small farmer

Chapter 7

Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Renovation of the Small Yard

Is there really no one watching it, please give me some recommendations and favorites, give me some confidence! !
With the rapid development of the country's economy in recent years,
Everyone is no longer satisfied with basic food and clothing. With spare money, everyone wants to go around and see. More and more people go out to travel, so the prospect of engaging in farmhouse entertainment is very good.

Moon Lake Village not only has rich tourism resources, but also has convenient transportation. The smooth asphalt road passes outside the village, and the village is only four or five kilometers away from the county seat, so many people come to the village for leisure and entertainment every weekend;

So Zhang Feng plans to open a farmhouse, because the farmhouse in the village has not yet formed a scale, so it is not very convenient for people who come to play to eat and live.
In addition, the farmhouses in the village are all done by the villagers themselves, without guidance, and the environmental sanitation is not very good, so the tourism industry in the village has great potential;

Moon Lake has beautiful scenery, and the lake and mountains are beautiful. Tourists can fish in the lake, go boating, swim, and enjoy sunbathing on the river beach. They can lie comfortably on a deck chair with a cup of milk tea beside them, enjoying the tranquility and beauty of the mountain village. beauty;

So there are a lot of tourists who come to travel every weekend. Although it is not a lot of tourists, there are still a lot of them. Therefore, the prospect of opening a farmhouse should be good. If you add the vegetables modified by Rihua auxin and Zhang Feng's magical kitchen Yi, the farmhouse music will definitely become popular by then.


dawn the next day
Zhang Feng got up, and after washing up, he began to do eight sets of gymnastics of Universe No.30,

The universe No.30 eight sets of fitness super is a national fitness martial arts created by the central universe empire, which took hundreds of millions of years. It is divided into nine layers, and each layer has three movements. Now Zhang Feng has just started practicing the first layer. an action.

The universe building gymnastics really lived up to its reputation. Zhang Feng finished the practice with anticipation. Although he was tired and sweating profusely, his body felt stronger and his spirit became more energetic.

"Ding dong! The side mission is open - transforming the small farmyard. As a promising new farmer in the era, shouldn't he have a beautiful small farmyard? Completion rewards 200 points and a chance to draw a lottery."

As soon as Zhang Feng finished building gymnastics, the system released a new task. Zhang Feng was immediately overjoyed. Zhang Feng was extremely happy to complete the task, and the rewards for this task were very generous.

Seeing the weeds all over the yard and the messy pile of stones after the courtyard wall collapsed, Zhang Feng's eyes were full of light. In Zhang Feng's eyes, these are full of points!

The small courtyards in the countryside are very casual and not very particular. They are made like gardens. The yards are all messy and have no sense of beauty and art at all;

Zhang Feng is planning to simply renovate the front yard, rebuild the collapsed stone wall, trim the wildly growing morning glories, and let the morning glory wrap around the courtyard wall to form a beautiful ocean of flowers;

"Brother Crazy, Brother Crazy, look, this is something I just caught..." Zhang Feng was repairing the courtyard wall, when he suddenly saw the little duck walking towards him mysteriously holding a plastic bottle in his hand;
"What?" Zhang Feng poked his head curiously and asked;
"Hey, look, this is the crab I moved." The little guy put the bottle in front of him with a proud face, shaking the crab inside;
Looking at the crab with teeth and claws inside, Zhang Feng knew that it was a common river crab on the river beach. This river crab also has a tall scientific name, called Chinese mitten crab;
River crab is also a common freshwater product, which is delicious, nutritious and of high economic value.But in the countryside, everyone is not very rare, because this thing has a thick shell and little meat, so there is nothing to do;

River crabs generally live in caves or under rocks, so to find crabs, you need to move the rocks above, so everyone calls "catch crabs" or "move crabs";
"Isn't it the crabs on the river beach? What's so strange?" Seeing the mysterious behavior of the duckling, I thought it was something good, but after thinking about it, the five-year-old must be very happy to catch the crabs;

"Oh, don't you see that there are so many small crabs in there? I managed to catch them." The little guy became anxious immediately when he saw that his achievements were not taken seriously;

"Hey! There are really crab cubs." Zhang Feng took a closer look, and sure enough, there were several mung bean-sized crab cubs in the water bottle. The gray figures were like spiders, without the domineering crabs at all;
"How about giving me your crab? I'll trade you my cucumber." Seeing the baby crab caught by the little duck, Zhang Feng immediately had some thoughts.
Zhang Feng is going to put these crab seedlings in the ditch in the backyard to see if they can feed them. Anyway, it doesn't matter if they fail.

