small farmer

Chapter 8 Catching Rice Field Eels

Chapter 8 Catching Rice Field Eels (recommended for collection)
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"Hey! Brother got up so early today?"

The little girl pushed open the door and came out. Just as she was about to fetch water to wash up, she was surprised to see her elder brother standing in the yard, because according to past experience, Zhang Feng should still be lying on the bed.

"What's the point? As the saying goes, don't look at people with admiration for three days!" Zhang Feng chuckled, thinking that he was no longer what he used to be.

"Ah! Did you repair this courtyard wall?" Suddenly, the little girl saw the same courtyard wall with beautiful morning glories blooming on it, as beautiful as a colorful scroll, and asked in disbelief.

"Nonsense, who else do you think there is besides me?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes, feeling that the little girl is too blind.

"Hee hee, when did you become so diligent, big brother?" Zhang Yue knew that the wall of her house had been down for more than a year, and her mother had been nagging about it for more than a year, but no one repaired it. She didn't expect the sun to hit the west today After coming out, the laziest elder brother in the family got up early to repair the yard, which is really strange!

Could it be that my eldest brother took the wrong medicine today!Zhang Yue shook her head, still feeling incredible.

"What does it mean to be so diligent? I wasn't lazy before, it's just that being diligent is not so obvious." Zhang Feng said stinky.

"Woo..." The little girl hissed for a while, shook her head and began to wash.

After repairing the courtyard wall and eradicating the weeds in the courtyard, Zhang Feng was very satisfied with his results. The first stage of the courtyard renovation has been completed.
As for planting flowers and plants, it is not a matter of a day or two. It is estimated that it will take a lot of effort to find wild flowers on the mountain, so Zhang Feng clapped his hands and finished the renovation work of the yard.

The two younger sisters finally returned home on the weekend, and Zhang Feng was going to show them off and give them nutrition, because the younger sister is about to take the entrance exam, and the second younger sister, Zhang Lin, is going to take the college entrance examination next month. Zhang Feng As someone who has been there, I know that the learning tasks of my sisters are very heavy;
Before Zhang Feng broke pots and smashed things, he couldn't manage himself well, but since he got the system, Zhang Feng is full of hope for the future and hope for life again, so Zhang Feng also hopes that his family will live a healthy and happy life!
Later, Zhang Feng came to the ditch in the backyard with a bucket and a net bag.

Zhang Feng remembered that there seemed to be a lot of eels in the ditch in the backyard, but they were too wild to catch, so Zhang Feng rarely came to catch them.

But now Zhang Feng holds a sharp weapon for catching rice field eels, which is the diluted Rihua auxin, which has an unparalleled attraction to animals, so it is more useful than any bait.

Zhang Feng opened the bottle cap, poured the diluted Rihua auxin solution into the middle of the ditch, held the net bag in his right hand, and waited for an opportunity.

wow wow wow wow wow...

as expected
Immediately there was movement in the ditch
The animals set off circles of ripples in the ditch,

The rice field eels hiding in the duxue at the bottom of the ditch smelled the auxin, and rushed out of their lair quickly. The rice field eels shot towards the target like sharp arrows.

The entire ditch became lively, usually timid eels gathered on the surface of the water as if they had been injected with chicken blood, tumbling and jumping excitedly, absorbing the auxin.

However, they don't know that the danger is coming, and all of these are human traps.The old driver, Zhang Feng, would never miss such a good opportunity, and immediately attacked decisively, and quickly copied the net in his hand into the water, and seven or eight fat eels became Zhang Feng's trophies.

"Ah! There are so many eels?" The little girl came behind Zhang Feng at some point, and saw the eels in the ditch, densely packed like a plague of pythons. Zhang Yue was instantly stunned and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Hush! Keep your voice down, scare the eel away later." Zhang Feng deliberately teased the naughty little girl, and Zhang Feng was often teased by this eccentric little girl on weekdays.

Hearing this, Zhang Yue hurriedly covered her mouth with her hand, bent her waist and walked cautiously, her little head couldn't help but stretched forward, her tiny eyes stared at the eels in the ditch without blinking, It's hard to rush up and catch them all right away.

Looking at the little girl's appearance, Zhang Feng smiled, but the movements in his hands were not slow at all. He continued to quickly catch the eels in the water. His own auxin was not much, so Zhang Feng seized the time and quickly caught the eels in the water. .

