small farmer

Chapter 6

Chapter 6
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Happy time always flies by,

Although fishing is not easy, it is also full of fun.

In the entire Moon Lake Village, almost men, women and children participated in the battle, ranging from seniors in their 80s and [-]s to children in their [-]s and [-]s, each of them was holding a net bag or directly holding a water basin to catch fish in the water;

"Oh! Be careful, little duck..."

At this moment, the little duck of Uncle Er Niu's family found a fish,

The little guy was about to take action, but suddenly slipped and fell into the water with a splash, and the whole person became drowned;

"Oh! My fish ran away..." Although the little guy was only five years old, he didn't cry at all because he fell down. He got up immediately and found that his fish was gone. He wrinkled his face immediately, feeling very frustrated and wronged;

"Hahahaha..." Seeing the cute and angry expression of the duckling made everyone laugh;
"Little duck quack quack...

I want to catch fish, but I fell...

Get up, the fish ran away......


A few mischievous and mischievous children saw that the duckling became a drowned chicken, no!It should be a drowned duck!Immediately gloating and laughing hahaha;
When the duckling heard this, he was so angry that he took the water and threw it at the 'enemy'... he didn't care whether it hurt the innocent, and the monkeys immediately started a water-splashing battle.

Zhang Feng also found it very interesting to see the furry children in the village playing and playing in the river. Seeing them was like seeing himself as a child, carefree and very happy;

As time goes by

More and more people know that the reservoir is releasing water, and people come here from all directions.
Therefore, there are more and more people in the Tapang River, and the atmosphere is getting more and more lively;
"call out!!"

Zhang Feng had a quick eye and a quick hand, and the moment he found the fish, he shot without hesitation, picked up the net bag and quickly went to the silver carp net;
"Ah, brother, you are too powerful..."

Seeing that Zhang Feng caught another fish, Zhang Lin couldn't help but marvel,

Because in just half an hour, they saw that the eldest brother caught more than ten fish. At the beginning, there were occasionally one or two fish that slipped through the net, but they became more proficient as they went on. bingo;

"Yeah, brother, did you take a stimulant today? How can you be sure?" The younger sister was also very shocked;

Because Zhang Feng was not so good before, even the most powerful fish catcher in the vicinity is far from Zhang Feng's performance,
Today, Zhang Feng was like a god, and he caught fifteen or six fish in just over an hour. Except for the big black fish that was sold, the remaining fish on the shore were estimated to be [-] to [-] catties. It is estimated that there are thousands of dollars in income;
Zhang Feng's ferocious performance has also attracted the attention of many people and aroused everyone's curiosity. Whenever Zhang Feng makes a move, there are always many people watching around him, and they may all want to learn Zhang Feng's magical ability ;
It was just over an hour. According to everyone's estimates, Zhang Feng's income has already reached more than 2000 or nearly 3000 yuan. If he catches another hour or two, he will earn five to six thousand yuan today. This kind of income can catch up Everyone’s income from planting crops for a year;
But Zhang Feng does not have any special skills, but he has acquired basic hunting skills, and the transformation of genetic fluid has made his physical fitness unprecedentedly abnormal. can't learn

"Ah! Brother, look, I caught a fish too... I also caught a fish..." Soon, the younger sister Zhang Yue finally got her first catch, and she immediately caught it and happily shared her success with Zhang Feng. Unfortunately, due to his negligence, the big carp jumped out of the net bag with a sudden jump;

"Hey, quickly bring the net bag here." Fortunately, Zhang Feng had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he held down the big fish that was escaping, otherwise the cooked duck would fly away, and the little girl would cry to death;

"Oh, why is this fish so hateful, it dares to run away for me, let's see how this girl will deal with you." The little girl took the fish and pinched it tightly, showing her cute little canine teeth and said viciously;
Soon, Zhang Feng saw that his second younger sister, Zhang Lin, had also gained something. It was a carp weighing two or three catties. Zhang Lin finally showed a smile on her face. She happily put the carp into the little sister's net pocket, and seriously search the river for fish that slip through the net;

As time passed by, fewer and fewer fish rushed out of the reservoir, and the fish in the reservoir were not stupid. They felt the huge suction force generated by the water discharge, and they would run away far away.