The little guy just thinks it’s fun to catch crabs, and when he dies, he will throw them away, so when he heard that Zhang Feng wanted to exchange cucumbers for his own crabs, the little duck happily agreed;
"Well, madman brother, your cucumbers are delicious and sweet..." The little guy chewed on the cucumbers, and couldn't help admiring, as if he had never eaten such delicious cucumbers;

"That's right, my cucumber is a high-grade variety, and it must be more delicious than ordinary ones." Zhang Feng said nonsense while tidying up and repairing the courtyard wall. The cucumbers that had been watered with auxin yesterday grew green and beautiful, like a piece of cucumber. A piece of green emerald, the taste is extremely fragrant, the little guy has a big appetite, and his mouth is full.

"Hey! Don't touch it. This is a flower that breaks the bowl. If you touch it and break the bowl at home, your father will beat you to death." Zhang Feng joked immediately when he saw the little duck about to reach out to pick the morning glory;
"Then don't you touch it too? Why can't I touch it." Although the duckling is young, it is not so easy to be fooled, but the outstretched hand stopped, not daring to continue to touch the broken bowl flower;
"Break the flower bowl, only children will break the bowl if they touch it, you know? So of course I'll be fine if I touch it."

"Then why is it easy for children to break the bowl when they touch it?" the little guy broke the casserole and asked the end;
"Hey, don't you know if you go home and ask your father?"


Chatting with the little duck, and soon, the collapsed courtyard wall was built again, and Zhang Feng sorted out the messy morning glory, cut off the excess branches and leaves, and fixed them with rope on the courtyard wall;

Morning glory is also called breaking the bowl flower in the village. It is one of the common wild flowers in the countryside. In fact, morning glory and breaking the bowl flower are not the same flower at all, but two different flowers. Similar, so people will confuse them;
In fact, they all belong to Convolvulaceae plants, and they can also be called morning glory, but morning glory belongs to the genus Morning Glory, and Breaking Bowl belongs to Breaking Bowl, so they are different genus plants of the same family;
In one morning, Zhang Feng cleaned up the entire yard. Looking at the newly repaired courtyard walls and neatly arranged flowers and plants, he was immediately refreshed, and the entire front yard was filled with a comfortable atmosphere;

"Well, it's not bad. Why didn't I find out that the yard at home is so gardening?" Zhang Feng said narcissistically;

Observing my own compound of more than 100 square meters, near the gate is a huge pine and cypress tree, which is said to be seven or eighty years old.

The cypress tree is evergreen all year round. In summer, it is like a huge parasol, which can almost cover half of the yard. Under the cool shade of the tree are two stone tables. When my grandfather was still there, he often moved a deck chair to sit under the shade of the tree. drink tea;

On the left side of the courtyard is the courtyard wall that was just repaired. The courtyard wall is covered with morning glories, and colorful morning glory grows along the vines;

The pink flowers are delicate and beautiful, just like the clothes of a flower fairy hanging on the wall. The white morning glory is like Snow White's princess dress, pure and beautiful. As for the bewitching sky blue flowers, they are like blue demon Ji, coquettish and evil, full of infinite charm;

Only after careful contact with morning glory can you discover its beauty and nature. Although it is just a wild flower that no one takes care of, it is still alive and beautiful, full of simplicity and nature.

On the wall on the right side of the yard is the house of gourd dolls. There are countless dolls on a vine. Yes, a green gourd vine is planted along the corner on the right side of the yard. At this time, a green gourd vine is blooming. A small pale white flower, fresh and elegant, not luxurious at all.

Gourds are generally used as water ladles in rural areas. Zhang Feng’s family uses gourd water ladles. If in summer, after thirsty, take a gourd ladle to scoop up a ladle of water, gurgling, how cool and refreshing;
Some people also hollow out the gourd at home and make it into a kettle. It is convenient to carry water when going up the mountain, and it becomes a wine jug when it is filled with wine. Everyone is very familiar with this, but what you may not know is that some people use it. As Feng Shui instruments, some are also used as decorative items or works of art, and in some places, gourds are also made into a big industry;
(End of this chapter)

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