small farmer

Chapter 5 Black Fish King

Chapter 5 Black Fish King (seeking support)
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"Here comes the big fish..."

"Quick, catch! Catch!"

At this time, the people next to the water outlet of the reservoir let out a cry of surprise, which was heard by everyone in the river, and everyone looked upstream one after another, only to see a big black fish about one meter long falling down from the water outlet with a plop. !It hit the water with a heavy bang, causing a big wave;

The big fish was like a splash of water entering the frying pan, arousing a wave of people in the river, and everyone went upstream one after another, hoping to catch that fish.

"Don't let it go away..." The arrival of the big fish ignited everyone's enthusiasm, and the atmosphere of fishing in the river became more intense;

This is the biggest fish found today, it is estimated to be fifty or sixty catties, and the black fish is a big supplement, and the price is almost two or three times that of ordinary fish. If you can catch this fish, you can not only earn seven or eight hundred yuan, but also Double face;

However, at this time, there were quite a few sober-minded people who knew that it was impossible to catch such a big fish with the tools and physical strength in their hands, so they just looked up and continued with their own business;

"Brother! Let's go! Let's hurry there too!" Zhang Yi couldn't hold back at this time, who wouldn't want to face such a big fish, just thinking about it is exciting;

"Well, it was fine in the past, but let's talk about it first, everything is up to me, this fish is not easy to catch, you must be careful." Zhang Feng also wants to go and see, his cousin is also a man in his 20s, strong and strong , nothing will happen if you think about it, but you should get a vaccination first. Such a big fish is no less powerful than an adult. If you sweep it with its tail, your body will be covered with bruises;
"Don't worry, brother, I know this, I will definitely listen to you." The two grew up together, whether it was climbing a tree to steal a bird or going down to the field to steal a melon, Zhang Yi always listened to Zhang Feng, and the two partnered to catch Yu didn't do it once or twice, so Zhang Yi immediately agreed;

As they said that, the two put on the prepared seine net. The net bag was fine for catching smaller fish, but it was a bit powerless to catch fish weighing twenty to thirty catties. Big fish were not only bigger in size, but also stronger, and the net bag might bear the burden. Can't live, so the two put on a wide seine net, which is suitable for several people to round up big fish together;
"Oh my god! My arm is broken! My arm is broken!" At this moment, a person in front uttered a scream, and his companion rushed him to the shore immediately, and the scene was full of chaos;
"Something went wrong, someone got hit in the arm by a big fish..."

"Oh! This young man is inexperienced at first glance..."

"Yeah, he's just a stunned young man, he rushed forward so foolishly, I thought he was a master..." Some who didn't get the upper hand gloated at the side;
After some inspection, I finally found out that it was a false alarm, but the guy was frightened, his arm was not broken at all, but it was also dislocated and unable to move, so that person thought his hand was broken;

Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng looked at each other, and they both saw a cautious look in each other's eyes;

However, what happened just now still can't scare the two of them. The two have rich experience and have encountered such things several times. After adjusting their emotions, the two brothers continued to walk towards the crowd of big fish hunting;



The water was churning, and the river instantly became turbid;

Someone else couldn't help but take the lead

Everyone knows that it is better to strike first, and to suffer later, but this principle does not apply here, because this snakehead is a wild snakehead in the reservoir;

We all know the characteristics of wild snakeheaded fish. They are extremely powerful, and snakeheaded fish is also a carnivorous fish, extremely ferocious and aggressive. Therefore, when catching big snakeheaded fish, you usually consume the strength of snakeheaded fish first, and wait until it is exhausted. After that, start to catch again, so the success rate is higher;

