." Zhang Yi held the net bag tightly, walked towards the fish cautiously, and suddenly threw the net bag at the fish,
However, it may be because he didn't grasp the position well, and he couldn't catch the carp completely, but only caught half of it. Suddenly, the carp kept slapping the river water, trying to escape.

But how could Zhang Feng miss such an opportunity again, jumped over with one step, immediately entered the water with both hands, held the carp tightly, and caught him;
"Xiao Yi is not bad, this fish probably weighs five or six catties," said Zhang Feng, handing the fish to Zhang Yi, and said in a compliment;
"Hey..." Zhang Yi didn't delay, took the fish and smiled happily, and finally opened it, feeling very happy in his heart;

(End of this chapter)

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