Soon, in just two to three minutes, Zhang Feng filled the bucket, and there were at least one or twenty kilograms of rice field eels in it. There were still many ditches, but Zhang Feng stopped. Don't dare, this place has been reserved by Zhang Feng as his own small treasury, and he will earn a little every day in the future, so as to achieve sustainable development.

"Ah! Bro, hurry up! Quickly! Why don't you fish?" The little girl looked at the dense eels in the ditch, and asked Zhang Feng anxiously.

"Look, the buckets are full, let's fish them next time, anyway, they won't run away, so let's raise them here first." Zhang Feng explained with a slight smile.

"Okay then!" Zhang Yue nodded slowly after hearing her brother's explanation, thinking that what her brother said was right, if she fished it out and didn't deal with it quickly, it wouldn't last long.

"Brother, what are you going to do with so many? How about selling them?" The little girl suddenly suggested.

"Huh! Not bad, not bad, I just leave this glorious task to you." Zhang Feng was only busy catching it just now, but he didn't expect to get such a big bucket. A few were stir-fried at noon, and the rest were thrown back into the ditch, but after what the little girl said, Zhang Feng felt that it would be good to sell them for some money, and his family was not rich.

"Hee hee, no problem, leave it to me." Children from poor families are already in charge of the house, and Zhang Yue is already familiar with small things like selling things.

And now it is the weekend, there are many tourists who come to Moon Lake, so as long as you put the rice field eel at your door, interested tourists will naturally come to buy it.

"Where did you get so many rice field eels?" The mother was very surprised to see Zhang Feng and the younger sister carrying a large bucket of alive rice field eels, and the second sister Zhang Lin also looked at the two in surprise.

"Of course it's in the ditch in the backyard, you don't know..." Then the little girl told the two of them emphatically, with a smile on her face, as if she had caught all these eels.


"Selling eels! Selling eels!"

"The big wild eel I just caught!!! Hurry up to buy it." The little girl sat on the small stool at the door, holding a scale in one hand, and yelled at the tourists by the lake.

Hearing Zhang Yue's yelling, many tourists were immediately attracted. Even those who didn't want to buy, they came to take a look and join in the fun, because wild eels are becoming less and less, and they are not common now.

"Wow! This eel is so big, it probably has five or six taels!" Tourist A exclaimed when he saw one of them.

"Why are there so many wild eels?" Tourist B was a little skeptical. Because of the use of pesticides, the wild eels in the countryside were almost extinct. Anyone who saw wild eels weighing twenty kilograms would feel guilty.

"Little girl, is your eel really wild?" At this moment, a middle-aged tourist asked directly.

"Of course, I just caught them from the ditch. Look at these wild eels, what are they not wild? You can ask, our family does not raise rice eels." The little girl dealt with the tourists skillfully. .

"Let me see, let me see!!" At this time, an old man in exercise clothes came over, grabbed a rice field eel, and observed it carefully.

"That's right, this eel must be wild. You can see that it is slender, not as fat as the one in the farm, and it struggles vigorously. Look at the color of its body, which is yellow and black. It is the same as the one I caught when I was young." The old man said as if When I met Bao Ping, he couldn't wait to say: "Little girl, how do you sell this rice field eel?"

"50 yuan a catty, what do you think?" Zhang Yue tentatively asked, but she was worried that she would scare away the old man in front of her.

"The price is not expensive. Give me two catties, no! No! No! Give me five catties, and I will buy some more to take home." The old man was very happy. Buy some to go back.

"Weigh me two catties too..."

"I want three catties..."

"Oh!! The high hands in front of you!! What should we do if you all bought it..."

50 yuan a catty for wild eel is really not expensive, and it immediately caused a lot of looting. In the end, many tourists did not buy it, which is a pity.

"Brother, look at it, it's sold for so much money." The little girl ran towards Zhang Feng excitedly, holding a lot of money.

"Hehe, my little girl is still amazing, and they sold out so quickly." As he said that, Zhang Feng borrowed money and counted it, and there were more than 1000 and [-] yuan.

In the end, Zhang Feng gave each of the two younger sisters 100 yuan for petty expenses, and the rest was handed over to his mother. Seeing how happy the two younger sisters and mother were, Zhang Feng also smiled inwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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