So Zhang Feng and the two didn't strike right away, but followed the large army, constantly waiting and watching, closely watching Heiyu's movements, and prepared to find the right opportunity before attacking.
In this way, you will not worry about being caught first, and there will be no danger, and you will be the oriole behind you patiently, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, and finally the fisherman will benefit;
Sure enough, as Zhang Feng thought in his heart, this big black fish was quite ferocious. Afterwards, several waves of people tried to round up the black fish, but none of them caught this big black fish. Instead, they were very embarrassed by it. A little injured, so those who waited and watched became more cautious;
About a quarter of an hour later, seeing that everyone was still watching, Zhang Feng knew it was time for him to make a move. If he didn't make a move again, when the big black fish was really exhausted, he might have nothing to do with him;
Because there are many more experienced people than Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng will not foolishly think that he can snatch everyone later;

So Zhang Feng can only make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses. If he makes a move now, using his powerful physical strength, he will definitely be able to handle this black fish;
Now that he has decided to make a move, Zhang Feng no longer hesitates, and gives Zhang Yi a look to get him ready, and Zhang Feng makes a move immediately;
"Ha!" Zhang Feng roared, jumped into the water with one step, and threw his hands at the black fish;
Seeing Zhang Feng's attack, the people on the side and the people in the river became restless again, and they all stretched their heads, wanting to see if this young man can subdue this ferocious black fish;

When Zhang Feng's hand touched the big black fish, the big black fish struggled desperately, its tail kept slapping the river water, stirring up waves, Zhang Feng's hand was also hot and painful, but he would not give up. Holding down the big black fish with one hand, the other hand swung his right fist and violently hit the black fish on the head;



The iron fist landed on Heiyu's head again and again. If Zhang Feng used all his strength, it is estimated that heiyu's head could be smashed into pieces with just one punch, but Zhang Feng can't use it rashly. It’s easy to explain where the strength comes from, so what should be low-key should be low-key;


The river water churned endlessly again and became turbid, but everyone could vaguely see Heiyu constantly tossing and tossing under Zhang Feng's hands, but his strength was getting weaker and weaker, gradually losing the power to resist;

There was deathly silence, everyone stared at all this in a daze, almost couldn't believe their eyes, never thought that such a ferocious black fish would not be conquered by a few waves of big men, but was caught by this young man who looked white and tender up;
"Wow..." After a few seconds, everyone woke up, and there was an uproar;
"Ah... the big black fish was caught!"

"Who is that young man? So powerful..."

"Tsk tsk, such a ferocious black fish was knocked out by him, it's too explosive..."

"Isn't this the son of Zhang Yujiang's family?"

"Yeah, it looks soft and weak, but I didn't expect it to be so strong." There were many people in Zhangjiawan present, and many of them were from nearby villages, so many people knew Zhang Feng;
"Yes, it belongs to my uncle's family, he is my cousin Zhang Feng..."

Seeing his cousin so mighty, his cousin Zhang Yi was immediately proud, and proudly introduced Zhang Feng to people who didn't know him;
"Hahaha, brother, you are too powerful..." Seeing that Zhang Feng knocked the big black fish unconscious with three or two punches, his cousin Zhang Yi jumped up and down excitedly, and rushed towards Zhang Feng;

"Okay, okay, don't shake it anymore, you will shake the fish away..." Zhang Feng also happily said to Zhang Yi with a smile;

Zhang Feng was also very happy to catch such a big snakehead. This snakehead is probably the king of this year's snakehead. It is almost impossible to meet such a big snakehead again. Since the reservoir was built, it has been bigger than this There are only a handful of black fishes;

"The young man is not bad, not only has quick eyesight and quick hands, but also great strength, we are willing to bow down..."

"Congratulations, Brother Feng"

"Boy, you really got your father's true biography. I think Boss Zhang's fishing skills were superb..."

Seeing that the black fish had been caught by Zhang Feng, the competitors congratulated Zhang Feng one after another, some from the village and some strangers from the city, seeing Zhang Feng's performance, everyone was convinced;

"Thank you! Thank you, I'm just lucky..." Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi said to the people who came to congratulate or watch the fun while carrying the big black fish to the shore;

"Brother! Here we come..."

