small farmer

Chapter 9 Overhauling Roof Tiles

Chapter 9 Overhauling Roof Tiles

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get a windfall

The whole family was very happy, especially the mother Wang Guilan was very pleased, she was so happy that she almost cried.
Because the son has finally changed, he no longer stays in his room all day surfing the Internet, and no longer sleeps until the sun is shining, and he has become diligent. Zhang Feng does not know that his mother has noticed his changes in the past two days. ,In mind.

Then the family happily started preparing lunch

"Zhang Lin, Zhang Yue, go to the backyard and pick some hot peppers, ginger... and wash them. I'll make you a stir-fried rice eel later." Zhang Feng ordered the two younger sisters while cleaning the rice eels.

Because stir-fried eels need a lot of ingredients, chili, ginger, onion and garlic can remove the earthy smell in the eels. If you add some cooking wine, the fried eels will be more delicious. Just think about Zhang Feng. Swallow.

"Woooo! We'll have eels to eat later!!" The little girl cheered loudly and happily. Zhang Lin looked at her and shook her head with a smile. There was nothing she could do about the crazy little girl.

"Yeah!! Delicious! It's so delicious!" At the dinner table, the little girl couldn't wait for everyone to sit down, and began to eat.

"Mom, you have a piece too. This eel is spicy and delicious. My brother's craftsmanship is so good."

"By the way, brother, I'll give you the biggest piece. You've made a great contribution today." Zhang Yue ate food while adding vegetables to Zhang Feng's bowl.

"Hehe, you little girl..." Mother Wang Guilan looked at her little daughter dotingly and said with a smile.

Although the food is not very rich, the family is very satisfied. Under the little sister's gags, everyone feels that this kind of life is also a kind of happiness, although it is plain but happy.

After eating, the younger sisters packed up their things, took the chili peppers made by their mothers, took the bus to the county seat, and left. There was no parting, and there was no mother's thin back when parting, because it had become a thing for them. Habits, rural children are not so sentimental, because each other is running around for their own lives.

Send away two sisters

The house suddenly became quiet
It seems that she is still a little unaccustomed to leaving the little girl who is twittering.

Zhang Feng lay leisurely in the yard, with a table, a chair and a pot of tea. Suddenly Zhang Feng felt that such a day was also very good, picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and seeing Nanshan leisurely.

Work at sunrise and rest at sunset, and do farm work during the busy farming season. In your spare time, you can not only lie comfortably on a deck chair, sip rural bitter tea, and enjoy yourself leisurely. You can also enjoy the green mountains and green waters of Moon Lake and breathe in the nature. The fresh air and the starry sky at night are vast and beautiful.

"Ding dong! The system's side mission is open - repairing the roof tiles. As a promising new farmer of the era, the host should have a house with black bricks and black tiles that does not leak. If you complete the mission within three days, you will be rewarded with a chance to draw a lottery .”

Hearing the sound of the system, Zhang Feng's leisurely expression immediately froze, "Go to your uncle's system, I finally took a break, and you issued a task for me again, are you going to kill me?"

"This is the second task for today, your sister!" Zhang Feng muttered resentfully, and began to check the new tasks released by the system.

Zhang Feng got up reluctantly, looked at the roof already covered with weeds, with a helpless expression on his face, he had never repaired the roof.

Fortunately, although Zhang Feng has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs running.

At this time, Zhang Feng thought of an interesting joke.
One day, Tang Seng finished his fast, and suddenly said to Bajie: Bajie, you run away as a teacher.

Bajie patted his belly and thought, Master wants me to lose weight. At first, he was a little reluctant, but when he thought that Master also kindly asked him to exercise more, he started to run at a leisurely pace.

At this time, the curious Wukong asked the master: "Why did the master let Bajie start running today?"

Tang Seng sighed and said: Alas!I am ashamed to say that I grew up in a monastery as a teacher, not only have I never eaten pork, I have never even seen a pig run.