Only those who cannot escape will be washed out of the reservoir, so the further you go, the fewer fish are washed out of the reservoir, but there are more and more people.
Whenever a fish is found, it will always cause everyone to loot, but this is also the time when the atmosphere is the strongest, and everyone no longer thinks about making money, but regards catching fish as a kind of fun;
As all the fish were caught by everyone, the adults and old people gradually left the field, and those who remained in the river were playful juniors, or tourists from the city, who were still playing and playing in the Tapang River. abnormally lively;


On the way home, the whole family was full of smiles. In just half a day, Zhang Feng caught more than 200 catties of fish, not counting the biggest black fish king. He earned 3000 yuan in half a day. Unprecedented, making everyone extremely envious;

But everyone gained a lot. Zhang Yi also caught seventy or eighty catties, and finally sold it for more than 500 yuan. The two younger sisters also made more than 100 yuan in partnership.

Immediately, both of them had smiles on their faces.

Even the five-year-old duckling caught two grass carp and sold them for more than 30 yuan. Almost everyone in Moon Lake Village got something;

Zhang Feng finally left one big silver carp and took it home, and sold the others to fishmongers.

Tonight's dinner can be said to be very rich,

Not only Zhang Feng's family is like this, but the whole Moon Lake Village is filled with the smell of fish;

The fish head and tail of big silver carp are made into pickled cabbage fish head and tofu soup, and then some ginger and shallots are added. The soup is fragrant and delicious, and it is full of appetite;
The fish body is made into spicy braised fish, and a lot of ingredients are added in it, such as chili pepper, ginger, garlic, coriander... These ingredients are all grown in our own backyard. After being watered with Rihua auxin, they grow It becomes more vigorous and tastes better;
Even Zhang Feng himself didn't expect that the auxin that was poured in the morning will take effect in the afternoon. Because the auxin has no toxic side effects, it can be eaten with confidence.

Tonight’s vegetarian dishes include cold cucumber, cowpea and pumpkin soup, and there is also a vegetarian vegetable, plus a bowl of red dipping water, which seems to make people swallow;
"Ah, it's so delicious, our family hasn't eaten meat for a long time..." the little girl Zhang Yueqiong sniffed her nose, enjoying the smell of fish meat, and sighed;
Life at home is getting better and better.Zhang Feng secretly thought in his heart;
Since the death of his father, the life of the family has been Wang Xiaoer's new year, and the year is not as good as the year;
The mother took care of four children by herself, and life must have been very difficult, so within a few days after the father was buried, the eldest sister went to work in Zhejiang Province. At this time, only Zhang Feng and two younger sisters were left in the family.

Zhang Feng is already 25 years old. After three years of graduation, he still has nothing to do. He stays at home like a wimp and dare not go out at all.

The remaining two younger sisters are still in school. The younger sister, Zhang Yue, is 16 years old and will be promoted to the first grade soon. The second younger sister, Zhang Lin, will take the college entrance examination in just over a month. In the key class, the sisters are the pride of the mother and the Zhang family. The whole family hopes that they can enter the university;

"Everyone eat..."

Following the order of her mother, the little greedy cat Zhang Yue finally started her gluttonous journey, eating tender and tender fish for a while, and crispy braised fish pieces for a while, and her mouth was full of oil;
Zhang Lin ate much more elegantly than Xiaoyue. She picked up the fishbone slowly, not in a hurry.
The personalities of the two are exactly the opposite. The one who is lively and cheerful chatters non-stop all day long. In the future, he should be a female man.
A gentle and introverted, serious in doing things, not as extroverted as the younger sister, and has always been unnoticed;


"Yeah! Mom, you can eat too. Today's fish is really delicious..."

"Also, this pumpkin and cowpea seem to be tastier than usual, how strange?" the little girl puffed her cheeks and said to everyone;

"That's right, today's vegetarian dish is indeed more delicious than yesterday, I thought I was the only one who thought so." Zhang Lin also nodded in agreement;
Mother tasted it and was very surprised, "Huh? Today's cowpea pumpkin is much sweeter...";
But everyone didn't know what was going on, and they didn't figure out the reason in the end, but as long as there was no harm, everyone didn't want to go into it;
Only Zhang Feng knew that it was the effect of the Rihua Auxin, and Zhang Feng, who was guilty, didn't explain it, and the explanation probably didn't make sense, so he just buried himself in his meal and didn't talk to him;
(End of this chapter)

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