"Ah! What a big fish..."

At this time, the little sister Zhang Yue's exclamation sounded from the river, and following the sound, she saw her mother and her two younger sisters walking towards him;

When they saw the big black fish, the three of them showed surprise expressions on their faces;

"Mom, why are you here?"

"Today the reservoir releases water. It's such a lively event. Of course we have to come and take a look." The second sister Zhang Lin replied happily. The reservoir release is like a festival, and everyone doesn't want to miss it. home.

Mother Wang Guilan also nodded, and then asked the two curiously: "Did you two catch this big fish?"

"No! Brother caught this big fish by himself, I don't have that ability." Before Zhang Feng could answer, Zhang Yi said first;
Afterwards, the two younger sisters chirped and asked Zhang Feng this and that, obviously very curious about how Zhang Feng caught this big black fish;

"Young man, sell this black fish to me. The price is negotiable, and you will definitely not suffer." The big black fish is indeed very attractive. run towards oneself;

"It's sold to anyone, but let me weigh it first to see how heavy this black fish is." Seeing so many people around him in an instant, Zhang Feng was also very happy. With so many people competing, his big black fish Should fetch a good price;
Zhang Yi and his cousin put the big black fish into the snakeskin bag and hung it on the scale hook. Zhang Feng lifted the scale beam and quickly weighed the big black fish;

"Look how many catties it weighs..."

"Let me take a look, let me take a look..." Seeing the big black fish, everyone was excited to take a look, to see how heavy the big black fish is, and to brag about it afterwards;
"Hey! 68 catties, there are 68 catties!" The sharp-eyed one saw the number on the scale, and immediately exclaimed, a little unbelievable;

Immediately, the people around were in an uproar, some were envious and some were jealous, but most of them just watched the excitement, and then immediately went down to the river to fish, hoping that they could be lucky enough to catch such a big black fish;

"Young man, I'll give you 16 yuan a catty, what do you think?"

"Don't listen to him, this is a big wild black fish, 16 yuan can't do it, I'll pay 18 yuan..."

"20 yuan... I'll pay 20 yuan..." Suddenly, there was an endless stream of quotations


However, such big snakeheaded fish are very rare, they can be met but not sought after, so the fishmongers also ignored the usual rules and raised the prices of each other,

After some fierce bidding, a boss who came here from the city to catch fish finally won the first prize. He offered the highest price of 25 yuan and successfully got this big black fish;

Although these fishmongers are very unwilling, they have no choice but to give up. The price is already very high, and it is difficult to make money when they buy it back;

"Brother, please click, the total is 700 yuan, do you think it is right?" The fat boss in the city handed the money to Zhang Feng with a smile on his face;

"That's right, it's exactly one thousand seventeen, and the fish will be handed over to you." Zhang Feng nodded, and there were a total of seventeen red Grandpa Mao, and he was also very happy;

"Brother, you can contact me if you have such a good fish in the future. I am not a second-hand dealer. I have a restaurant. The price will definitely satisfy you." The fat man finally took out a business card and handed it to Zhang Feng;

"Brother, I'm very sorry that I don't have a business card. I'll definitely contact you if I have any good fish." Zhang Feng had a good impression of the fat man, so he readily agreed;
I wrote down Zhang Feng's phone number, and the fat man happily left with the big black fish. Then Zhang Feng carefully looked at the business card in his hand. It turned out that the fat man's name was Niu Zhong, and he really lived up to his name. The tonnage was estimated to be two to three hundred catty;
"Brother, hurry up and start working, I want to catch a big black fish too..." Encouraged by the elder brother, the two sisters picked up the net bags they had prepared and rushed towards the river quickly, as if they saw pocket money all over the place rushing towards the river. they beckon;
"Hehe" Seeing the eagerness of the two, Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head. The two younger sisters grew up by the river since they were young, so they are both good at water. Zhang Feng is not worried about their safety. Pocket money is also good;
(End of this chapter)

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