Hearing the master's words, Bajie fainted in an instant. Brother Sha, who was always slow to respond, ran over to help the second brother before reacting. He couldn't help laughing. Bajie vomited blood and fainted again. Such a pitiful master, I really can't afford to hurt him!
As for the maintenance of the roof, Zhang Feng is also the first time for a young girl to sit in a bridal sedan chair. Before his father passed away, this was done by his father. However, Zhang Feng has seen it many times. Although he has not practiced it, it is not for nothing. Know.

Zhang Feng took out the long ladder, put it under the eaves, and slowly climbed up to the roof. In this way, he must be careful when working at heights. Every time he steps down, he must step on the beams, and he must step firmly. would be very dangerous.

Standing carefully on the eaves, Zhang Feng first pulled out the weeds on the tiles, then cleaned off the soil on them, and then covered the tiles again.

In addition, we should pay attention to the inspection of tiles, not only to pay attention to the gap between tiles, but also to maintain a certain angle of inclination, and to treat intact tiles as lying tiles, and not so much to cover the tiles on top. , It doesn't matter if there are some broken ones, as long as they are dealt with properly, the house will not leak.

"Xiaofeng, pay attention to safety!" The mother stood in the yard, raised her head and reminded worriedly.

"Mom, it's okay, I'll be careful." Zhang Feng smiled and waved to his mother, telling her not to worry, Zhang Feng was also very concerned about his own safety.

At the beginning, Zhang Feng's movements were a bit rusty, but with the increase of experience, a series of movements became smoother and smoother, and the speed of maintenance became faster and faster.

"Hey! Is Xiaofeng overhauling the roof?" At this moment, Uncle Er Niu walked past the door and asked.

"Yeah, where is Uncle Er Niu going?" Uncle Er Niu is not very old, only three or four years older than Zhang Feng, but his children can make soy sauce. I don't know which mother-in-law's house Zhang Feng's wife is still in. Keeping it.

"Happy fart! My brat hasn't come home for lunch yet, so he's looking for it." Uncle Erniu is very troubled by his mischievous son, who either goes up a tree to catch birds or goes down the river to catch birds every day. Yu, who is only five years old, is already a headache for his parents.

"Little duck! I saw you in the morning. I guess you're catching crabs on the river beach now. Go over and have a look." Zhang Feng exchanged some crab seedlings from the little duck in the morning. I didn't expect the little guy to be so playful. Too much to go home for dinner.

"Really? Then I'll go and have a look." Then Uncle Er Niu hurried away, muttering, "This monkey, this time he has to open his ass."

Zhang Feng continued his work with a smile. There are many monkeys like this in the countryside, scattered all over the mountains and plains. It would be strange if any child stayed at home obediently, reading books and doing homework.

After a while, I heard the earth-shattering cries of the little duck from a long distance away. Zhang Feng turned his head and saw the little duck crying loudly while covering his ass and running in front of him. Obviously, he was taught a lesson by his father. .

"You brat! Don't go home for dinner, and next time you see I won't beat you to death..." Erniu uncle loudly taught from behind.

Nature is hard to change. Zhang Feng shook his head, knowing that almost all children in rural areas grow up under sticks.

Just smiled, Zhang Feng continued his work, because after the transformation of the genetic fluid, Zhang Feng's strength, speed and neural response have been greatly improved, so when he started working, his movements became faster and smoother , even compared to dedicated masons.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the task of overhauling the roof tiles. I will be rewarded with a chance to draw a lottery. Is the host using it now?"

Two hours later, Zhang Feng stretched his waist, and finally finished repairing the roof. Looking at the brand new roof tiles, Zhang Feng was full of pride and achievement.

Hearing the prompt from the system, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, "There will be no lottery draw for now, save it for me first."

Walking down the yard, looking at the well-organized small farmyard with blue bricks and black tiles, although simple, it also has a special flavor. If some wild flowers are planted, it will be even more beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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